Netheril’s Glory

Chapter 1013 Mirror

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"Okay, I will send the rescue information according to your requirements, and Belein did not ask anything, I think he will come back soon."

After do not consume how much the rescue signal is perfect, the body stands straight, but the eyes of the eyes are a little suppressed, and the has returned her magic CD card.

Looking out, although this legendary girl has got rid of Merz Ur's thoughts with the "Sorrow of the Soul", she is still difficult to maintain enough coldness, although she is in the face of many things. So far, "The Magic Mirror" is barely, but it can still be held in front of himself, but it is not difficult to find out from the Yingrun's gaze, the girl is actually very worried about the upcoming Morning Star Wars.

That is a quite complicated concern. Poor Diao is not only worried about Kane's security. She is still worried about her future and even her own "companions", because there is no common sense, it has already achieved legendary "" The magic magic mirror is also very clear about the battle between the legendary strong, and even the "thousand".

Maybe in the heart, she also felt that "the president" is the deep dissatisfaction of myself.

"After this time, do we really have the opportunity to have been together? I will not listen to the orders from Metus Ur, I don't want to be involved in the dispute of the multi-universe ......... After thousands of years ago, I saw a beautiful place in Hai Rihua Tree. After all of them, we watched Huahai in that place? In the "college" of the Master, The favorite contraband of girls is a bright bouquet. There is so much on that pioneering ............ "

The mad knight of the standing next to the woodland, the legendary girl's eyes are like a child who falls into the deep well and pray that the end of the dark channel, in order to see the face of the high head Kane smile , Heights are generally

Maybe she didn't realize that she was full of "praying", and her voice was humble in a falling autumn leaves.


At this time, the two sun hanging in the center of the sky is almost straight to the pen. Cairn is slightly smashed in the shadow. The only thing is only a bright and beautiful. A gold sparkling short hair in the wind ............ As well as a pair of eyes, you will become a golden eyes!

"Of course, my lovely kitten, wait until the end of all things, we must step into the flower sea and dance, let me guess what color of the color? Is it a lavender? Or golden? At that time, I took them all into a wreath to give you a can't be given? Don't worry too much, I know that the friend who is forced to betray, you must make your innermost pressure, but don't be afraid, this Sin We can carry and bear it together ............ "

Nothing girls with affectionate eyes, there is no "instant kill gun" that has been lingering around the body, there is no refutation to the words of Da Yay, he is just a soft, like a small animal. "The magic mirror", then use the more weird tone to

It is a "love" poem that uses slightly speaking color universal language from his mouth.

"The flowers of the powder fall from the wind, and the oligon of Ocarina is from the wind.

The sun is broadcasted, and the insects are lightly quiet.

Beautiful girl, beautiful girl, please dance in a colorful ocean.

Your graceful dance, if the cat is on the top of the leaves, your beautiful song will attract the colorful butterfly.

Under the lush fruit tree, next to the gorgeous bonfire,

Who is the song?

Who is laughing?

Who is the result of the once a sharp edge?

Every girl is the only elves in the world.

Every girl is an elegant princess in the heart of the prince.

They should be light and flying in the bouquet of green leaves, until .......... "


A little bit of red falling on a yellow-brown deciduous, the sound of the flesh and blood shredded the quiet atmosphere in the air.

At this moment, the mad knight who still keeps the wind is still looking at the girl's eyes, but in the golden embrace, the larvary of the big eyes of Da Ya, which has been surprised, has no longer saying that the moment Desperate questioning of the random.

"Yes, they should be light and flying in the green leaves and bouquets ............ until the dark will swallow the girl's last phantom ............ Goodbye, cute Diai - Agure I have brought the happy time of the uncle. "

It is not too slow to complete the last poem, the mad knob fights the palm of the mall, and it is also taking a sharp blade. It is not hesitant to take the slim body from the girl behind the girl. However, between the championship, the destructive power, the morning, the morning star, found that the soul of the sky was found in the blood of the "magic mirror".


The flower to be placed is like this in the golden fallen leaves.



Just like I lost a hidden package, I will keep the , don't close my eyes, throw it on the ground, "instantly kill the gun" almost next second, I wiped the binabele. There is a courteous false camouflage, this moment, there is no need to hide the true emotions of Kane, which is the evil chaotic, personality metamorphosis!

And at this time, I was still observing that I have just "the result" mall is simply like a unmantened scum.

"Haha, this uncle is finally wisdom, it is true, this little girl is not in addition to the performance of the bed, do you know? Sai An? She all arrived at the legendary level, I still even Slightly "" gameplay is not willing to accept, after a long time, it is really boring to be more boring, he is bored ............ "

The "Lovers" just died, and the morning star knight who took the bones on the bones of the fire flowers really didn't care about the death of the "magic mirror".

As "President" said, after a false request signal is sent, the value of Da Ya has been completely pressed, and the "human nature" is never kills " It is a good thing to be in the heart.

Until the last minute, the reason why the mall of the mall should appease the girl's emotions, and the means of sneak attack is used to prevent the opponent's resistance to expose the ambush ... and satisfy their own bad taste, such as from this time, Seeing the beautiful girl happy eyes instantly become a frightened and desperate staring at Keyne, which is very pleasing. Target No. 0188-Mobile Reading Network is always ready to come back