Nigotta Hitomi no Lilianne

73, Wolf, your name.

Keep your hands on it for a while with the magic letters out.

But the wolf of an endangered species in front of me, all you could see was your face and your hands.

"Can't you read the letter?

"I'm still young. You won't have to."

[Is it difficult after all……]

"You know when you're a little older, don't you?

"That's a good chance. You'll remember if you tell him, and isn't it well worth it?

Dr. Sunny's words are well worth it.

This wolf was given to you for your own auxiliary purposes, so if you can communicate your intentions, the auxiliary will also expand considerably.

In the first place, the guide dog is an adjunct for his husband who doesn't know what's going on around him. Of course, I can communicate with you to a certain extent, but if you can understand this instruction via letters, it will also be considerably easier.

"Oh, speaking of which, didn't I tell you yesterday you wouldn't have a hand?

"You did. Salvarua is also a species of high temperament. Maybe that's what's causing this, huh?

[I see... but if that's what caused it, wouldn't it be a slightly different reaction?

"I don't know. It's for each person, I bet."

[Oh well... right. Um......... if you can read this letter, will you put your right foot forward?

If you don't like your hands and are having trouble reacting, will you do this? It's not your hand.

The wolf stared at the letter. After you gazed at this face... it was time to slowly put your right foot forward.

"Ohh...... do you get it? Did you find this out?

"Now you just have to let your left foot out."

[Right. Bye]

You already had your right leg pulled in and your left leg out before you wrote down the letters.

Apparently, not only do they see magic letters, they also hear fairy voices.

"We're hearing voices..."

"Then next time you get your right foot out, you get your left foot out, you can pull your left foot in, you can't pull your left out, you can't pull your left"



Wolf you catch on as soon as Dr. Sunny starts doing something like a flag flying game.

It was funny that at that moment, Wolf, you looked like you were going to regret it.

The wolf will look remorseful. That dusted with a really weird face.

"Hmmm...... you seem to hear and understand our voices well. Not a bad reaction, either."

[I see... that was a really easy way to find out]

"I'm gonna make you go crazy."

"If we're gonna do this, we should have fun, right?

[Well, yes... You can't do much, can you?

I turn my gaze to you, the wolf, who is grinning bitterly in his heart but is trying to sleep unfaithfully to the doya facial teacher.

[Wolf, I'm sorry. I don't mean to offend you, either. Will you forgive me? If it's affirmative, right foot, if it's negative, will you give me your left foot?

I saw a chilling magic letter on the side, wolf. You slowly put your right foot forward.

Seeing that, I was a little relieved. Seems unfaithful but not angry.

[You seem to be able to read the letters without any problems. I guess I could talk a little more about this]

"Yeah, yeah, let's hear it from the name first! I knew it was important to introduce yourself!

"Um, that's right. I'm Sarneen. Call me Dr. Sunny."

"I'm Crestilt. Yo. You don't have to call me Kuti!

[I'm Lillianne. Call me Lily]


After each introduction, Wolf, you barked and put your right foot out.


I say call me, wolf, but it's like a social dictionary because you can't speak the language.

This introduction doesn't seem to be a problem, but Wolf, you are the problem.

Affirmative denial is difficult to talk about, even if it can be done. Wolf, I wish you could make letters with magic too, but it took me quite a while to master this.

Kuti was originally an amazing magician so it was easy to handle, but Dr. Sunny said he had never seen magic manipulate freely.

Wolf, isn't it a little more difficult for you to handle?

But I can do it as long as I ask for a name.

The letters of this world also have an alphabetical representation of the world in its lifetime.

All you have to do is point them one letter at a time.

But there are also a few problems.

That it takes time.

Basically, I just stare because I only manipulate magic characters, so I don't know how long my mothers will leave me alone.

That I don't know if I have a name in the first place.

So I decided to solve it one by one.


"Yes, yes, what is it, Lily?"

"Can I help you?"

"Yeah, of course. You can have plenty of fun."


That solves the last two.

And then there's the name in the first place.

[Wolf King. Do you have a name?

I checked the letters, Wolf. Your right leg will be right out front.

You'll be watching yourself in the back. Your wife won't know what you're doing, but it's no problem.

Now that I know I have a name, I will now represent the letters of this world all the time.

Output characters in a different space for conversation.

[I'm going to point to one letter at a time, so can you tell me your name?

Wolf staring at the letters marked with his right foot out. I will confirm you and point the letters one at a time.

"It's Lily! I don't even know his name."

"I wish I could move my magic like you or Kuti.

This technology is difficult because you are the only ones who will be able to do it. Is the conversation still tough? "

I will write down the names that Kuti, who I admire, will indicate and confirm one letter at a time.

Indicate the letters at regular intervals, and with the correct letters you wolf out your right leg.

Repeat this.

It still took a while, but I found out your name safely, Wolf.

"Uh - Is this okay with" Leki "?

"This notation would be all I have."

[Your name is Leki, okay?

Leki, put your right foot forward.

I think you've gotten used to it.

Just affirmative denial, but I can communicate with you now, and I know your name.

It's smoother than the conversation I had with Kuti when I still couldn't hear Kuti.


"Yes, yes, what could it be?

"Oh, I see. I see."

"Really? What is it?

Even though it's better, I'm glad your wife understands it well, even with her rather subtle slippery tongue.

The lady with a soft smile tilting her neck slightly is so adorable. Is this person really a grandmother?



"Uh... uh... Ri... fuck!



After a few good fixes, I was able to pronounce "raku".

It's hard………………….

"That's a nice name. Then starting today, this child is Leki. Stay close, Leki."

"Come on, Riaki."

"Leki. Leki...... that's a pretty brave name, that's Lillianne!

"Really! Nice to meet you, Leki! You're gonna make out with Lily, aren't you?

After all, they are difficult to row.

But now I can tell everyone your name, too, Leki. So no problem.

The name seems to be popular, and I decided to put it on myself because naturally I can't believe I heard it.

"Nice to meet you, Leki. Oh, but you have to say Mr. Kuti about me properly."

"Why are you insinuating? It'll be enough to call it off."

"Er... because sequentially..."

"Sequence. Sequence."

"In order ~"

"Changing the way you say it won't change………………"

Leki's expression looked kind of gentle as well, looking at the fairies' same cont.