Netheril’s Glory

Chapter 1134 Orange Battle 1

From the theory of energy, the use of law rights and Shen Ming Duty as a secondary station output attack is definitely the offensive means of the minimum killing in the entire multi-universe, the holy party and the god are definitely the only one in the entire multi-universe. Advantages, you can use "the weakest" to describe the occupation.

But in any case, the attack on the Morning Star is still an attack on the Morning Star. It is also a homewhat on the ground. For example, the "hill's palm" released by the unknown female priest is very magnificent. Broad.

I saw that the earth is overwhelmed, and the two-one right up to hundreds of thousands of slap morphoi elements are in the air. It is in the air in the air, and in the enemy's control, Both of these simply existing mountains have more difficult, and more and brittlely, from the punk body, between the punk's body, between the space, the space is broken, the law is shaking, the deafening sound inclusion is compressed into substantive The impact wave is sprinkled in all directions.

And only this is still ending, Anthony, as the elite pastor, clearly clearly clear the weak characteristics of the holy person's attack power, so tight with the concept of "destroying neutral" concept attack and "the palm of the mountain" control attack hit target After that, in the "clean glow" hand, the tap-colored laser "cutting rays" in the top of the short-tone, also aimed at the first time aimed at the Morning Star Master in the middle of the mountain.

" "!

How long does it take? Along with the harsh sound of the satin, the glazing of the hot bloom has passed the whole wilderness.


"That's this? The holy person is worthy of the most powerful career since ancient times. These three gods look like a gods you believe in the gods"!


The squatting rule is like a burning Mars debris, and there is no documented punk at all, and there is no doubt that the mountain peaks closely closed by two super-light speed is in the center, but even the sky and the earth. It has been cracking in front of the anti-inch of the morning star level, but "the destruction of the whispers" in the most concentrated position of the "Hammer" attack effect is still in the end, because in his body, a seventeen floor magic care The shield has never been seen in the unprecedented exhibition.

Morning star curse system spell "Energy Standard", Morning Star Curse Law Month "Powerful Flat Shield", Morning Star Calling System Spell "Amoeing of the Olino", Morning Star League Spell "orderly shielding aura" ......... "

These are all-in-one, which are all supplemented by the caster, and everything is also almost permanent, and each of them has a strong barrier attack effect and the amazing protection capability. In fact, when two mountains are performed from both sides After that, after the second layer of punk, the "powerful rules of the rules" only wanted to have a ripple of water waves, until the "cutting tangent" from Anthony, in front of the Morning Star Master In almost simultaneous shields of two morning star-grade anthropomards, this is finally unbearable.

Yes, the defense of an Morning Star caster is really too strong. The attack power of the three Morning Star Holy Passages is really too weak. At least in the state of just war, Anthony is waiting to break through punk's defense, it will not be so easy. !

Continued laser rays still maintain a launch in the short sticks of "clean glow", it seems that this persistent attack is sufficient, it can always be kept, until it is straight to the sprout shield The positive energy bundle has been scattered in a high temperature and strong distortion of the flowers, and the bifurcation of the bifurcated wire from the shield has bombed the jungle of the punk into a lava storm. Boil white.

It is a pity that Anthony can always maintain his own attack, punk is also able to constantly repair the shield on the body, and "destroying the whisper" is also very clear that he is in a very fast-paced war, once the defense is stripped It will be difficult to add back in time, so he put into the magic quantity of the shield maintenance is not less than the Morning Star Holy Passion, which is being overtime.

So, after a half, after a half, Anthony and Female Pastor's "wave" besieged, because their killing actually did not break the outer "powerful law", " The low-efficiency combat situation is absolutely not anxious from the morning star pastors who must be an attacker.

You must know that the most taboo thing to strive to "fast-moving speed" is "Night Dreams", after all, who is not expected to be far away, the Karams Empire battle, how long does the throne will continue to fight, no one can say no When I occupied the "President" "President" that occupied the victory, it is possible to take the leisure time to take a help of their mercenaries, so even if the number of words from tactical perspectives must have a huge advantage, But "clean glow" is really afraid to risk the precious time too long.

So after slightly Solita, the faint awareness of punk does not avoid hard attacks, the Morningstar priests that may be retained after the conspiracy, still decided to adventure some speed fighting rhythm, after all, the whole Ferren sky color, but now The orange change became a red red, and the Anthony, which is not optimistic about May, is anxious to drive back the temple to avoid refuge .........

"Don't be stupid, don't use morning star art, we can't drag it again"!

Biting the bite increasing the output of the power, occupying the "clean glow" of the leadership position directly to the head to order the sacrifice called Motitt.

In his thoughts, the highest professional level, the strongest strength, and the female pastor will be able to compactly understand the punk and hinder the other party to escape and even counterattack, and then wait until Mottrete an Morning Star killing outstanding power is completely After the enemy, the early premiered attack will basically laid the victory.

Well, this is definitely a reasonable excellent tactics, and that Motitt has no reason to be opposed.

So at the free confirmation, the punk that was being sandwed by the two mountain peaks in the center of the punk did not have anything possible to hurt himself. This male pastor who hid in two companions began to calmly prepare the morning star.

It is said that the minimum of the Temple of the Temple of the Occupation of "Destroying the Little Language" is sent, and Motitt has a very powerful compartment, the morning star kills the card. It is only a little more than a little. "Preparation time ............