Nidome no Jinsei wo Isekai de

Looks like it was up ahead.

At a time when I was using a lift or something like that, I also knew somehow that it was getting down to quite a bit of depth.

But if it is once again stuck in front of us as something real, it is yet another question of whether we can remain calm.

Guided by Zion, a huge door was opened to which he had reached, and in the space ahead, Lianya could not hide her surprise first.

What was there was a huge space.

If you look up over your head, the ceiling was much taller, and if you look left or right, the walls continued further away, beyond enough distance for people to look like bean grains.

There are many catwalks set on the walls of that enormous space, and you can see many of the shadows running on them in the middle of the night.

In addition, the huge space was filled with noisy sounds.

Somehow they are the sound of tapping or cutting metal.

The sound of things being carried, dropped or loaded.

And I can only recognize that it must be a group of people talking, footsteps, etc., which I didn't even know, but they mixed together and there was some huge noise.

Sitting in the middle of such a space, this was also something made of giant metal.

That's too huge, it just looks like a wall from Lianya's place.

But it was constituted by curves and straight lines that clearly could be seen as being at the hands of men, and although it was not known at a glance what it was, it was thought that perhaps this was what the supreme powers of each race did not want to put into contact with the eyes of Lianya.

"What is this?

Even after watching for a while, Lotus Ya, who didn't think of the identity of it, gives up thinking and turns the water toward Zion, who would know about it.

"My partner, what do you think?

Scion, pointing the water, directed its destination towards Emil, next door.

Emil, in contrast, narrows his eyes, stares at the metal wall in front of him and eventually answers in a tone that is unusual and less confident for Emil.

"I definitely don't think so, but hey. Isn't this a ship?

If you think it's absolutely different, then why did you think it was the answer, while Lianya looks at the wall again.

Somehow, if you ask me, it didn't even look like the belly part of the ship. That was it, but it was still too huge for a ship.

"What makes you think it's absolutely different?

"It's a place, Lenya. This is underground, and quite deep. How do we get the ship up on the ground?

If the ceiling could open and close, it would have been Lian Ya thinking that if only he filled the space where Lian Yada was currently, he would have risen on his own, but that's about how Emil had already thought about it.

"In my view, this ship is more than a thousand meters long, but where the hell are you going to pull the water just floating around on such a ship?

Klinge has a variety of water sources.

The city's domestic waters in Lianya's inner castle.

Or hot-spring facilities just outside the city, and so forth, but even if we pulled all those waters to where they are now, it was clear that it would take a lot of time for the ship-like things to fill the water enough to reach the ground.

Besides, that's how I let it float, and now the fact that I can't take that ship anywhere will be blocked.

Anyway, there are no waterways to sail the ship.

If you think about manpower building a waterway that will allow you to run that huge boat, you can't imagine how much talent and money the hell you would pour into it and Lianya would complete the story.

"So it seems like a ship in shape, but if this is the ship, people, elves, and beasts, I just have to think that it's all around the house and I feel weird."

"It's bad for my partner. This is a ship, isn't it? Right, it's called a ship."

It was Scion who took away after Emil, who said it out with a grin like he made fun of someone else, with some regret.

To Emil, who gave an incredible look, Theon told the facts in a blurry tone.

"When they asked me, I thought something was wrong with everyone. But this is really a ship. Correctly, the ship and, more specifically, the battleship."

The sea in this world is in a good situation to say that it is scarcely used because of the existence of a Katru.

Naturally, the technology regarding the ship was also, at best, to the extent that it operated in rivers, lakes, just a few waters spilled over by Katru, etc., and there was no way that it was developing.

Yet Lianya is surprised several times that there is a technology to build a huge ship that doubts its existence, or to design it, and moreover the concept of a battleship that operates that ship as a weapon exists.

Finally, thinking about it, if you even meditate on the fact that you are building a battleship in an inoperable place, from what I've heard, there is nowhere that seems to be a reason why you have to hide it from Lianya.

Even if he did something spectacularly wasteful and might seem, the source of the funds came from the Grand Duke, the Emperor, and the Queen, and Lianya's nostalgia didn't hurt directly, and even if he said something, it was so much the mountain of Sekiyama that he hated just a few novels at best.

"I guess there's something about this"

If you turn a grin that contains Emil to Zion as if to represent the inner heart of Lianya like that, Zion takes it and shakes his head all the time, for Christ's sake.

"I've never been heard of before, either. This is a treasure of the Duchy of Triden, built on blueprints found in what we call the heritage of the lost."

Information about the stray person who drew that blueprint had disappeared because the times the stray person was living in were too old, but the legend says he had black eyes on his black hair, just like Lianya.

"Did the lost man have a blueprint for this?

"They had the original blueprints"

Theon said that the stray who strayed into this world with that blueprint became aware of various metals not found in the original world in this world or the existence of sorcery, and eventually summoned his acquired knowledge to write up the blueprints of a single battleship, as if he had been possessed of something.

"If we had so many battleships in our country - or something like that? He kept saying it till he died."

"I just thought that cannonism had been killed by the emergence of an aircraft."

"Lenya? Now, I think Lenya's words contained words that come frightening to my sensibilities, huh?

To Emil's forehead, who kept his face shining and tried to jump.

Lianya frustrated the story's nose at the same time as being jumped by visiting Decopin with slightly less force.

Lotus Yayo thought it was probably the word aircraft that Emil reacted to, but even if he asked me to explain it properly, Lotus Yayo doesn't have that knowledge.

I thought I couldn't even explain it if it was sloppy, but I think Emil would probably build an aircraft even if it was that much explanation.

But Lianya didn't really want to see the sight of an aircraft flying in the sky of this world, and given that some sort of failure occurred in the process of creating it, it was not considered a good thing to make it out of something like a fragment of a nasty story rather than proper knowledge.

"That's why this is a substitute for this worldly outfit from different worlds. Most…"

When Theon separates words there, he looks up at the hull, which can only be seen on its wall with a slight look on his face.

"There were so many parts of the blueprint that I didn't understand. So I've never thought it was possible to create a substitute that fully reflected the creator's ideas."

In the first place, there is no one against whom to float a battleship in the sea.

If you're there, it's about Katru, but no matter how huge a battleship that existence is in their opponent, it should be turned into an algae chip in the ocean in no time, and they didn't really think it made sense to do it.

Moreover, the technology of this world cannot reproduce, for example, the institutions necessary to move the ship.

From Lianya's fragmentary story, it was possible, or with the help of Emil, who built the automobile, that such a story had never come to Emil until this point, and besides, it was too different in size between the automobile and the battleship, and I had no idea how Emil could create what any of us needed overnight.

"Then why did you make this?

Emil answered Lianya shortly before Zion, who spoken of the questions that naturally arise.

"Well, I guess the purpose of the operation was"

It had been abandoned until now because it had no purpose to use it.

It had never been built before because it was something that had no possibility of being built.

For example, if there is a purpose to use and the possibility has emerged that it can be built, it is a natural accomplishment and nothing is strange, Emil said.

"Even when it comes to the purpose of the operation…"

"Lenya. Perhaps Lenya thinks this is something that Lenya would use as much as the world she was in, so I don't think that's going to solve my doubts for long."

Apparently, Lianya somehow realized from the look on Zion's face that it was difficult to talk to Lianya from here on out, or that the Grand Duke, Emperors and Queens thought about keeping this hidden from Lianya.


"Yeah. I guess in the world where Lenya was originally, she floated this over the sea and used it. This time, it won't float above the sea."

The words Zion told Lianya did not completely understand what the hell she was talking about.

They say they built a battleship, but they don't float up in the ocean.

If so, a series of actions carried out by myself here recently drained into the mind of Lianya, who wondered how the hell to use such a huge structure for what purpose, and eventually one event was left in Lianya's consciousness like some kind of heaven.

"The other day, Lenya would have helped her partner and his brother, the citizens of the demon tribe who follow it, and so on, from city to city, wouldn't she?

As if Lianya had been waiting for the right time to come to mind with that one event, even though Shion mentioned that, Lianya makes her head look shaken vertically in an irresistible move.

Indeed, Lianya had succeeded in rescuing Emil and one of his parties from the land of the Demon Nation from the hands of the Demon King by flying them to the sky from city to city and carrying them to the realm of the people.

That was possible because of Flau's technique, which made him paint a technique that allowed him to fly one area of the city into the sky, and the out-of-consciousness magic of Lianya, who, although there was somewhat dangerous such a huge technique, was nevertheless able to fully activate it and continue to sustain it even further.

With that much thought, the enormous structures placed in front of the present situation and the fact that an investigation has entered the cities of the Demonic Nation will be brought together in one place on this occasion.

"You guys... you entered Emil's city to investigate, not to investigate the Demons, but to do an analysis of the technique that Frau painted on that city itself!?

"Yeah. And finally, not only does it analyze, but it transcribes it into something that looks like a battleship, and it moves properly on top of it."

The shape varies between cities and battleships.

It should have been different in size, but the battleships being built in this underground facility boasted an immensity that approached smaller cities as well.

Still, we couldn't convert the surgical formula that was depicted in Emils' city as it was, and we had no choice but to analyze the surgical formula that Frau depicted in the city from scratch to scratch, and to study on a rapid pitch how it would have the same effect on the battleship if it were to be depicted after finely crushing and understanding this.

"So, that means it's taking shape... what is the power source of this battleship..."

"Let me just elucidate a little bit, they were thinking of using Demon Stone as an alternative at first, but after all the calculations, when they tried to fly to the realm of the Demon Nation just with Demon Stone, they talked about how a tight pile of Demon Stone on the hull seemed a little enough"

"To supplement it from the researcher's point of view, the surgical formula drawn by Frau is naturally based on the assumption that Lenya will use it, so replacing this with a demon stone could possibly cause a malfunction. Hey. I'm sure the strain is smaller if it's a small procedure, but if it's this huge, the strain might get bigger."

"That's why I personally think you somehow understood why my mother didn't want the Emperor, Her Majesty the Queen, to show Lenya until she was finished. What do you think, Lenya?

"Oh, I somehow understood. I don't want to convince you."

At the end of the day, it seemed all that this battleship, which is currently being built in its advanced form, was also a substitute for Lianya's ability request if it were around, and the certainty that if we were to show or notify Lianya of this beforehand, we would absolutely be reluctant to cooperate, was in the power of each race.

On the other hand, when I asked Lianya to cooperate because this is what happened after I made it, I made it by pouring a large amount of people, funds and supplies out of Lianya's personality, even thinking that I would be hesitant to make it a useless long object with my own ideas.

"I think I have a lot to complain about, but I'll introduce you at last. Both of us, this is the showdown weapon for the Royal City of Demons, which is currently being built all night long with workers and technicians crying. A steel castle boasting a giant one thousand hundred meters long and one hundred and fifty meters wide, flying up to the Devil's Royal Castle with 10,000 soldiers and brave men on board. Assault ship."

In front of the belly of the ship, which can only be seen on the wall, to Theon, who made such an introduction with his hands spread, Emil began laughing so much at the absurdity, even though there was actually a real thing there, that Lianya suppressed her forehead and sighed, observing that she would not be left with the option of turning down cooperation any longer than she had learned.