Netheril’s Glory

Chapter 1045 surprised

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"The lost lamb does not look back in the bright future. He has deeply sinking into the dark abyss ... If the white leaf family has the integrity, the kind of the ancestors know that only the remaining people left. The way to embrace the thorns, I don't know how sad it should be. "

The exchange between the legendary occupants still does not have anything to die, and the drama of the thirteen, the duture of punk is basically "pulling failed" for the Elf Wang Ting and Wan Shen Temple, which is because of this point. When Morning Star Priest, Icah will use this as if the tone of mercy and prayer is not hidden, although in his eyes ... punch did not see anything really regret or disappointed ......... ...

Yes, very weird places are here.

The Elf Wang Ting's recruitment failed, the wall of the Temple is open to the bubble, but as the gods of the gods, the "devout" of the life goddess in "every serial" will not be happy, Instead, the attitude of the caster is not a faint or even a silky.

Although the expression of Ekar's expression is still a gentle smile, although standing behind him, he has never been able to protect the eyes of punch, but cautious "Destroying the whisper" can determine that you will never read a mistake or understanding - this "devout" is really very happy to reject the decisive decision of the "good care camp"!

"This is really too quirky, it is no wonder that Ekah's old fox is so boring. It's hard and trouble. Is it intentional? Hey, although it is not too sharp to ensure that the degree of erosion of faith is not too sharp, even the most Strong gods also rarely chooses the truly fanatical believers to become their own Legend, but then, they have no reason to let the guys who are not a heart, they become the morning star. The pool is still very good. "

The eye-catching morning, the morning, the morning, the priest, and punk observed that Akal's appearance became more and more strange and meaningfully.

Yes, it is too strange, although this kind of "feel" said that it is unclear, but in "intuition" punk, I think this is very unhappy outside the gods that have the title of "the sincere". Even if he is Wen Wenya, even if he smiled and friendly, even if he said life goddess, the adjective will use "great" as a prerequisite counter - but punk is that this guy is not like a priest, his body It is like Kane's kind of guy who is good at installed models. It is not like a knight!

"For example, what is the conspiracy between the Elf Wang Ting and the life gods? What is the boring invitation? I still have to make the" President "letter of the" President "."

Silently thinking about the work that really needs to be completed, punk decided to temporarily ignore the "violation of the heritage" on the entire body, and he surely simply opens:

"The private thing is chatted, and next is the time to talk about the business - I came in the" Silent Union ", my intention is to convey the will of" President ", I need to enter you. The Temple see the projection of Ms. Saica, then ............ "

"No, you don't need it! I am saying ... The great life goddess is 10,000 machines, her time is too precious, so as the big sacrifice of life god, I can fully deal with Ms. Ms, Ms., to Handle most" Things ", even if some important decisions are also ... this is the trust and obligation to give me the great life goddess"!

The mouth describes the amazing words, the Morning Star Pastor's Wen Jun Xiu also presents a perfect elegant smile.

But at this moment, Akal's smile has been sacred and unreasonable and even "creepy"!


"What do you say? Mr. Eka ..."

"I said that I can deal with the great life goddess to handle all the affairs about life gods. You can directly hand over the" President "letter to me. You don't need to see the Japanese Machine. Ms. Ina!

"... this is the mother of life and green, the goddess, the Queen of the Biver, the third life goddess, Ms. Sai Qi Ena - Trude Relino personally admitted the right?"

"Yes, just as you said, this is a great life goddess to give me trust"!


Ok, punk is really less listening!

What did you listen to this Morning Star Master? The whole agent an ancient great goddess? He is just an Morning Starlancer. Is this the world crazy? An Morning Starlancer ... even if it is the only master of the church, a great spiritual god is too exaggerated and outrageous!

However, considering that Ekal is indeed in the use of good orientation of life goddess, it is impossible to have professional people who have the opportunity to blame a great spiritual sacrifice and so "mouth arrogant" Not attacked by God, so even if you sound, how to absurbs absurmate, at this moment, the words "of the sincerity" are undoubtedly trustworthy.

So now a troubles are in front of punk - I don't know what to smoke, I'm giving such a large-scale Morningstar priest, no matter how many storms in this situation. The results of the role of the trousers have come to the Eternal Forest to pass the "dangerous notice" punk to hand it to anyone?

He never ignores Ekah's blockbuster to rush into the Elf Wang Ting to see the life goddess that I don't know if I don't know.

This is not an easy solution, punch is only a mercenary, a mission executor, he does not want to carry responsibility to decide the final destination of this important letter without authorization.

So not much hesitation, quickly erase the cast of surprised expression, while calming the paint black magic crystal card, I asked the Icales who laughed while laughing:

"Your proposal exceeds my permissions, I need to ask the" Mr. President ", please wait a moment."

"Of course, you can, please". "

The soft booth stalls, the calm "devout" is naturally agreed to the requirements of the Morning Star Master.

The old iron will set a small goal ^ Remember the new м.