Netheril’s Glory

Chapter 1060

"Wolf" Donila, Donila is a fat middle-aged figure, but although this guy has the title of "Wolf", his performance and appearance look like "star husky" to describe It seems to be more appropriate, at least from the surface, this combing an old style roll hair, not wearing a robe but wearing a gorgeous bloated light green aristocratic dress is like a talented poet story in the most typical The idiot aristocrat is the same "image distinct", even if he is going to tear the "action" "action" starting from the conference, Donnera is not equipped with the final nobility.

However, even if there is no matter what you do, how to be rude, everyone has to admit that this Mr. Augustine, which represents the interests of the Master, is a strong forty-six morning star caster, and he is also a guardian. The highest decision maker in the current name of the league.

Perhaps the title of "Temporary Alliance" sounds a bit of a bit of meaning, but people attending the meeting can be "kind and court camp" professionals, and they theory in fact, only to propose their own suggestions against this war. And the ultimately qualified decision is always the Donnera Legou, who does not know where to find it from Mayoul.

Well, this is very "order", and it is also very "democracy". Now I have a leader who seems "big right to take" on the surface. The Guardian Alliance of Elite will have to have a chance to become an epic justice. wrong?

But in fact, this obvious "Temporary Alliance" that is obviously pulled is not a half-point responsibility. For example, he is now in an important meeting that is participating in the destiny of guardian, but his "silly noble" performance is It is a bit too much to be too "relatives" ............

"The chef here must not know that I like the salty mouth tomato sauce, the next meeting, I have to talk to them, the sweetness is completely evil," ............

Although it is ambiguous with food, it is actually Donnera still stuffed a large block of steaks, and the face of the food is undoubtedly described with "true".

Of course, for the basic polite demand, the Morning Star Master chewed the meatline did not ignore the "female martial arts" Iberfel who had just "shooting the case", so he was a rough complaint in the mouth. The fat man started to look at the obstacles that have been angry to the blush of the blushing, and explained:

"Cough, steak is too delicious, I have attracted all the attention, the sweet food, the delicious food is really worthy of the alternative red disaster ............ Well, what do you want to say, dear, Miss Iberfel "?

"............ punk - Sai'an! This guy is a sinful evil evil. You have no reason to make his existence to tarnish our sacred alliance. What I want to say is these"!

I stared at the confused eyes of my head, and I have been excited to go to the "just girl" of the body. It is not enough to be stupid in Tang Nila, even if the other person is a Morning Starlancer, I don't know how much than I have. But as long as Ibefel is still afraid of the fact that Ibefel is still afraid of the fact that I'm afraid!

After all ... A recognizes "justice" can always have the opportunity to express their own suggestions and opinions, and she "reason is in the high" words is really unlocked by most people.

So, after hearing the "female martial art" sincerely, there is no way to say that there is no way to "the wolves of the stars" can only have a helpless to put down the knife fork in your hands. Tao:

"Hey, the comrades, Ms. Marta sounded very reasonable, then what is the opinion of everyone? If you have no objection, we will send people to ask for some" destruction of whispers "to leave. .......... But ... that ... please pay attention to ha, I am now "Temporary Alliance", temporarily, you understand, don't forget to add "temporary" two words "............

"Wait a minute, there is an objection"!


Donnera's decision is simply dragging water, and has not yet been completed. This guy has begun to repeatedly emphasize the irrelevant thing to "temporary" alliance, in this case, this drag pull "language art "Sure enough, give the photos of other conference members.

In fact, I haven't waited for him to finish, I have been sitting in the Morning Star Pastor opposite Iberfel - "Jie Jing Guang" Anthony-Vodacoli interrupted the "Temporary Alliance" Drag words.

And in the current situation, the Morning Star Bishish, who represents the interests of the Temple, will not leave a half-face for the Master's guild. I saw a few participants. The priest of the breast-white robes was also straight. Stands up.

The name of his refutory object is of course Donila, which is not in the martyrdom, but when you talk about your own point of view, Anthony's eyes have always just strictly look forward to "justice girl" Ibe in the face of himself. Phil.

"I have an objection! As I emphasized by Mr. Mayl, now the entire fede is suffering from fatal threats, and we should jointly assist in helping the evil in the abyss. The teachings of God also clearly read "We should treat your own allies, let neutral people have the opportunity to get close to kindness, feelings of justice, fight against evil"! "So I think we should accept it before joining us Punk - Mr. Sa'an, and gives him a fair and trust in the same way allies!


"I will never agree with this point of view, like a friend? The evil people in my bones are not worthy of me, this guy will only let our league step by step to fall into the analysis! Mr. Vodakali, you replace this Wolf is talking to the heart "!

This slap is taken, the hard wooden table has a large crack in a huge sound. "Female Wushen" that has been angry to blonde is completely unable to continue to take care of his body's identity position, although she knows It's just a provocation with this attitude and an Morning Star professioner, but for the sake of justice, it is necessary to avoid the good friends .........

"Today is the blood splash on the spot, you can never promise this priest. Never let the obvious honest guy enter this secret silver king of the tens of millions of people!"

The eye-catching eyes, the eyes of Anthony, the impulse of female martial arts, this moment is this moment, although she doesn't understand why a "kind camp" priest is to protect an evil person, but she can't allow themselves Yield in this "endless" refute.