Netheril’s Glory

Chapter 1272

"Out, why are you?"

Keeping a slowly opening the transportation pipeline gathered at the supply of the car, the rotation speed of "destroying the dead cone" in punk is getting faster and faster.

Although in theory, it is almost hitting his small speed, but it is just in normal driving. Its super anti-killing is just because of the super fast speed and the filling of the law, but who can guarantee This is not a conspiracy of the unknown "sudden passenger" is not the conspiracy of the female queen.

Of course, "destruction of whispers" also thought that there would be no legendary members of Nursing Riel civilization, but if someone lives in this ridiculous city, it is more than 16 million years ... then The risk of this guy is still a small smile.

After all, anyone who has an identified code can enter and exit the month of the machinery. It is a free and relaxed thing. Even if the Nasalere in that year, the "Legendary Subsiders" didn't stay a city, the city, Don't you have a normal people who are stupid?

Answers ... soon it will be announced.


The opaque pipeline is like the open sunroof, and the white cabin door filled with a metal textured is also branded. Between the moment, all the rules that may cause damage to low-level occupants have fluctuated. The magic matrix installed inside the track space absorbs the exhaust, and a thin and tall figure also maintains a very abnormal walking pace from a stepped away from the track track.

That is a young man who is smashed into the gown of the body that can't cover the body. It is not difficult to see that his dirty clothes remains in his body. It is certainly beautiful and handsome.

However, the power of time is too powerful and amazing. Even if this mysterious male has worn clothes is magical equipment, now they are just a pile of "disc" to cover the broken slide on the body, if not Because you can faintly feel the legendary breath, you can't bear the punk, you can't think that you have seen a more artistic taste.

That's right, youth "cave people" coming out from the speed track is a legendary professioner who is not buckled. According to his soul fluctuations, he can know that he probably has at least twenty-six casts.

But as a "legendary existence", this legendary Master appeared in front of the two Huiyue "passengers" at this moment, it is obviously not normal, because almost discovered punk and Kane's first time, everything A muscle is dramatically shaking, and the young people have completely ignored "destroying the whisper".

"Ha ha ha ha, too good ... I am very good, I finally have someone! You are the people who come to Ramkari to be wrong? It must be right, the Cruise Virgi Group army won the right? I I will know that I will be rewarded by I will be rewarded. This city will be re-enabled? I have completed my job every day, I put every energy core operation list. Checked more than 100 million times, I don't sleep, I am striving for fine, I can determine that the maintenance work I have to do will inevitably be perfect, that ... although I don't know why I can't remember, but Katarrow's record is definitely All my work data? Mr. Ramkari sent you to the handover mission? Do you have? "



Cautious "destruction of whispers" is certainly impossible to make a "unfatient" that is both enthusiastic and inexplicably "not normal, so I haven't waiting for the young people who claim to be Kenjanu, running out three steps. , Instantly released the "Mola" caster directly pressed the guy who turned this beads in the metal track wall.

For a while, the oscillation of the hustle and thoroughly resounded the narrow corridor, and the crazy mage of the rude treated also seems to be extremely unstable.

"See the ghost, see the ghost! I am the Chief of Tiramos family, I am the branch of Obilang, I am responsible for the distribution of the" trialist "propaganda, I am the immortal Nhather Civilization pays everything! Who are you? How can you do this? How do you dare to me? "!

Ok, the pupil is scattered, and the legendary Master, the legendary Master, is clearly in a very abnormally embarrassing state. Although he just started to go to punch in front of the punk. The problem of the pile of problems seems not only very enthusiastic, even more, but actually anyone is not difficult to see, this crazy Master Mr. is not as good as "inquiry the answer". " Pray for answers.

Almost no more perception and inspection, punk can be almost determined that this young people who don't know where they have come out, I am afraid that they have been in crazy and awake. Now this guy is not even a legendary professional. The most basic time concept is unclear, and his elaboration seems to be the truth of the stump.

There is no doubt that Kenjanou is already completely crazy. He has lost normal ingredients and lost its ability to judge other biological breath. Now, it is firmly held by a lavender "Om". He even didn't even know that it was released.

At this moment, the "caveman" constantly struggling with a "caveman" is like a "teacher". He seems to be a drunken wandering in the slum street.

An immersion in the fantasy, afraid of reality, I am afraid to go to the poor man who is unwilling to come out .........

"Where is this neuropathy? Can you never know what you have in your eyes before you?"

The strange madman who was looking for a bowel only with arms and taking a metal ground, and the Hui moon knight who had been pulled out of the ride and condensed the fire. It was really surprised.

Ok, honestly said that the mad knight has experienced a surprising thing, it is quite a lot, first, the condolences, and the punk show, the incredible displacement means, now he has a vowed to guarantee " The half machinery in the air suddenly came out of a big living person who had a legendary level.

The most divided thing is that the "instant kill gun" that did not have seen the "instant kill gun" in the past, and did not have seen this guy!

It must be acknowledged that this thing now is really a bit that is unpredictable.