Netheril’s Glory

Chapter 1005 Triple Conference


When punch arrived at the coordinate position released by the President, I don't know how long I have bored the original site of Kane, who is bored to play on the white energy ground, playing the knife game, seeing from the delivery door After the caster, the mall of the mall, the "welcome way" is also as an exaggeration and wonderful.

I saw that he quickly stood up while using the exquisite fighting gas to release a golden glutinous glasses and said loudly:

"Wow, wow, see who is coming? Is this not our super big name punk - Sai An? What kind of wind blows this decent gentleman to here? Can't ask so much, come and enjoy Let's take a long stem of gorgeous perfect titles - "The Snakers Alliance's most potential new star"? "No human cold blood killer"? "The madness of the bold Bao Tianmai" .......... This uncle feels that his title is OK. Add more than one! What do you think "What is the trouble of your trouble?"

The so-called "cold minery is not strong than yourself" is the evil camp guy who is proud of the low-level fun, even if he can't change the morning star realm. "It is better than others. Broken, big ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

Under this harsible child and the unscrupulous thoughts, he saw that the morning, the morning, the caricature, the first time, the first time, is completely "daily" behavior, if a golden light is glitter The words will be closed for a while, will make people feel unexpected.

After all, the two Morning star strong from the apprentice is in a half-hostile state, and the professional grade of punk forty-second level and the professional level of the Cairns 4th level is tight, and the heart is not killed. " The gun can only try to find a game in verbal.

However, in the face of the irony of the Morning Star Knight, I don't like the mouth of the mouth, of course, there will be no idle workfurt and the other party than a few tongues. He is just indifferent to watch Cairn, which is almost consistent with him, then quickly counterattack:

"Oh, it is a behavior that jumping into the jumping is a behavior. After all, only if there is incompetent talent, because of his own incompetence, Kane - Saddas, I thought tally, how many years have passed? So there is a little bit to grow up. "

Or the cold ice seems to narrow the truth, the common calm and mouth, or the indifferent eyes that do not have emotional color, the punk, the ridicule of the blood is more effective than Kane's , because the mall of the mall is just just a ridicule, and the mortar ridicule ... from a sense, it is a fact.

In this world, only the truth is that it is the most unfair to refute, whether it is the parties or ridicule.

"Sa'an ... you damn .........."

The blonde of the gas begins to flow, and the mad knight who is directly stunned now can't say it.

He really wants to deny the short evaluation of the "old acquaintance" before his eyes, but it is perceived that punch does not sound, reaching the 42-level occupation level .........

"Instantly kill guns" He is really retreat!

From the small village in the nearly 170,000 years ago, "the enemy of a lifetime" is not far matched, and the unlucky knight has never been more than now. " More than one or two levels, it is better than you have a one-class voice. Now it is fast in the ear of the Morning Star Knight. It is no wonder that he can't keep it calm.

And this time, Keyne has no way to use chattering to come to the venue, because there is no in the past, the short-lived mouthpiece ends with the emergency declaration of a grayed projection.

Since the participants of the two meetings arrived in this white space, they didn't like dragging "President" naturally, and the mall of the mall of the mall naturally could only be old and old.

"Welcome," Mr. "Instantly Kill Gun", also welcome you, "Destroy the whisper", temporarily, this meeting only has three people to participate, in order to save time, let us step into the topic. " .

The calm fluctuation fluctuations have slowly released the gray rhythm of the gray fog on the round, and it seems that I don't know if Punk and Kane have just announced the beginning of the "Conference".

It can be imagined. Now the Yaoqi King should still stay in the 523th abyss, find "five-color dragon" Tiamat, who has no news in the 1123th, Tiamatt, who is overwhelming Even the Yue Yue professional will have a lot of out the dangerous place that cannot be survived. Even if there is a strong force, the power of the Yaoyi throne is far from being safe, so "the" president "can have Kung Fu Release a curtain that projected through the confusion can be said to be courageous and powerful, but in order to avoid the abyss lord of the group, it is necessary to discover the order-filled communication signal, and the time is still necessary!

So I just saw that I was still full of fire, and now I have instantly attributed to the serenity venue. "President" will open the door to see the mountain.

"For any legend, the abyss of the bottom is never thinking about it. If you want to go, the dangerous level is not allowed to have any travelers in the road. After all, even if I am Thousands of thousands of Hui Moon Devil's leaders will be very headache, so I must not deal with itself ............ And more unfortunately, because some confidential reasons are limited, Ms. Women cannot be implemented separately Any task, so I hope that Mr. Kane can help me solve problems, and I will follow the "Executivers" the "Executive" has already developed a good rule payment. "

Although a gray mist does not have a specific face expression or eyes, the punk, which is easy to stand, can also feel the "President" calm eyes.

And after I finished this paragraph, the mysterious Yaozi King was still very serious about "destroying the whispers".

"Of course, with the" Mr. "Mr." I'm a "Mr.", "Mr." Show the Little Language ", I didn't pay any magic resources here, so you still have to reject the right to reject the right, but I just Need to remind you that in this task battle, you have the right to put all the trophy for yours ......... I think the rich Morning Morning Magic Resources is very perfect for you to "Bottom". Help, do you think "?"?