Nine Sun God King

Chapter 1258: Cannon Arrow

Qin Yun took out the Longding of Tiens Town in Xingyou Tower, let Yangyang come out, and then took out many fairy irons and fairy king beast horns.

The other is the bones of some fairy dragons!

His magic mirror suddenly shook.

It’s Nangong Shelly’s voice!

"Princess Qin, we may have misunderstood before! I want to talk to you in person! I promise not to stop you from making friends with Shui Ru! I just want to resolve the conflict between us!" Nangong Xueli said, although the tone was very peaceful, but There was a sense of indifference.

"I am far away from Shenshan, are you still inside Shenshan? Then I will go back!" Qin Yun said.

"Okay! It's best if you come over. You will notify me when you come near Shenshan. I will send someone to pick you up!" Nangong Xueli smiled and said: "I look forward to seeing you!"

After Qin Yun disconnected, he let Yangyang breathe fire into Longding, Tianshi Town, and burned the fairy iron inside.

Qin Yun put some fairy beast bones into Longding in Tianshi Town and mixed them into fairy iron.

"Xiaoyun, Nangong Xueli wants to see you, it should be to know where you are, so I will lead you out to kill!" Ling Yun'er said.

"Yes, so I have to be fully prepared! Even if I can't kill her, let her peel off!" Qin Yun said coldly.


In her luxury cart, Nangong Xueli sneered, "This little Qin surnamed Qin, really thought I wanted to see him, look at his happy appearance, and said he would come back to find me! Huh, he died. deal!"

"Xue Li, are you going to see him in person?" Long Tiandao asked, drinking lightly.

"How could I go to see him? You can send your dragon family's dragon-blood fairy to bring me his head and let me see it!" Nangong Xueli sneered: "He's a little bitch, not worth seeing I!"

Qin Yun is strengthening and improving his lion cannon.

After he became a fairy, the Tianshi totem pattern also became a fairy pattern. As long as it was newly carved on the Lion King Cannon, the Lion King Cannon could be turned into a fairy.

The materials currently used by the Lion King Cannon also include a lot of fairy king beast horns, and a lot of fairy iron.

"Yangyang, the flame you released is really strong, and for so many years, I haven't fed you in vain!" Qin Yun gently stroked the beautiful purple feathers on Yangyang's body and laughed.

Yangyang spitting fire at Longding in Tiens Town, this nine-day black finches, the flames spewing out were terrible.

Qin Yun didn't dare to face this terrible flame even if he cultivated the Eucharist.

The fairy king beast horn and fairy iron were soaked in a large amount of Wangpin beast oil and burned by the flame sprayed by Yangyang, making the flame more fierce.

Qin Yun wasn't idle, releasing the black Mingyang fairy fire, mixing those flames, and melting the materials inside Longding in Tiens Town.

It takes time to melt the material, and Qin Yun also took out the gemini mirror.

The Gemini Mirror has Gemini and Xuanhe celestial patterns inside.

The Xuanhe sky pattern allows various things to be quickly and perfectly integrated.

Now, he released the energy of Xuanhe Tianzhang through Shi Gezi Baojing, which is a kind of red light, shining inside Longding of Tiens Town, allowing various materials in it to melt and integrate perfectly.

Finally, he threw down the Lion King Cannon, and then used powerful spiritual power to control the powerful fairy-level materials of Longding in Tiens Town, attached to the Lion King Cannon, and merged into the Lion King Cannon.

This kind of refining method was also uniquely created by Qin Yun, because he has a large number of auxiliary tools, so he can succeed.

Two days later, the Lion King Cannon was recast, renewed, and turned into snow white, with immortal qi flowing and fierce.

Qin Yun took out the Lion King Cannon and let Yang Yang go back to rest. There are still many things that Yang Yang needs to help.

"Sculpture Tiens Totem Pattern, Tree Totem Pattern, Thunder Totem Pattern, Fire Totem Pattern!" Qin Yun owns the Totem Strange Pattern Soul, so when carving the totem pattern, it can do more with less.

It is easier to sculpt Tiens Totem and Fire Totem, because he also has the Beastmaster Qiwen Soul and Fire Madness Qiwen Soul.

"I don't have a good immortal pattern now. Fortunately, among the totem patterns I have mastered, the tree totem, the Tianshi totem and the Thunder totem are all immortal totems! This will make the Lion King gun stronger!" Qin Yunruo wanted to get more Many fairy patterns can only be evolved using the original strange patterns, but this takes time.

The other is the Xingyueyang odd pattern, all of which need to evolve into the Xianyueyang odd pattern, which also takes a lot of time.

After Qin Yun improved the Lion King Cannon, it was Jiu Tianxuan Wang's sword!

This is his very common weapon.

"Without Yaofang's refining shells, my own shells are more general!"

Qin Yun decided to refine another thing instead of shells.

It is a kind of special arrows that can be inserted inside the Lion King Cannon, and then use the energy of the Lion King Cannon to explode those arrows, which can penetrate into the body of a person or a beast.It's like blowing an arrow!

The arrow he made, the sharpest and sharpest part of the arrow, is refined using the fairy king beast horn, which can ensure a strong penetration.

The arrow of this kind of arrow is as big as a slap, thick like a stick!

Some arrows have a circle at the end of the arrow. When needed, the tree totem can be released through the tree totem of the Lion King Cannon to entangle the arrow tail. When the arrow hits an enemy or a beast, it can be dragged back.Moreover, the thunder totem power inside the lion cannon can be used to pass the amount of violent thunder electricity, paralyzing the prey!

Qin Yun's Xingyou Tower in the underground, forged many special "artillery arrows".

This kind of artillery arrow is still a fairy charm. After flying out, it can be controlled by Qin Yun's mental power and can explode when needed!

"This should be easier to use than artillery shells!" Qin Yun has only refined a total of 30 pieces, which can be recycled if they don't explode.

Cannon arrows are immortal charms, so there is also the power of runes on them. For example, some cannons can be fixed when they are stabbed, or they can release the power of freezing, the paralyzing power of thunder, and the power of wearing magic powers, or they can be worn Very strong psychedelic power.

"Thirty, it should be enough!" Qin Yun was very satisfied with the artillery arrows he had refined.

After resting for a while, he put away the Xingyou Tower and came to the ground.

These days, Nangong Xueli contacted him several times and asked if he had come to the forest.

Qin Yun just replied that he came, because he was lost and did not know where he was.

Now, he finally got his equipment, and came to the ground.

It was late at night, Qin Yun took out the magic mirror and told Nangong Xueli that he was near a hill.

Qin Yun is still unable to track Nangong Xueli through the magic mirror. It will take some time to figure out the strange pattern of the magic mirror, but he is confident that he can successfully locate it.

The topography of this area has long been figured out by those dragon blood immortals.

When they learned that Qin Yun was near a hill, they hurried over immediately.

Qin Yun was already near the hill, waiting for the Dragon Blood Fairy to get close, and he made a puppet waiting there.

The puppet wears a mask and a robe, and the flame released by Yangyang is sealed inside the puppet!


I saw ten big men in black armor and golden boots holding a big sword and rushed towards the puppet.

As soon as these great men passed by, they surrounded the puppets, and then waved their swords!


The puppets exploded, and the terrible nine-color flames of Yangyang burst out and covered them, making them scream.

One of the big men took out the magic mirror and wanted to report back the situation here.

But Qin Yun immediately shot a cannon arrow, piercing the big man's head!

After the artillery shot, with Qin Yun's control, he flew back immediately.

Although the big men were wearing the inferior immortal armor, they could not resist the flames of Nine Colors in Yangyang, and they were burned up.

Through the Lion King's cannon, Qin Yun sent out artillery arrows that pierced the heads of those big men!


At night, Long Tiandao and Nangong Xueli slept together.

Nangong Xueli sat beside the bed and sneered: "Soon, the Dragon Blood Fairy will be able to bring that guy's head back!"

"That's for sure! Although the dragon blood fairy of our dragon family is only a triple fairy, even if it is faced with a four-fold five-fold fairy, it can easily be killed, let alone a half-fairy imp!" Tian Ren laughed and wanted to lay down Nanan Xueli.

But Nangong Xueli broke away and said, "Should the Dragon Blood Immortal be here? You contact them to ask!"

Long Tiandao shook his head, took out the magic mirror, and contacted the dragon blood fairy, but could not be contacted, which made him jump from the bed immediately.

"They... lost contact!" Long Tianren quickly took out a box and opened it. The ten beads in it all shattered. He suddenly shocked: "This is the life beads of the ten dragon blood fairy people. They It’s all dead!"

Nangong Xueli's face changed drastically, and said in a cold voice: "What's going on? Did the kid kill them?"

"Impossible! Not to mention that kid, even if it was a fairy, it was not so easy to kill ten dragon blood fairy people, how can I escape one or two!" Long Tian blade shook his head: "That's a family The dragon blood fairy sent to me is dead! After I go back, I will definitely be scolded!"

Nangong Xueli took out Xiao Caifeng's magic mirror and contacted Qin Yun: "Son Qin, where are you! Are you not near that hill?"

"I'm near that hill! Why haven't you come yet?" Qin Yun asked.

"Are you sure you haven't seen the people I sent? I mean, I sent people to pick you up, haven't you seen those people?" Nangong Xueli asked with her teeth.

"Not seen!" Qin Yun said.

"Okay, you'll wait for me!" Nangong Sherry disconnected and vigorously dropped the mirror on the ground, very angry.

Qin Yun did not know whether Nangong Xueli would come, and could only wait near the hill.

Long Tianren said coldly: "I sent Xiaolang to the past! His stealth ability is very strong, and he is a very strong four-fold fairy beast, he can definitely succeed!"

"Good!" Nangong Xueli said coldly.

Qin Yun was hiding on a big tree near the hill. He didn't wait for Nangong Xueli, but he was waiting for a werewolf!

"There are four breaths of fairy power in this guy's body. They are four fairy beasts!" Qin Yun secretly panicked: "Is he also sent by Nangong Xueli?"

After the werewolf came, he didn't see Qin Yun, so he took out the magic mirror.

Qin Yun saw the werewolf take out the magic mirror and shot a cannon arrow from afar.

The werewolf responded quickly and caught the cannon.

Qin Yun immediately controlled the artillery arrows to explode, blasting out the werewolves, and the magic mirror was smashed.