Netheril’s Glory

Chapter 1131 is nothing

Yes, "President" is a girl .......... Candle she is still a very beautiful girl, she has exquisite shape, elegant gesture, faint willow, light blue scorpion, also exudes cold The cold light, such as the doll-like long eyelashes slightly, small and temperament, the two thin lips are like crystal, and delicate skin texture under the illumination of Yangguan, and the skinny skin It happens to linning this exquisite and perfect facial features.

Hone other words from the appearance of "President" temperament and punk imagination, the gap is very big. After all, it is said that "the president" is the word, the old man, the old man as the old man, is more in line with one. Isn't the image of a successful manager not? The caster is absolutely reason to believe that all the people who have not visible "the president" in the entire union alliance "President" is inevitably impressed with the main officer of this kind of master.

But actually "president" is a cute girl who is cold-cooled and clear than he is a cold and clear, clear and clear, .........

Ok, the appearance of the legendary professioner is not important? In theory, even a formal caster is capable of changing or fixing the appearance in accordance with his preferences, such as punk's appearance, from the apprentice level, never changed today, and the legendary strong When you recognize your identity, you need to pay attention to the soul of the you can't change easily.

So in turn, "President" is not a beautiful girl, and punch will not continue to pay attention to the personal preferences of the Japanese throne after a little surprised.

After all, it is the most worth "destruction of whispers" compared to the high value of their own boss.


Honestly, this time, no injury and dismissal have been successful. The punk not only visited the battle of the day level, and his own eyes confirmed that his enemy Donila was dead. He has not been subject to any substantive harm.

But what is the saying? Even if there is still a successful thing in the world, it can only be "relatively smooth". In fact, in this fugitive process, the freight spell of the caster will appear a little unclear error in the first time - of course, This is not because his spell model has a problem, and because the space law of the entire Tonglun is accompanied by interference.

Although the power of "eternal asylum" is perfectly blocked from the "President" "" Feng Bell "stagnant, but" big mage "Meswell uses the masked sky of the magic tower to cover the orange red light curtain. It is not an unused battleprint, in front of this wave, the scope of the ancestral interference, even if the morning star spell has a mistake, it is not surprising.

So, the result of anected figure appeared.

When this time, the punk did not help but found that he was attached to the ground with the ground with the trees in a dense jungle, his upper body was exposed on the air fresh ground, but the lower body appeared Inside the broken dirt ............

"It's awkward, an Morning Star Master transmits an error in the ground? It sounds like a three-stream of the poet's brainless plot, but in the shadow of the Great Wars, this kind of thing is actually Ridiculous is true. "

Feel the level of the world has blurred an unprecedentedness and chaos, the expression is fluctuated, and the expression of the morning star wrapped in the mud wrapped in the outer magic shield. He couldn't help but feel his own place. position.

The transfer is not a big problem, as long as you don't know how to send people into the abyss, don't matter, let alone a clean orange sky rendering from the magical energy, it is not difficult to see, the caster's deviation of this deviation direction The target location is still in the Fedun plane, not a strange strange star space, although "destroying the whisper" does not have a "step back home", but he doesn't have a distance. Hatakhuang is too far away.

Even if there is no accident, the jungle in which the punk is located should be just a lucky forest land from Hatakhuang.

"So my luck is not bad, even if there is an error, but take a few steps, it can still go home ... Hey, for the insurance, see it slowly, wait back to the magic tower Anxin's hidden in the past one or two thousand years old ............

Silently nodded in my heart, myself said, my mood is still a good morning, Morning Master, soon, I will give myself a new action plan.

The space law has been disturbed, which can't be used. The whole Ferren's sky turns into an orange red in the shadow of the unlikely light ............ Punk can not want to be very close to how to see how strange energy is too close In a exploration, he quickly decided that the old man's truthfully spent a little time "walk" back to Hakock.

This is not because of patience, and because of caution.

"Destroying the whisper" does not know what extent to "the president" and Meswar's battle will play how long, he doesn't know that the head is abnormal, and even the old Iron of the mountain. Will not insert the feast of this disaster, but he knows that his war has been completed, the next powerful war, the conspiracy dispute should not be related to him this "mercenary".

It is because of this, there is a full-knowledge of punk that will be expecting to watch the eyes of the eyes of the sky, the eyes of the eyes, the mood, the mood, the mood, the mood, the mood, the mood, the mood, the mood, the mood, at this moment, at this moment, he even looking forward to himself It is possible to have the opportunity to calm down at the wind wave wave.


As a "silent union supernova" in the entire multi-universe, the "silence of the" evil conspiracy "has been completed with the" evil conspiracy "" of the "evil conspiracy", is it really possible?

(PS: cough, everyone, today I will change a powerful magic ............ First, please move your finger down, slowly move the bottom, then open the recommended ticket, it is Here, after you open, choose all, don't mess, finally click on the lower right corner, it is good, complete, magic success! Deng Deng Deng your recommended ticket has been changed! ~)