Netheril’s Glory

Chapter 1159


"One is enough to support the Morning Starlancer to advance to the moon level of magic resources and theoretical knowledge as a remuneration ... Listen to this tempting delicious reward, in this" legendary lonely "era, what is the eager? Strength and unknown Morning Starlancers can refuse such a precious wealth, let alone this resource can still be "predicted", people who accept wealth don't have to worry about itself because any unexpectedly can't be rewarded for promise.

So since now there is enough temptation, a crucial problem is also coming to punk, do you want to support the "President" promise "sufficient to support the wealth of the moon level", " How is strange "Temporary reviewer" position?

This is definitely a question worthy of thought.

"President", "Temporary auditors" sounded more like a manager who is "inside the Yaoziwei is not in the period" permission to deal with "internal matters", although as a real leader "President" has set a big direction for this manager, but if "only needs to perform meticulous record, there is no need to routine notification, and there is no need to report" the pre-condition for regular reports is not difficult. It is understood that the actual specific implementation process has already been placed in the "reviewer" in all directions.

Especially the current "president" is also straightforward. She is a need for punk to monitor the ordinary legendary professionals who perform the task .......... This is not the most deterrential supervision. The Morning Master is controlled. Is it?

Ok, it can be said that now, as long as the punk selection promises this proposal, the whole "executive" is probably the right to be "alone" in the next 100,000 years, although it is theoretical The mad knight also has a revised plan details and the right to contact "President", but "destruction of whispers" can do not think a "half-literacy" knight can have the opportunity to pointer to himself .........

The time to decide is here, accept or accept it?


"Thank you for your trust," President ", this important task ... I accept"! "

The dark golden eyes flashed in the darkness, and the mysterious look at the fogging of the fog is like a vibrant lord, just got a sense of confidence in the king.

It is necessary to admit that the punk is very clear that he is a very unknown Morning Star Master who is very good at dealing with interpersonal relationships and managing various things. His most familiar thing to end is a silent research magic and positive and enemies. Now "President" The reason why it comes to see him as this "temporary reviewer" is also because it is really no use, after all, "Destroy the whispers", and how to see another Morning Star Occupator in "Executors" Cairn Psher Score.

But ... who said that you can't take over and work? Who said that it is not familiar to make a guarantee?

This is a magical magic world, maybe Punk does have no ability to give a reasonable allocation of work and then "strategizing, win thousands of miles", gently put the Temple of the Temple, but it is nothing to do. How hard is it difficult to kill the enemy?

Now hurriedly seize the opportunity to catch valuable promotion Hui Yue's opportunity to catch your hands is the most important. If you have any questions, you can slowly think about it after wealth.

In fact, "destruction of whispers" at this moment has been secretly planned. He intends to use the "President" to advance to Hui Moon in 30,000 years to 50,000 years, and then shoot "with big bullying "I personally retaliate the Temple of Wan Temple. If I joined the ordinary legendary professionals of" Operators ", if they have the ability, let them help, the teammates are not reliable, and all the revenge actions are processed.

Anyway, don't say that it is still a vertical, this sufficient to support the rewards of the moon!

".......... It seems that you are very confident about your strength," Destroy the whisper ", then" temporary reviewer "is handed over, I hope you can do this ........... I Things to say have been finished, then you can use the ten-fold return chances you have obtained in the last Karamus Empire action. "

The true intention and real situation of "President" is very difficult to ponder. After hearing the Morning Star Master's answer, her tone is not even easily, but Moran has become a bit lonely.

It seems that although Punk has accepted some unexpected position, I don't know what I'm thinking about the Yaoqi throne is not very relieved .........

Of course, the "president" mood is not punk to ask, so even if the "boss" is a strange emotional emotion, it is ignored that all "private problems" "destruction whispers" or Keeping a word that is not in the same way, the tone of the color is straightforward:

"I have adequate confidence to complete the task, revenge a group of god sticks don't have any problems for me, as for the current" remuneration exchange ".......... Executive" President ", if I want to add a magic equipment How much exchange opportunities need to be shielded in a general holiday printer?

Yes, punk does not open his own rewards in magical resources. After all, "President" has promised to pay for him "enough to support the Jin Qian Yue", in this case, if " Destruction of the low language "Continue to obtain resources is likely to cause waste and siltation of materials, and the resources that can not be used are meaningless.

The Morning Star Master of thinking is thinking of a redemption method that does not losing money is to use the "President" to upgrade the magic items in their hands.

As for what he wants to upgrade .......... It is definitely the recently used "Hitza's magic" of Hitza.

According to the "destruction of the whisper", he is the root cause of the enemy's success in the last Orange Red Battle is because his information shielding ability is not strong enough, so the painful caster is earlier. The two days of the five "executive" have been thinking about how they should hide themselves.

The best way to think in the end, undoubtedly, get a magic item with Yao Grade Prophetic spell mask capabilities.

This will inevitably require "President" to help, the consumption of rewards will naturally be indispensable, but even if it is a rough Yao Siki, the difficulty of making difficulty is difficult to make the difficulty. It is more imagined. Therefore, punk or even psychological preparations rejected by the presentation during the presentation.

In fact, "the" president "that is slightly silent is not refused to have a little luxury" reasonable "requirement .........

"I spend all the rewards, you will get the results you want," destroy the whisper "Mr.".
