Nigotta Hitomi no Lilianne

210, Leadership change and first time……

'Ma'am, referring to the data, it appears that the next vehicle will be the leading vehicle'

The slow-paced investigation was finally beginning to see an end after a big lunch.

Basically, the fairies, who don't need to eat, kept investigating, but Scarlett doesn't either.

It's just that she's working out, so she just skipped a meal or two, and there's nothing to say about it.

But you should still keep your meal to achieve full performance.

She also has good portable food, so I'm done eating it this time. However, since this portable meal is a completely nutritious meal made in the schools run by the mothers, it is not a problem if you are just active.

Yes, if you just want to work.

In other words…… it tastes terrible.

She didn't even want to eat scarlet if possible, but it's convenient, so she put up with it this time.

Nothing. I normally thought I should make a sandwich and take it, but I respected her way there.

Honestly, I can't cook much.

I haven't done it since I was reincarnated.

So in the end it will be them maids who make it.

Then it is wild to speak out.

'Seems so from the shape...... there are holes?

'Yes, apparently it looks like a trail that broke through from the outside. But there is only one hole, and how much power is it to break through steel in this way...'

He has used a number of exploratory magic and has also found some form of train buried in the hills.

The leading vehicle is streamlined with the tip portion protruding.

In other words, is it a common shape on the Shinkansen?

However, directly next to the leading vehicle there is a hole pointing inward so as to break through from the outside, and it is well understood that something happened.

Moreover, there are holes in the vehicle that would have been made of iron, as if the paper had been broken through with a finger.

Considerable force should have to be concentrated on one point to break through the armor of the vehicle, which is supposed to have considerable strength in this way.

Otherwise, more damage must be done.

That's enough that the leading vehicle is missing without a trace.

Strangely, however, only one hole is empty, and if the leading vehicle is not extinguished or penetrated, it is not penetrated.

"And… This Reaction"

'Yes, apparently there is something. All of the data collected is announced. Totally unknown.'

It is not yet known if it is the presence of a hole in the leading vehicle, but the data collected indicate the presence of an unknown object.

It is quite close in distance, even though it is still pinched between a few.

Given the age of use of the Shinkansen, which Scarlett guessed, installing anti-intruder security only on leading vehicles is nonsense, let's just say.

It is therefore difficult to guess what an unknown object is.

It could be something we know, or something we don't know at all.

I just have to check directly to see if I can gather the data by witchcraft more than I know.



The investigation, which was led by a fairy faction investigation team, was lightly transferred to Scarlett by order of Natasha.

If something had originally happened, it might have been natural because Scarlett, who brings in a large number of magic items using my surgical formula and even layers many magic tricks, was in the direction of dealing with them.

We have already told the investigation team that an unknown object has been identified in the lead vehicle, and we have told Natasha and the others alike.

Both the facade of the investigation team and the experts in the conference room were quick to talk to because I understand the performance of my magic.

Still, the investigation team has led the way because of their faculty, experience, etc.

But from here on out, it's an emergency.

Even though we have been investigating how many drifts, we have not come without any damage at all.

If my magic reduces its damage, rely on it.

They are the ones who have more thought than pride and so on that can move at real cost.

Well, although I think it would have been best to have had the words of Queen Natasha, the chief power of the fairy clan.

I knew the queen was amazing.

That's why the fairy faction's investigation team is now evacuating to the entrance and imposing even more thoughtful boundaries.

All that's left is Scarlett.

However, she has already launched several magic items and is in a combat position herself.

Fighting does not always occur, rather it is more likely that it will explode suddenly.

They've done the same with drifts before.

I don't think there's anything like a sudden explosion on the Shinkansen that I know, but beyond the walls of the dimension, there's even an unknown object.

Various possibilities must be taken into account.

If Scarlett enters a combat position, the speed of reaction also jumps to the realm of the master.

Bring her good sword and she'll be strong enough to hold out for a few minutes.

It is not my dream to do it on an equal footing with my wife if there are many more magic items and layered magic tricks.

In other words, Scarlett can suppress or eliminate unknown objects unless they are monsters.

Worst case scenario, if Scarlett doesn't have enemies, it's fine if you activate the emergency magic item.

It would strain her considerably, but at least her life should be saved.

Regardless, it is best not to use it, but just in case I let you hold it.

Scarlett also has a good understanding of the features and the associated harm, so she won't be able to use them wrong.


The evacuated fairy faction's investigation team rebounded and everything was ready.

The meeting room is also beginning to have a heavy and bitter atmosphere.

When the investigation team was investigating, Wygaya Gaya and I were hearing voices discussing it from here and there, but now the voices have stopped perfectly.

Both Kuti and Dr. Sunny stare at the demonic props that are showing the footage.

Natasha is serious in her face as a queen, but she seems a little worried.

Leki, you're still asleep, but Mira looked nervous and frightened.

Mira doesn't have to be nervous, but she must have been filled with the atmosphere that started filling the meeting room.

No, I had many opportunities to cook and deal with Scarlett, albeit for a few days.

Scarlett is very sociable and quite nice to Mira.

Mira felt like she admired Scarlett, too, and she knows how strong Scarlett herself is. I wonder if that nervousness comes from worrying, trusting and all sorts of emotions.

"Okay, here we go."

"Be very careful"

Copy that, sir.

Responding to communications from Scarlett with a little more atmosphere, she moved out.

The door that connects the vehicle to the vehicle that the investigation team has been taking the time to open is chopped open in an instant with a fine sword.

It's a door that falls apart and falls apart, but it doesn't make any noise.

That's the kind of magic prop I use, so naturally.

Absorb all sounds this one can make and keep silent. But other than that, it sounds normal. It's a fairly complicated and sophisticated magic trick.

The radius of ten meters around the scarlet is thoroughly rounded out by a temporary increase in accuracy due to multiple demonic props.

The information is immediately filtered through, organized, and reflected in the video.

Regardless, the information is also displayed in Scarlett's vision.

According to the information gathered, there is still nothing that can be an obstacle other than an unknown object of the leading vehicle.

I see sweat on Scarlett's forehead as she moves to make sure every step of the way.

She's nervous, too.

If you're single and close to an object you don't even know with my witchcraft, that might be natural, too.

Because I wouldn't want to go near it.

The moment an unknown object enters the realm of information-gathering magic with increased accuracy, Scarlett's walk stops precisely.

It doesn't mean she misses the distance.

Because accurately measuring the distance between the subject and yourself is fundamental in combat.

Your own reach, your opponent's reach.

If you are a master at measuring distances in a few millimetres of the world, there is no creation to this extent.

And the data to be collected.

Even though the accuracy is temporary, it is fairly informative, whether it is an unknown object if the current situation is considerably elevated.

In fact, the information that comes together is not what it has been.

A substance that consists of the shape of an unknown object. Everything to that ratio.

When unknown objects ceased to be unknown, there were exceptions there that had never been found in drifting materials before.

The drifting materials Scarlett and the others entered the investigation were completely buried in the hills and could only enter through the vehicle that was the entrance.

The leading vehicle is completely in the dirt, and there is no sign of digging back or tunneling the dirt in the vicinity.

The electricity was completely dead and quite distorted, so it seemed that it would be difficult to open the doors connecting each vehicle.

In other words, it is likely that the unknown objects present in the leading vehicle were there long before they reached the forest next to the world.

And then...

"Ma'am, she's alive."

"This is…… human, right?"

He was the first survivor of many drifts flowing into the woods next to the world.