Nidome no Jinsei wo Isekai de

Sounds like hunting time.

In the prepared cooking area, lay a net over the burning fire and Lianya cooks the rice balls.

Rice had been stored in large quantities inside the inventory from home.

I didn't really intend to use it, but since the Elf country sent me a fair amount of it on a regular basis and even the market in the city of Kuklika began to see the appearance of it, Lianya had let the funds say things and buy them all in.

With regard to the act of saying waste, Frau, who holds a purse string, often made very tough decisions, but when it comes to this purchase of rice, he did not spare no effort to provide the funds, as if he were saying that if he did not buy it at one point, he would be gone and he would not know when he would get it next, and Lian Ya, who barely speaks of dissatisfaction when it comes to food, he would not say anything about his favorite.

The rice balls, if you say so in a nutshell, have been there until then, but this rice balls has a very wide variety of variations.

Starting with the type of rice used, you can create as many different types of things as you want in the cooking method, the contents, and even the handling after gripping.

If you don't even care about the taste, you can say the repertoire is infinite.

Most importantly, since the flavour of any dish is everything first, Lotus Yakiya thinks that anything that gets too strange should not be called a repertoire.

This time, in order to make a really basic grilled rice balls, the soldiers cook a large amount of rice in a cooking area created by them, and once they cook it lightly, they apply miso and say cook it thoroughly.

The only ones who are going are Lianya, and Cloire was on her assistant, but the miso rice balls that cook up from next to next with so much effort and speed that I don't think the two of us are making are disappearing from next to next at incredible speeds.

Miso had brought two in barrels inside the inventory, but Lianya fears it might not last the entire training period if it continues to be consumed at this rate.

Hopefully next time I'll switch to the soy sauce I bring in barrels as well, but I brought two barrels for you, too, but I can't be sure it's definitely an okay amount.

Next to Lianya, who is baking rice balls because of it, the wild grass meat meat meat meat that the croissants have taken from the base of miso in the burnt torso is simmered with it.

Lianya took the liberty of naming it the otherworld-style pork juice, a substitute for the immediate dismantling of the large pigs the soldiers had hunted first thing in the morning and appropriately smashing them with wild grass and simmering miso in melted juice.

This one is also taken from the next to the next, and the scab decreases at a tremendous rate.

There was too much pork meat I had picked up, and since the opponent is a group of soldiers made up of 100 people, I lined up a few lotus yaks that one dimension would not be enough, but this is where some of them are already empty and are in the rebuild.

"Me, I kind of feel like I'm here for dinner"

Even the blur won't stop Lianya's hand.

When you hit the water that is dissolving just a little salt that is ready, hold the hot rice gently in your hand and quickly triangulate it.

Placing it on the net took it away from the net with a hand stretched out of the side slightly that had not even burned it.

"Hey here!

"Excuse me, sir! I don't even have time to wait for it to burn!

While the soldier who had taken away the white rice rice rice rice was apologizing to Lianya, he was starting to chew the rice rice he had just taken away by stuffing it in his mouth.

If you notice, there's not a single roasted rice balls left.

This is a situation where production has not kept pace with consumption altogether.

If you take one sigh and turn your eyes outside the fence covering the camp, you'll see the blazing flames making noises and burning up from the big hole that was dug at some point.

It was a hole that I should have dug quite deeply, but it was a sight to worry about if there were too many objects to throw at, or if the hole was already about to be filled and it would burn out properly.

Smoke is also rising with the rising flames, but that one is adjusting to keep the cloir from sneaking into the camp side with wind sorcery.

If that smoke came this way, I don't think Lianya would be at the dining place.

Throwed into the hole are the bodies of demons of all kinds, large and small.

It is here and now that the demons hunted by soldiers in the woods are burned in a newly built incineration plant near the camp after being thoroughly scratched by demonic stones on the spot.

"Look, you guys! Hunt no more demons around! If you run, that's all you're gonna do to sprinkle evil! Don't hesitate, the Teacher wants it too! Split the grass roots, but find them and destroy them completely! It's an outpost with those unbearable nobles' men! Show the instructor the results!

First thing in the morning, Keith was giving such a speech in front of the aligned soldiers.

Indeed, it was Lianya who gave such instructions.

Keith was summoned the other night and told about the training.

"The goal is for you guys to experience something similar in action. Specifically, have them even fight the demons that live around here. Some people would be pretty dangerous, but I don't listen to crying. The scheduled training period is ten days, but whether or not you can go back to the city depends on the outcome in between. You can't let them fight noble private soldiers in a state where you know you're going to lose."

Apart from his strength, he wasn't going to let him fight something he didn't feel like fighting, which was what Lotus said he meant, but the way Keith understood it seems to be modified slightly better than Lotus thought.

"Soldiers, I want you to listen!

It was Scion who was further agitated.

I'll even speak to you!? and he was amazed Lianya, but the look on his face seemed unnoticed by Zion.

"Exorcising one or more demons here and now will not only be the finishing touches of our training. It is also synonymous with stopping the damage your demons might have inflicted on the people of my Duchy of Triden if they hadn't been defeated here. I am Theon, Princess of the Principality of Triden. As a duty to the Duchess, let's promise to always fight on the front lines until the end of this training. Soldiers, I need your help!

The princess had no such responsibility, but the atmosphere is unlikely to make me put such a scratch in.

"You guys! Thus saith His Highness the Duchess! It is now time to show strength and pride as our national army! With Her Highness the Duchess!

"" "" "With Her Highness the Duchess!!

"Death to the demons!

"" "" "Death to the demons!!

"Mr. Lenya? Are you going somewhere to blow up a war?

Kroir, who was somewhat distracted to look away at the soldiers who were putting up their weapons in their hands and coming out of the camp as they raised their voices, asks Lian Yan, but there is no match for the words to answer.

The incitement of this hand was just a little heavy on Lianya.

It was hard to say if embarrassment was going to be the first thing, or if Nori was going to fight in silence because she was somehow different from herself, but it would be impossible for me to talk like Keith or Theon.

What Lianya wanted the soldiers to experience in this forest was the experience of saying that they would have a creature in their hands.

Sometimes it was said that it would be normal for a soldier, but according to what Lianya asked Zion, there have been no major wars, etc. in the people's continent for several decades.

Soldiers from all over the country may have fought once in a while if it were about the demons that come out, but not all of them have had the experience of saying that, and when I asked Keith, the 100 soldiers who are in this training were probably trained but never actually did.

Lianya believes that this is the part where when it comes to actually fighting, there will be a huge difference between experienced and inexperienced.

That's why something affordable to kill can't be rolling around there either.

After pondering various things, Lianya concluded that it would be best to throw the soldiers into the temper forest.

I've also thought of a hand called a woodland labyrinth, which is not suitable for narrow, large-scale combat compared to a woodland of temper.

Furthermore, the Forest Labyrinth is currently under surveillance, and I didn't think it would be a good idea to say that this would stimulate mischief.

In the meantime, they marched from us without doing anything to drive us into the woods, so I was convinced this was okay.

Then I thought about what I could do, and for now I asked Chloe to help me prepare a meal for the soldiers, and I started talking strangely.

First, all of a sudden half the soldiers came back.

It was Lianya who thought she had been blown in cowardice, but as soon as they returned to the camp, they went back to their beds and removed their gear and took the day off.

Nearly 25 more soldiers now begin the task of digging out holes on the outside of the fence or collecting fuel such as fallen branches and leaves in front of Lianya, who tilts his neck.

Here Lianya noticed the thoughts of the soldiers.

They apparently meant a word Lianya said, "Let them even fight".

In other words, they divided a hundred troops into four parts to fight even.

While one squad is fighting, they intend to hunt without rest until the end of their training by conducting a cycle that says one squad will be in charge of handling the body and stripping the material, and the other two squads will even rest their bodies and prepare for a change.

Then there's the view that three shifts in three squads would be fine, but Lianya wanted to go out of her way to appreciate that she split one squad into four.

This makes it possible to calculate the amount of time that can be taken to rest for a long time and the amount of personnel per squad as surplus in the event of further unforeseen circumstances.

Of course, I don't even think Lianya can really fight a boulder for a long time saying ten days where I've tried that idea.

Yet Lianya thought that she would let her see it until she could do it.

The bodies of the demons, carried one after the other in seclusion, are rose, taken of the demonic stones, and thrown into the fire.

The beasts, who are not demons, but can cause harm to people, are also crunchy hunted and furried off, meat is chopped and aged around, or instantly cooked, and non-edible items and garbage are burned with demons.

Lianya was surprised because she had constructed a shack that was still well ventilated, blocking the light of the sun, in order to purposefully store and age meat.

Even then, before Lianya's eyes, materials and demonic stones of demonic origin, materials and meat of beast origin, and things that said so were delivered from the next to the next, forming a mountain step by step.

Lianya thought lightly that she would stop when the sun went down, but from here on out it was night combat training, in Keith's word, they didn't stop fighting while illuminating their surroundings with the magic of Matsumitsu hanging on their palms.

If we fought that way, it would be obvious but the injured would also come out.

Lianya can't use magic.

Regardless of the unwillingness to remember this, Lianya has nothing to say about believing in God.

Unlike magic, in this world it is the magic that is exercised with the help of a real God.

You can't use magic against people who don't have faith in the landlord of power.

Nor can you accompany the users of precious healing techniques to the training of soldiers.

Because healing users should be protected, and if you let them accompany you in training and something happens, it will be irrevocable.

The lack of a healer was not a very desirable situation for Lianya, but nevertheless managed to act as a surrogate with medicines she received from Emil and herbs collected by Kroir in the grumpy forest, etc.

The brief wound used cloir herbs, and for slightly heavier wounds Emil's healing agent was administered.

"Mr. Lenya... People are as tough as crazy, aren't they?

As can be seen from the thinness of its lines, the elves are quite inferior to the human race in terms of endurance.

From that elf, Kroir, it seems that the actions of the soldiers, who say they will continue to hunt even on three shifts, look like insane shacks or something.

"You're fighting with Nori and the atmosphere and the momentum, I'm sure that..."

Lianya answers as she looks at the demonic stones carried with ease as they carry gravel from the river plains.

The quantity of supplies consumed was not half the quantity and the amount, but the quantity of resources that accumulated as they were consumed was also climbing to a considerable quantity.

Lianya herself can charge the state for expenses, so I don't think it matters relatively much about money, but from the soldiers' point of view, I think Lianya would be happy to have something like a bonus after hard training.

In order to cook rice that was no longer enough, Lotus Yakiya began to calculate how much money she would make while throwing in rice and buckwheat in a container with water strained.