Netheril’s Glory

Chapter 1332 Black Forest

The lapse of time is rapid, between 20,000 years of light, twenty thousand years, it will change again - I want to know, "President" is already mysterious about 30,000 years old, the sea is Sangtian Change is used in the vanity. Even if the legendary professional is, the long time passes can not easily ignore the facts, after all, this is the amazing forty thousand years, the new generation of ordinary legend is more Two, who have been called "super new star", "strongest newcomers", "potential role", have become a "legendary oldest" that has become unclosed without falling.

The legendary story has already begun to know, and the news that shocking the whole multi-universe is silent, silently become an inexplicable rumor of model model. The past history is like being The beaches taking the waves are clean, how many can sorrow is saddened, but a few words talking about it?

Just although the universe of the neopes is still swaying under the embellishment of the stars, although the country's country is still in the new and destroyed, the legendary pattern of the multi-universe appears in this non-common thirty-five thousand years. It is very non-general change - if it is hard to explain, it should be that the tide of fate is superior, and the state of the legend is more and more dangerous.

No way, who made the Dafamu Mersopoer left the incredible thing of "Pekna's soul fusion" before death? This can be known as a strong spell that can advance the gods, just a wonderful professional person may not be interested in it?

Just like a cold-blooded caster and the vicious holy person planned to have a cruel experiment and study, the status quo of "Research Soul Fusion Concept" has quickly connected two-year-old Songyang now has almost all the legendary sights of the actuality.

And don't forget, study "Pekna's soul fusion" must be used as the soul of the legendary power as an experimental material, so in the case of "National Participation Research", the low-level legend can use the legendary level of soul and advanced Legend changed a lot of resources, high-level legend, no matter whether it is buying or looting, it is necessary to obtain a necessary product for research. Finally, how much time, the "Legend of Legends" began to change into a higher level and more dangerous "dark forest" .

In this "legendary dark forest" in this 300,000 years, every legendary professioner has a hunter and prey walking in the night. If they are like ghost, they are gently dialing. The branches, do not let the footsteps make a little sound ............

Although the threat of Yaosheng professionals is subject to the "point name", there is no massively involved in the legendary hunting, but many lots of moon, but have already been able to do it with their vitality, now Today's professional people are trying to hunt each other, they want to hide themselves, and even have a lot of strength and weak ordinary legend, they don't dare to live in the normal welcome space, they have to enter the "unsatisfactory" chaotic sea to survive.

For most mortal kans, the current situation of this legendary strong, representing the legendary legends and knowledge of the legend, and the "Legend" itself has become the "legend" in many remote sites. A rummer that cannot be determined if it is true.

For most ordinary legendary professionals ... no strength, pure hinges don't have to think about it, but now I really got a poor point of "going to the street,", "Those who thought of the legend Guys who can enjoy life with carefree have a price for their ignorance and laziness.

For the "strong" "strong" with strength, there is ambition, the recent days are not very good, because they are all looking for weak ordinary legends in the world, and they are also tracing each other. The whereabouts of the other party are intended to grab more powerful souls and ready-made knowledge.

All in all, today's multi-universe can be described in full entering a contradictory "superposed state", while the wind and waves of a pool are not a half-time, one is the quiet water, the murder is emerging!

This is a big potential, and it is also a big game, and no one can be spared, no matter who everyone else.

In fact, even if it is "destroying whispers", I have already left the Tak Plain of the Philharmon of the Tartak Plain in the Fedun. After all, even if he has, it is a bit "more evil" trend. Legend has it, helping him avoid a lot of unnecessary trouble, but in the case of "Pekna's soul fusion" research is extremely eager, there will be one or two greed and unsatisfied Hui moon professionals from time to time. Looking for the door to try to rob the punk.

For example, at this moment, in a ruin, the space is broken, the space is chaotic, the expression is gloomy caster is silently watching the front and broken body and the glorious "pale defender" in his hand. .

There is no doubt that the body of the floating on the starry stone is unqualified by a Hui Moon-level caster, and the "pale seat" in the punk has obviously cracking a crack that reveals a red heat energy stream.

It is seen in this starry sky, "Destroying the whispers" just ended a thrilling Hui moon level battle, he got a battle for fighting, but as a price, poor "pale defender" also reached the damage the edge of.

"The Shadow of Moon" Montton Ke - Odenndashi ......... Five-seventh grade Hui Moon caster, a "missing", or a hidden old guy for more than two million years ... I just moved the laboratory to the seven thousand years of Allakaro, how did Monteton's non-self-powerful garbage find me? Is it your idiots and exposed traces are traced? "?


Not hesitating directly, it has revealed the "pale authority" that has already revealed the unstable trend. It has stopped this basic scrapped Hui moon equipment with "physical" means after the hand, and the punk is completely The shot is the appearance of the show that is gradually molding on the right side.

Although I won the victory of the battle, I at this moment, I am not very good at this moment. I know that the "Moon Circles" now is already the first time that Hui Moon caster has killed in the last twenty years. Two "idiots" have been suddenly disturbed by two experiments and the feeling of emergency moving is very unhappy.