Netheril’s Glory

Chapter 1177 of the blood of the blood

Unlike the difference between Sai Si, Walker's campaign can be said to be the most top type. The magic is like the satin of the dance girl in his hand. He is simply an extension of the limb.

There is a magical talent that is "enchanting". The road of Wokwei's occupational workers is of course a smooth sailing in the young age. In the first magical awakening attempt, the surprise left fan will easily become a The magic filling apprentice mage, lightning and flame dance in the control of teenager excitement, the bright and darkness call for this genius.

Although in a sense, such as Walker's personal too extreme guys is not suitable as a campaign with reason and calm step by step, the courage and strength acting as glory is more suitable for his will, But in this world full of surprises, how many professionals have the opportunity to choose their favorite career at the moment of awakening?

Young Walker is no exception.

Whether it is the caster's talent or the knowledge of the Sai Mi, I have demonstrated the future "Death Wind Light" at this moment, it will become a magical profession, and the thinking of a clerk is hidden into the temple of the magic. The facts seem to have destined his sad life .........

With some flexible thinking and dare to drilled, Walker's professional grade advanced road is simply like a "protagonist" circulating in the barder poems. He only used three years. Master, waiting until Walker twenty-five years old, this unquestionable genius has successfully entered the official threshold!

Until such a period, the wishes of the young mage "Mo Bulder" can be said that he has been basically realized. He has exchanged the ownership of a city with a lot of Warcraft. He joined the Master's Guara, which has gone. Behind the mountains, he became a big aristocrate with a powerful, powerful power. He did not only win the superior living environment for his lover, and gave the beautiful Mrs. Mrs. Radio.

There is no doubt that the first half of the "Death Wind Light" is a routine story of the perfect fit of the protagonist. The Walker, the Youth Age has already embarked on the peak of the perfect life. His strength can make the king respect the gift. His power is enough to give himself to the title of "left fans". He is one of the most core members of the local Mage Association, with the resource supported by the Warcraft exchange, the future Morning Star Master's spells Every day is getting more and more.

However, these fill resources can include various cast materials and rune theories, but it does not include time .........

The lapse of time will not stop, with the Yuekway's professional grade, the years of the blade have not been able to leave any marks on the high-grade teenage, and the official level of the caster has the last millennium life. Two or thirty years of the district for two or three years is just a stun afternoon tea to rest for Walker.

However, for ten years of spending, it became a Master's Avan's Sai silk ............ Even the time that is only ten years, it can be said to be a dead clock that is moving towards death.

Her life is too short, and the life of mortal life is just like a strong professional person. It is like a dynasty, and it is clear. Clear this fact, and Walker will never forget this matter.

But in the face of such a brutal reality and the gap between the life level of the sky, what is the way to love each other?

Sai Si understood what is going on, she also understood how loyal and persistence of Walker's love for her own love, so she has begun to find help from the age of twenty-nine years old. The infatuated teenager forgets a bless mortal wife.

She found a beautiful woman and wine for Walker, and she persuaded the time to accompany their own teenagers to study in the study. She hoped that she didn't become a prominent lover's cumbersome, she dreamed that it could be a master caster. The "left fans" can abandon this life short-lived "bad wife" concentrate on pursue endless truth.

She doesn't want her to be her own, she doesn't want her to be my own, and I have grieved for my own dead .........

However, for the Walker, which is "promised, loyal" as the hanging-hairy creed, how can he abandon his wife?

His pro-commitment will never be separated from the eternal life of Sai Si!

Maybe in the cognition of Sai Si, this sentence is often a sweet words of the young woman, but for the "Death Wind Light" of the Death, this is the "love" that he is absolutely refused to give up. "The realization is reflected!

So, in order to commit the eternal love in his own, it is dedicated to the immigration of Walker, and he is exhausted, and he pays all the efforts to search for an effective way to help professional people to continue their lives. He can All the auxiliary promotion materials received have given their own lover.

Even after later enlighten the master stage of the next level, the youth left fans of the talented talents are not hesitant to swear, no matter how they have to have eternal youth and life!

In a sense, some of the idea of ​​Walker's idea is really realized, in order to slow down your millennium's promotion process as the price, and you will have a serious injury to the price of serious injuries. The "Dead Wind Light" stepped into the master's realm will successfully kill a young silver dragon, the precious blood of the opponent peeled off.

With this power of this blood, he also finally helped almost exhausted Sai Si, became a master of "seemingly prominent"!

And even if the teenage girl at this time has become the absolute master of a small country, they are still in love, enjoy the beautiful youth and powerful power .........

What a wonderful story, how motivational experience, as long as you work, you can get the return, as long as you can see the bright, a bloody heart is burning, I am from the sky!

However, the distinctive thing is that the realm of the district masters is far from "eternal". There are too many things in this world that are not blood and passion.

After all, how long it doesn't use, Walker has already qualified to advance the legend, but the corresponding, Sai Si, who is embarrassed to be guilty, is still unable to complete "break free cage" .........