Nidome no Jinsei wo Isekai de

Looks like he's getting ready.

The ceremony proceeds without delay.

This ceremony was an unusual substitute, unprecedented in the past, invited up to the Demonic Nation, but due to prior rooting and intimidation, physical intimidation and some exercising of power, the atmosphere and signs, whatever they may be, are proceeded with quietly and solemnly on the surface.

"I can't help but tell you that there's a guy in this period who still doesn't understand the current situation."

Among the five races, the emperor of the Elves, who now boasts the greatest power, begins to hold and celebrate the ceremony in the form of representing the world, leaking a grunt that Lotus Ya, who was watching in the form of a chair sitting on the space provided on the deck of < Back Feather >, was shrugged off in order to match the costumes of Lotus Ya and Scion.

The ceremony's representative greetings are handled by the Elf tribe, the largest force, but in fact the participants are overwhelmingly more people involved.

This was because the Elves are a single nation culminating in emperors, whereas the human race was due to the existence of states of various sizes, large and small.

Although the Beast tribe is divided into four tribes, it is now united under the Queen, and even fewer participants, including the Queen, as a result of the selection of participants on the condition of those who can attend long and boring ceremonies and gamble with them.

In addition to being absolutely small in the first place, the Demons are voluntarily narrowing down the number of participants as if pressing them in too large a number could cause unwanted confusion from previous notoriety and so on.

Due to their character, the Dragons were expected to come together in numbers that would not take a crack at other races, but sometimes they have come just about a step before the race itself perishes, or there are no other participants in the brave Alberto and the witch Charlotte.

In such circumstances, some of the people in power in the nation-state, who make up the majority of the participants, did not find it interesting that the elves represented the ceremony, apart from the people.

He could be seen blushing and listening to the Emperor's speech, and it was Lianya's whining with it in his eyes.

"If you don't see reality, it's probably true that you still have it."

Lianya's grunt was answered in a position that was half asleep in a chair, Scion surrounded by maids with just a large towel wrapped around her torso.

Shion's figure, which is not so much his face as his arm, but his hands on the maids from his feet to his body to his shoulders, presents something more like a patient undergoing surgery than in makeup, but is Lian Yan, who is unwilling to mention it.

By the way, Lianya herself, Flau stuck to the sticky, but refused exactly to be able to get her hands all over her body like Zion, just lightly shaped her hair, some eyebrows, etc., and all she had to do was wrap herself in pure white courtesy clothes to finish it all off.

"Have you forgotten the reality of the Holy King's destruction or something yet?

"I'm confident we're all right, I'm sure."

Lianya responds with a sigh to Shion, who cleverly shrugged her shoulders and showed her that she was in a situation where her whole body was restrained by the hands of the maids.

In all worlds, human beings exist who believe that they are largely alone, unlike other human beings, and that they can cut through the situation with their talent, but the majority of them can only realize at the moment of the end of their lives that they are not, and that from the edge they take actions that seem to be only funny and good, in the utmost seriousness.

It's Lianya, who doesn't even want me to do something about it, but I just have to wait for them to get off the stage just now, more than I can handle.

"Lenya than that. I want you to look at me for a second. Your nails and skin are perfect."

Lotus Yaya did not know where she had mastered such technology, but below Flau, Zion's body had been perfectly polished, as the person said, by the hands of the maids in charge of Zion's discipline.

The fingernails on the hands and feet are beautifully curved, the surface of which is ridden with a degree of color that does not make it nasty, and Lianya is impressed that a substitute named Manicure existed in this world as well.

The skin was thoroughly washed up in the bath, and this one was thoroughly brushed up on a chair in which Scion was currently half asleep, as if it were a boiled egg of peeling whiteness, tension, and smoothness.

From above that skin, the liquid, which is probably scented oil, is draped, if applied carefully and not firmly by the hands of the maids, Zion's skin begins to develop age-appropriate tension and luster, as well as age-appropriate colour fragrances, leaving even Lotus Ya in a restless mood on the boulder.

The dark hair, which was braided out of the way of those tasks, was also well cared for, presenting a black colour that was not always wet.

"What do you say, beauty?

I am confident that Shion will ask me such a question, and Lianya unexpectedly answers honestly.

"I know you're beautiful"

"... Lenya, one more dialogue now. It feels like whispering in my ear if I can."

"Shut up and shut up. You've been remodeled."

Even though he said it was an indefensible outfit that he just wrapped a towel around it, he controlled Sion with words, who was surprised by Lianya's words and tried to get up from the chair, and then Lianya turns her gaze again to the ceremony taking place under her eyes.

At the edge of the deck, from the position of Lianyi in the space surrounded by a collision, you can look down at the ceremony taking place under the ship from the gap of that collision.

Of course, you can't catch a glimpse of Lotus Mita from below, otherwise there's no way Scion is being taken care of by the maids while dressed as such defenseless or dewy.

The ceremony seemed to conclude with the speech of the emperor of the elves and the congratulations from the ceremony participants were beginning to be expressed, but from Lianya's position he could not even hear who the hell was talking about what.

In the venue, Flau said that the magic of the wind system had arranged a technique that would bring the voice of the speaker to every corner of the venue, but the boulder was limited to the lateral direction only, and it did not reach Lianya, who was overhead from the participants in the ceremony.

"What time is our turn?

And it was Frau, with both arms, who held Zion's dress in a bundle, who answered Lianya, who shrugged so, not asking anyone.

Although Lianya wonders what the hell she intends to do with so many dresses, apparently it is the result of getting allowances and gradually obtainable dresses from one end to the other in order to choose what Shion likes from various designs.

"After the participant congratulations, there will be a description of the ship we built this time, and when it is finished, there will be an introduction to the brave. Afterwards, we will make a statement of the brave man's determination to welcome him, but during that welcome, the Grand Duke will introduce the masters and reveal them."

Retract a chunk of the dress you were holding with one hand, take a piece of paper out of the pocket of the apron dress, possibly a sign or something for the ceremony, and check the contents, Flau explains.

"That's gonna take a while."

I don't even want to know how many human beings congratulate you, Lotus Ya, but I could easily imagine that given the size of the venue overlooking you and the number of participants packed in there, it's not a substitute to end up alone.

At least the number of people going up double digits should be congratulating, and then even if one person has a few minutes, an hour will be calculated to be consumed only by celebration.

From there, he came to the conclusion that three ships and if he started introducing the brave, he would be waited for a couple of hours or so, and Lianya gave a soft-hearted look.

"That's why the master should have worn makeup exactly."

At the end of Flau's gaze that the cosmetics for men are just the same, there was a desk arranged somewhat narrowly with a bottle of cosmetics for men that seems to have been prepared for Lianya today, but because Lianya has refused to use them, there are signs that it is likely that they will be kept without appearance.

"What to do over hours on a man's makeup"

I believe that the event of the announcement of Lianya's engagement is only an extra substitute for this ceremony if you look at it from Lianya, and that among the extra events, my standing position is only about the accompaniment of Zion, which is the main one.

It is Lianya's opinion that it would not make sense to add a decoration to the accompaniment.

Flau's response, however, had pushed him in a direction that Lianya had not imagined.

"If you leave it to Frau, the master will also give it to the daughter of the man in the dress in an hour or so"

If Frau slaps Pong on his chest just to leave it to him, the gaze of the surrounding maids poured on Lianya simultaneously for an unknown reason, and he pulls himself slightly so as to lose the pressure of that gaze, but still has to say what he has to say, says Lianya with a renewed mind.

"What are you gonna do with it? What kind of joke is it that the bride and groom have both dresses?

It is Lianya who shivers herself in the chills, imagining the scion dressed in the dress as she escorts herself.

The sight was nothing but a bad joke, even if expressed modestly.

"Renya, the bride and groom again!

"You're so colored!

To Sion, who was about to rise from his chair again, Lianya, who took a chunk of the dress that was nearby from Flau, throws that chunk to Sion's face without any help.

No matter how strong Lianya's arm was, the only thing she threw was a chunk of a thin fabric dress, and the dress was scattered around Zion, who received that chunk with a decent face and was returned to her chair in a retrospective fashion, as if it were a petal.

"Master, dresses are expensive. Treat it more important."

Many of the splashed dresses are quickly collected by the maids who were around them, and the wrinkled ones are taken away somewhere to re-stretch their wrinkles.

Lotus Yaya is impressed that Shion, pushed back onto the chair, had maids flock again to start taking care of him without delay, and that he was a very well-trained maid for that much serenity.

"If you're sparing time, why don't you come downstairs for dinner? When the time comes, I'll call you."

"You don't have the courage to go out there dressed like this."

"So you're going to eat something here? I'll even prepare some pasta with meat sauce."

"Frau, you said it was on purpose, didn't you?

The dress worn by Lianya was such a pure white fabric that the expression "spotless" was felt to be raw.

What the hell kind of yarn woven cloth does it even look like it's emitting light only slightly?

As for Lianya, who is always dressed in black lineage clothing, I would like to change into my usual outfit soon, even if it doesn't look good, but the place and position won't allow it.

If I went to the venue again dressed like that, I would be sure that the evil stood out, and I would definitely gather all the attention around me that I didn't have to collect.

Because on this occasion, it is clear without thinking that if we were to mouth a menu called Frau's, the sauce would surely jump and create stains on the clothes.

"What do you mean, keep it adult?

"I'd like to ask you to do that, if possible."

If Lianya confirmed that by drawing on Frau's intentions to make suggestions that he should try what he was unlikely to be able to do, or if he could, Frau let him sneak up and shake his head vertically.