Netheril’s Glory

Chapter 1269

The formulation introduced his own basic information, and the small Loli projection of a standard Master etiquette looked clearly of his external image, this resentment, she did not have to be very upright. The end of the conversation will take a sentence.

But even punch is a little surprised, he doesn't care how to talk to himself, and there is no mood to evaluate the "fun" of the Olympics of the year, it is not a bit wrong, compared to those "Small Question", "Destroying the Little Language", what is the purpose of Cartarorland in front of Khane and Kane?

Is it negotiation? Or is it discouraged? Or what is anything else?

So the faceless caster did not answer the call to the queen of the queen, he just retired step by silently and then looked at the golden glitter knight of the facial helpless look.

"Your acquaintance, you should go, I will see it."

This is why punk wants to express.

"Hey, good morning, Katarolan, today is really good to be right? Although the clouds in this place are thick, but as long as it doesn't rain, it seems pretty ............"

"Tick answer, Sha sand sand".

Maybe the crow is said to be the guy of Kane, he just calmed the problem that the emotion of the rain is not raining, the gray sky has dropped the broken silk rain, a moment, no matter It is an image of the air in the air and the image is suddenly blurred.

"Bi Satas ... we haven't seen it for more than 100,000 years. Your guy is not losing, it is too bad. Now you are back, this lady really feels very happy."

As if he didn't listen to the sound of the rain, it seems that there is no obvious and indifference in the mourning of Hui Moon Knight. It seems that some helpless Kataro is just a step forward.

She seems to have a lot of words to tell Kane.

But unfortunately, quickly lost the "instant kill gun" did not accept the goodwill of the evaluation of the queen, even if he saw Xiao Loli wearing a red dress to himself, he just naturally and then retired, then gaze The face of Kataro Lan Jiao Xiaobai is straightforward.

"Enough, Katarolan, you know what we have come here, you don't stop our capital, and there is no room for retreat, your ambition is over, you have everything you have to become a grandfather The nutrients on the road, you ... don't choose "!"


The sound of the rifle knocking on the metal ground shocked the raindrops in the air. The crisp sound produced by the metal collision also broke the stiffness atmosphere, between the moment, and the kinetic energy of the air and even went to a large piece. The dried rain curtain, the mall of the rider is also generous to the eyebrow position of the evaluation of the queen.

It's hard to imagine that the mad knight who always uses a big cry, can't talk, and you can make your words solely, and you will see this time, this often likes the sake of the squatting soldiers before the battle. But there is no idea that I don't have a chat with the girl in front of you.

The "hostile" is not allowed to be completely unveiled.

"You grow up, it becomes like the little boy who used to be like, Keyne, Miss this lady witnesses your growth, this lady gives you an opportunity and wealth, and Miss, OK, I will know that this day will come, After all, until this moment, Miss this moment can also clearly recall the scene when I righteous words teach you the spirit of Nhather. "

The eyes shook his head, no longer trying to close the Hui Moon Knight, Kataro, looked like a recollection of a warm scene, from her expression, the memory must be a "consolidation" The housekeeper "monotonous life is numerous color fragment.

However, the queen of the conjuvenation can not be immersed in memory, can't pull itself, almost no one in seconds, and when she opened her eyes, she has lost their attitude towards each of her.

Although Cartarolan at this moment, although it maintained the love-like appearance of the small loli, the momentum she had is more like a monarch who is proud to be on the throne, and it is not a violation, I saw it in the image. Swinging soon, the emotional colors in the Cretarolian discourse have already turned into a cold flame soaked in the deep place where the rain is scattered.

"Do not choose the means, forever, the supreme, despise emotions ........." Come to the final assessment of the face! Come, come to find this lady, bring your greed and cold blood, follow your friends to enter the central hall, at that time .......... You I am "Cooperation" is also to usher in a final broken. "


As when there is, there is no sound, such as the micro-wind colorless, switched between, and the image of the little loboli is in silence.


"Let's go, let's take our equipment."

It seems that there is no dialogue between "instant kill guns" and Katarolan, "destruction whispers" from the head to the end, the "destruction whisper" is not related to the arrival of the queen, and the arrival of the queen.

He didn't know what kind of wonderful stories had happened between the "Little Loli Girl's Empress" and "Instant Drill", but he knew what "past" is "the past", this time There will be no changes in action.

In fact ... carefully want to fight with Katarolan, is there simmer that only drives the ocean armor? Keyne can provide only intelligence support.

In this case, even if the mall of the mall of the mall is, what is the so-called because of the speech of the queen, what is the so-called? Anyway, he will not have any impact compared to the hard work.

What's more, "instant kill guns" that is a completely harmonious evil chaotic camp Hui moon professional, because of the "old people", feel excited?

Don't say smile, the Gold Spark Vehicle Knight, which is brought to the projection of Katarolan, obviously there is no heart, he is even more exciting and excited.

In fact, at this moment, Keyne's eyes look more than too much than the madness of the madness. "

"Betrayed ... Is this a feeling of betrayal? It's too wonderful, too interesting, you said to Sai'an, we have to take the equipment as soon as possible, this uncle can't wait to see the Katarolan temple The beautiful scenery when falling!