Never Die Extra

161PhotoChapter31. Evandi Sharden, splendid debut. (1)

On the day Evan's deal with Anastasia was made, Evan asked her to join the business.

It was a price for Evan to teach her how to train a druid, and at the same time it was also a design to make her the next Duke of Leona.

Needless to say, if Anastasia was the next Duke, Matthew would not be able to challenge the crown.

“I heard that Leonardo has a training program that allows his children to divide the royal family, right? ”


Share used to assign the task to all his children, just as he gave the task of looking at the family interest.

But if there's anything else, sharden,

The task of the family is to 'check' the ability of the child if the purpose is to educate the child. I think so.

‘It's not just education, it's also profit. It's so vast that it's hard to control the power of the Duke. Even decades after the proclamation of the Duke's decree, I haven't even grasped it perfectly.'

In other words, a substantial part of the Duke's decree

It could also be a treasure chest that you haven't opened yet. No one knows what's in it.

I thought it was rough land. I thought there might be hidden dungeons, and vice versa, but there was nothing strange about the ancient monsters.

“The princess is fifteen this year.”

“Yeah, I'm getting a job assignment this year. … I wanted to be strong, too. ”

Anastasia nodded cautiously.

When she reaches the age of fifteen and is given a territorial management assignment, she must live abroad, even if she wants to be stuck in her bag.

Following her, she thought it would be a big deal if she just kept crawling like this. At that time, she finally met Shine and got the positivity play, and it was too early to ask Groyne Evan.

“The Duke's decree is not completely safe yet. It happens sometimes in battle with Aboriginal people trying to regain their nest, and monsters come in..... ”

“No, are you just throwing your kid in that place? ”

“A pioneer lord. Yeah, it's a little tight for a 15-year-old. ”

Basically, Share has the ability to take care of her children's lives.

Leona, who only treats her children, was very different in nature.

…… but that's why I prayed that I could set up this operation. As much as you weigh your abilities, if you prove your abilities, you can climb high.

Even the Duke's position.

“Take control of the territory and develop it. If you give me a huge advantage, I will be able to change my heir. ”

“Really…… is that possible? ”

Anastasia looks anxious at Evan's bold remarks. But Evan nods without hesitation.

"It's odd if you don't think you're the next Duke, even though you have accomplishments that aren't comparable to those of Matthew.”

“But I... I haven't found anything yet. ”

“It's going to happen from now on, so let's talk about it in real time. Of course you are.

on the condition that I don't question where I got the information. ”

Evan has a lot of knowledge about the World War II series. It would be easy to refuse to use them all.

But half of them didn't intend to attract the attention of the world, because the businesses they were doing now were making enough money, and it was hard to cope with the nightmares that would inevitably escalate in the course of doing business.

'So not just swallowing hot rocks, but distributing the profits to sure collaborators is an overwhelming advantage in the long run!'

At the time of World War IV, the Magic Metal Wave was found in the abandoned land of Leona the Duke.

Due to the occupation by the Comparative Army during the Duke's War, the level of weapons in WWII 4 has increased, causing players to struggle.

Even though it can be used to melt down the weapon or defense gear that is being dropped, it is not half Alba now.

What's important now is that Evan remembers exactly where the pulse is.

“Izzie Station, you can ask for Menathon. It's a precarious and dangerous environment, and it's not worth much. ”

“It's a harsh and dangerous environment...... Can I survive? ”

“It's been more than half a year since I was actually sent to territory, right? During that time, my training is enough to protect the princess. If you're not that far away, why don't you stop by the evangelization and level up? Yeah, you better."

From dungeon evangelization to the Duke's decree, three days in the wagon! Of course, it would take a day or two for Anastasia to get a little deeper, but she couldn't get a round trip.

“The Duke will not send a princess bare. Of course, he will send an unworthy escort. And I'm going to give you a little bit of support in our congress.”

“But……. ”

“As the princess knows, there are doctors living in Menathon. It's a dangerous place if people live. ”


With a noble body that rules the realm.

Anastasia knew it was not good to keep the doctors away from where they lived.

“Shine……. ”

“Yeah? Oh, don't worry so much. The Master would order too much as he would die for us sometimes, but he would never die. The Princess would not die."

"You guys, if you want to be comforted, say something a little cooler. ”

“But it's not true.

I didn't see any harm in hearing you say that. ”

Cook. ”

Anastasia, who was skinned by Evan's cold-hearted words, suddenly laughed at Shine. That was the way the girl she loved was.

Immediately thereafter, she resumed breathing, gathering the dispersed courage and lifting her head again. The pupil, who seemed to be scattering at once, was now looking straight at Evan.

“Yeah, I'll do it. This place..... has a pulse? ”

"Yes, my wish is a metallurgical deal. I can't export it because I don't have the capacity to process it anyway, but I want you to leave it to our Merchant Guild. Of course, we can sell you a relatively cheap weapon by processing it.”

Of course, processing will be carried out by alchemists, including half of them.

That precious magic metal is a commodity

It was not profitable to be able to practice Lu Seon Alchemy, make profits, and regularly acquire magical metal weapons!

“If only it were so..... ”

“If I had offered this directly to the Duke, the Duke would have been carrying me around for a week. This would have been ridiculous, I assure you. ”

There's a lot of work to be done with the exterior.

What the West needs is a better weapon than anything else! It was a weapon to arm soldiers and knights.

If you can get weapons regularly from a dungeon evangelical city known for its high tech power, you'll be down on the ground!

“But is the accent okay? I heard you shouldn't interfere with the Dungeon Territory…….. ”

“It's okay to sell weapons instead of sending troops, and I'm not here as the second contributor to the Sharden family.

La, as the representative of the Brotherhood Corporation. ”

Isn't it Snow Goa Aung? It was a bit of a fact, but it wasn't a violation of the rules of the evangelization. Evan's congregation was never subordinate to the evangelization.

“Of course, as soon as you find the best pulse in the territory, you'll be surprised to see the possibility of being used by a princess. So let's make the first building design contract with the Brotherhood Construction to build a good building.

I find a vein in the middle, and I get a brother-crystal transition. ”

“That should do it. …… Confucius is really smart, as I heard."

“I'm preempting information that no one else knows, so it just seems smart. It's just a kid. ”

Evan immediately wrote a contract with a smile on the admirable princess.

He has a certain number of brotherly corporation doctors, including brotherly construction

I was going to enter Anastasia's territory and manage it intensively.

“Oh, I make fake contracts. The real purpose is to keep it safe so that only the princess can confirm it. It's a contract written by Druid.”


Evan is as skilled at contracting as he has ever been in social life in his previous district.

Aegean princess was just unilaterally attracted.

Of course, there would be no harm to her, but it was a more profitable deal for the Brothers Corporation.

“Of course..... is this enough? ”

“Phase one. This is a little too much for the Duke. Phase two is a little bit more for our relationship. Until then, you'll have to train hard.”

The alternative is in the child's head.

How far is Rio going? I'm sure it's reliable, but I was a little scared.

Anastasia asked for Shine to be healed and comforted..... She was also good this way. Shine didn't even realize the meaning of her gaze and laughed at her head.

All right, I can't back off. She opens her fist.

“Chu, I wish there were more provisions. ”


Evan welcomed it. Nothing can be achieved without greed.

“What? I'll be happy to give you a call if you don't mind."

"That's... here. ”

Anastasia took out a little note, like she did when she first met Half.

I gave it to him. I noticed Chan Evan unfolds a note of Shine Morgeg and confirms it alone.

‘I want you to send Shine regularly.


As expected. Of course, I can't get Shine out at any time, but..... I don't know if I can send you to see the time and the situation. Evan nods willingly.

“Not often, but fraudulently, sometimes, I get my own consent. Cotton.”

“Ah, thank you! Thank you so much!"

“Argh…… uhhhhh. ”

The Duke was happier than when he heard the bold suggestion, than when he heard about Druid's retreat.

Next to that, Sunshine or something.

It was especially amusing to have a face that I don't know.

In doing so, the great business of the Brotherhood Corporation began again.