Nidome no Jinsei wo Isekai de

They're gonna fight the janitor.

"Grab Gilliel and stay away!

The white blade, released from the sheath at the same time as the word, puts the belly of the initium in a single letter at an almost simultaneous visible rate, continuing to cut it from its shoulder to its hanging.

The opposing initium made him try to avoid two slashes released at a rate his eyes would never catch up with without losing the extra color from his face, he intended.

But somehow the speed of Lotus Ya exceeded that of Initium, an inevitable blow of hanging swept to the shoulder mouth of Initium, scattering a small spark between the armor and the blade.

Being terribly hard, Lotus Yaya thinks as she sees Lorna and Kroir slip their shoulders into both sides of Gilliel's body, falling at the edge of her sight, trying to strain them and starting to distance herself from the scene.

Exactly the arsenal that holds the presence of the name of God seems to draw a line with what Lianya has truncated so far, and the scratches on the slightest armor had also been completely restored to normal by the time Initium looked down where it was attacked.

"Will the armor be repaired automatically? That's troublesome."

Though it was zero, Initium reaches back into the void with nothing to do with Lianya, who is not going to cut it.

"Do you think it's as if I didn't take care of you?

If Initium holds the hand that he said and extended, a pattern of swords shining in gold appears in his hand.

If Initium waved from there as if to swing through the sword, a blade of length appeared at the end of the pattern so that it was pulled out of the void, as well as the back length of the person presenting the golden colour, drawing the trajectory of light.

"That's a sword that seems to hold a lot of value."

"It's not just the way it looks."

I swung loudly as I said it, and against the initium that swung the blade down a straight line from the top, I was looking to cut it off by matching the blades, and Lotus Ya released a softening blow from the bottom, but I keep some eye on the feeling the blades had conveyed to my hands the moment they meshed with each other.

Until now, he has conveyed to Lianya's hand the feeling that some objects had been cut to fly without feeling resistance at all, but only this time they were obviously taken.

Immediately tightening his hand, Initium opens his mouth as he pushes Lotus Ya into power from above to see the face of Initium on the other side of the engaged blade that has not yet lost room.

"Because I know that knife is troublesome. Indestructible attribute. You didn't think I had it, did you?

The power of Lianya's knife out of common sense was due to the indestructible attributes attached to that knife while also detracting from Lianya's own skill.

If an object that will never be destroyed hits something that is destructible, it will always unilaterally destroy the other side.

If we are to contemplate countering such a substitute, it is obvious that what is quick is still to fight with weapons with the same attributes.

"It's what your boss originally gave me. Wouldn't it be strange if you had it? But then you should have put it on your armor, too.

"Because I don't feel so comfortable bringing out what the Lord manages. But that would be enough if we were to fight you."

Lotus Yaya's body drops slightly to the pressure of Initium pushing in as she says.

That shows that Lianya is losing power to Initium, even if only slightly, and the moment she thought of it, Lianya shifted the blade she was engaging with and let it slide as she recieved the blade of Initium she was pushing in, releasing a three-step thrust aimed quickly at her face from close range.

Initium dodges only the neck and upper body movements of the speed thrusting moves that all of which seem to have been rolled out at the same time, and Lianya takes the blow of the beating she unleashed as a counterattack with the blade she pulls back, but her body is greatly deflected in the direction in which she was shot.

"Is time and power up there?"

Letting his whole body stain with magic as he shrugged, Lianya activated the art of self-enhancement.

I flaunt myself when I realize I can't push back, trying to push back the blade of the sword I'm about to push further in.

"I've tried to strengthen it, and it means that the difference in local power won't be filled."

If Initium laughs further into his arms, the blade of the sword being received will be swung out and Lianya's body will be flown in the direction of being swung out greatly.

Initium slammed the flaming bullet into it just in pursuit, but Lotus Ya, who quickly regained his position, struck down all of it with a knife without risk.

But he could not avoid the cutting-edge of the protruding sword aimed at the end of its strike-down, shallow but let it plunder around his cheeks, and from the open wound a splash of blood would fly through the universe all the time.


It reached Lotus Ya's ear that Theon shouted that Lotus Ya had suffered a hand injury, but he couldn't afford to turn his gaze towards you, and Lotus Ya rushes forward at the same time as Initium pulls his sword back.

As if to set up a counter, it was an initium that protruded the sword back out again, but its cutting-edge cut the sky without capturing Lotus Ya, who blades out to its flank while trying to slip through the sides of the initium, striking further behind his back at the same time, protruding toward the back of the initium without turning around the cutting-edge of the sword he carried backwards.

"You're gonna do it!

The blow to the flank had torn Initium's armor apart, and the thrust to the back had certainly brought its cutting-edge to Initium's body.

But the blade of the sword that Initium swung behind him before Lianya tried to penetrate deeper approached the neck muscle of Lianya, and the shallow but definite wound was engraved in that part of Lianya that immediately flew away.

Feeling the lukewarm feeling crawling through her neck muscles, Lianya, who let go of the intermission greatly, wiped her cheek first with her right hand as she held the knife with one left hand.

A trace of red blood sticks to his hand, but the wound that should have been on the wiped cheek area is already blocked and not even left a trace.

Then reaching for the wound carved into the neck muscle, this one was telling Lianya that it could have been dangerous if it had been cut deep there or quite a bit more blood sticking to her hands.

After looking at the palms with red marks on them, Lianya looks toward Initium.

The two wounds on the current offense should have only gotten quite profound if the opponent had been normal, but Initium did not distort his face to the pain, and the flank wound quickly went back to its original state as it was blocked as he looked at it.

"That's a pain in the ass. I don't feel like I could kill you with a single attack."

"I agree. My lord gave me troublesome skills, too. Well, then what are you going to do from here?

"I have no choice but to carve it by hand. I'm better at that."

If the enemy regenerates, it will have to inflict a scratch that exceeds the speed of regeneration.

Having so concluded, Lianya began to pour as much as she poured, without adding or subtracting the amount of magic she was putting all over her body, while restarting her sword with both hands.

"What the hell am I... a bummer"

In the eyes of the initium confronting it, I could see the magic surrounding Lianya's body.

Lotus Yaya's body, which is a person's body but sends unimaginable magic, looks from the initium as if one sun had appeared there.

"But do you think that's gonna get to me?

"Let it arrive"

Lotus Yaya's appearance according to the short scratched out of Initium's sight.

It is an initium that has lost sight of its appearance, but it takes with its sword the blow of Lotus Yaya, who was rolled out whether it was by sign and account.

But if you don't mind being defended or anything, Lianya makes an attack from there as soon as she stops her foot in front of Initium.

The opposing Initium also manipulates the sword to bounce back the attacks of Lotus Yaya, which are repeated one after the other, but its speed was already no longer a substitute for Emil or Scion to follow with his eyes, not even Flau.

However, only the uninterrupted sound of blades and blades meeting conveys the offense being waged between Lianya and Initium.

It was as if the Scions watching from a distance could not tell how the balance of that battle leaned, but after a while the Scions leaked pompously.

"Hasn't Lenya pushed you?

As always, it was Lianya and Initium, who were repeatedly attacking at an invisible rate, but only about a step back.

It was only a one step thing, but as if it had become a breakthrough of some sort, from there, Lianya moves forward and develops things like Initium drops for that matter.

You thought that was when you attacked, the hand of Lianya's attack grew even more intense, and gradually the spare color disappeared from Initium's face, and eventually the blow that Lianya unleashed as she bounced with the mood of the rift greatly disintegrated the attitude of the Initium that had been missed by it.

In response to Initium, who is stunned by his face and unable to pull back his heavily bounced sword, Lianya decided that this was the time to make up her mind, or when she raised her temper voice again, she slammed the knife blade back into Initium's shoulder with all her might.


The groaning Initium's shoulder mouth is just turned down with armor and every flesh beneath it.

No matter how resilient it was, it didn't look like it was such a wound that it could be healed overnight.

That is why everyone thought of the victory of Lianya, but there were two on this occasion who did not think so.

It was cut initium and cut lotus yaya himself.

"I've been waiting for this."

Even though he suffers a wound that only seems fatal, Initium has a smile on his face as if it were a different look from the chopped look he was showing before he was cut.

Against Initium, who just said everything went as planned, Lotus's face was rarely distorted into agony for Lotus.

"Though your abilities have reached the realm of the outside world. You're not out of the realm of people yourself."

In front of the initium that speaks of it, Lianya is completely immobilized.

The cause was two slaughter shots fired just before that.

"I guess I have to thank that Karen for this, too. He is the same person as you. [M] Naturally, they're pretty much the same thing. That's no time to breathe."

Lianya won't answer if they say so.

Rather than not answering, I am unable to answer.

"More than you are a person, you'll need oxygen to move your body. If the body moves, it consumes oxygen, and for what it consumes, it must be replenished by breathing. Never."

Slowly Initium sets up his sword.

Although the sword wound engraved by Lianya remains deep in its body, it did not appear to hinder Initium from acting.

The opposing Lianya is set up with a sword in front of her, and even though her cutting-edge is starting to aim at her heart, she remains unable to move in the position where she has finished shaking her sword.

"Double fire unleashed with all your might. I guess that was something that squeezed the power out of your body. And you ran out of oxygen in your body. [M] I guess I wouldn't have had a problem if I could breathe there, but I'm still God"

It heals as the wounds engraved on Initium's body look through.

"At the end of the second attack, I lost the oxygen around me the moment you exhaled. You'll hear the noise because you're just out of oxygen, and you can breathe, but without oxygen, it won't be anything. Most of all, I can't be that broad because I'm strong enough to alter the Lord's world."

If the body was to move at all, it might have been able to escape the range that Initium had caused oxygen to disappear.

However, in Lianya, shortly after releasing a full series of strikes, he could not move without breath from it, only to slowly heal his body in front of him and continue to see Initium, who was laying his sword.

"It'll be pretty painful, but you're not dying of asphyxiation, so hey. I think we should destroy the heart, stop running through the blood, make it completely immobile, and then think about processing it."

Initium finishes restoring the body.

Initium, who slowly drew his sword, chuckled at Lianya, who could only stare at it.

"So that's it for your second life."

The cutting edge of a sword protruding unwrought.

And Lianya's vision was stained bright red.