Netheril’s Glory

Chapter 1115

"Sai'an, what are you doing, what are you doing now, what all this is going?"!

This is a roaring roaring roaring, and the spiritual fluctuations of the thunder are fluctuated, and the spiritual fluctuations have made a substantized storm blown down the dust on the ground. For a time, "destruction of the whisper" is actually hard to students. The explosive mental impact wave is compressing into a vacuum, thereby also known that the station is like a child as a child, what is the anger.

There is no doubt that this looks a bit gray face means that the unpredictable guy who is shouting to the soil gray tower is a "star of the gorous" Tang Nila, who is rushing to find Punk.

It is absolutely that it is a pure paste that is unclear from the development of the developments as a "Ferren's Guardian League", which is pulled by Mes Uld Ding Ding. .

He first, for the "big mage", the generous benefits of the generosity, it came to a horizon, actually in a horizon battlefield, and then unable to control the self-owned homework tool, "Star Husky" is just as "painful thinking, and loyalty state" is intended to be loyal to Mesholge. When it is difficult to get out of the move, the situation of the entire war is completely chaotic overnight. ...... ......

First, the "female martial art" Iberfyer who went out of the cutting crop, then the sudden disintegration of the Karams Empire, the huge chaos broke out, the pastor of the Temple was closed, punched in the magic tower In the foot of the house, even if the last captive Bai Long's battle, because of the serious injuries, the legendary warrior of the secret silver king, the legendary soldiers, unclear, unclear?

To know, the outbreak of the war today is less than three months. The cold winter of the Feren is not over, and the understanding of Donila is so shocked the grand war of the whole multi-universe. It will not be surprised in a three or four years. Now this has happened so many outflows in three months ............ This is too difficult to understand.

However, in the face of the established facts, no matter whether the parties understand or not, it is not used by a dazzling crazy mutation, almost just a group of groups in a group, and the focus is bad. " Temporary President "ultimately only with a misty water to ask your two" Morning Star Allies "to do anything, there are good things .........

Of course, people's god stick Anthony took it very timely, even if Donira has a stomach angry and grievances, there is no way to disturb the "clean glow", so it is strong in the madness of his eyes. The flame, the powerful "Wolf" can only come to the "front Karams Empire", the other morning star strong "destroying the whispers" is angry.

"Sa'an, answer me quickly, is you killing Marsair Master? Is you ruining the Karams Empire? Oh, the death! I know that your babies and the ghost gods are all the goods, Now Anthony is missing, then you have to plan some new conspiracy tricks? God, do you know that I don't know what I have to do things, Merz Ul is not good, it will kill me! Trinity I really damn it, I know that "Belein-Qica" is not a good thing. Originally, these messy troubles should be his work. "

Ok, the fear of death is always the emotional fluctuations that most of the wisdom creatures can't avoid, and the longer living creatures often want to live forever, now that the Sword from the dead of the dead At the top of your own head, what did you do everything in the next day, the aristocratic Master Donila, also finally couldn't help but irritate.

Who don't know if the Master's "Big Master" is very tempered, and the increasingly bad sunshine is? Donnera can be really afraid of Mercel anger to kill a "no use of waste."

However, Augustine's concerns are only his own concerns, punk for some idiots complaints and fear inevitably unseaful, so in the face of gas, the wolf of the stars in the high tower, The expression of the morning, the morning star is just thinking about the "President", the "pale preserved pole" directly opened a port, and it has been in front of Ray Tienira.

The acting of the caster is not good. After all, it is well known that the perfuncture and delay in the world need to have no expressions from facial expressions.

"Good morning, Mr. Augustin, it seems that your mood seems quite bad, but even so, I have to refurbish the endless allegations of some stupid pigs - you are not always" paying attention " Is my location and dynamic? I have not left Beniko recently. Who knows how the poor Marsa is dead. "

After the fight is ready, the punk is not polite, and the end of this war is coming soon. He doesn't care about the unlucky "Wolf" now.

However, if you stand in Donila's perspective ......... "Destruction of the whisper" to admit that the sin is actually not important, after all, he is now looking for the Morning Star Master to ask a guilty to try to save the situation of out-of control, and even until the way When the world has formed a large crack on the legendary magic city wall of Horaka Defense, this is a fat man who is going to fry the lungs or threaten the "destruction of whispers" and say a follow-up conspiracy.

"Damn, I warns this selfish bastard, I don't want to be good, I don't want to be good, I guarantee that" big magist "will know that your own place is, I will always remember that you almost killed my enemy. , I will .......... What is it? "


It is the so-called days of the sky, the moon is cloudy, and this sentence is equally applicable to the legendary power.

In fact, I haven't waited for Donila who has almost become a broken mouth. After the punk coupon is watching, in the "Star Wolf" is a bit hysterical, I have a whole film to the skyline. The green sky barrier has been accompanied by the thunderous frying, all the broken collapses .........

"It's unfortunately, Mr. Husky, you slowly". "