Nirvana In Fire

Chapter 95: Xia Jiang

Thank you for your concern. It's much better now. The problem is that I feel unconscious in the morning. I sleep till 9: 00 pm. I have not slept until now. What should I do ~ ~

-------------------------This is the divider for biological clock disorder------------

Over the next few days, Mae Changsu seems to have adjusted his mood slightly so that he can tease the flying stream and listen to the children's road to report on the movements of all parties in Beijing. He stopped thinking about the woman who disappeared into the family's fate vortex. Although that woman had once swayed around his leg and grabbed his horn when she was a child, those memories were far too long, far from resembling his own, and his impression of adulthood Xie was pale, only in the context of some of his plans.

So if you don't, try not to think again.

Yu Wang's move was indeed not slow. On the third day Xie Yu went to jail and shook the whole dynasty. The people of the Prince's side quickly used all their power, asking for information and asking for compassion.

The fall of a pin army in a blink of an eye is in any case a major case in recent years. But to the surprise of some uninformed people, neither the honorary king who initiated the case nor the desperate prince who tried so hard to bail it out, had asked for the meeting, a procedure that should have been necessary.

Therefore, the case of Xie Yu was indeed left to Liang Emperor alone, and no foreign minister was allowed to intervene openly.

In such circumstances, Xie Qi's funeral was delayed accordingly. After several minor and low-key proceedings, her hearth stopped in a pure house in the Upper Temple of Jingxi, lit a lantern and waited for her husband and son-in-law to pick her up and move her to Zhuojiazu's grave. Xiao Jingrui's injuries were not healed, so he struggled to help his sister with the coffin. Princess Daiyang has asked to leave her home and hide in an ancient temple to guard her daughter's incense. Even the daily shifting of the blow, even though it has been a long period of wind and rain in life, is a little unbearable, and the disease gradually reappears. However, Xiao Jingrui's injuries have not improved due to the inability to rest. Instead, Xie Pi had to bite his teeth to build up his spirit and start working again on some matters to take care of his sick mother and his injured brother.

Xie Xie, who studied at Matsuyama Academy, was surprised by the dramatic change in the family, but was unable to return because Princess Yangchang wrote the letter himself to prevent him from returning to the capital. His teacher, Mr. Meishan, was also retained by Mae Chang Suzhito.

Still disturbed by the anger, Liang Emperor went to the Hibisher enclosure for spring hunting as planned. He returned to the palace for two days. Upon returning, he regained 20 Jing Wang Liang horses and 10 gold beads. Yu Ruyi handled them all, and Meng Xin also received some beads. The empty-handed prince and the king of honor are inevitably a little sour in their hearts, but one self-proclaimed monarch status, the other thought that Soleil's own reward far outweighed this, to show the degree of fraternity, so nothing was shown on the face. Instead, prepare a gift to congratulate King Jing on his courage and earn face for Daliang. Some officials follow the wind and naturally come to the door to give gifts. King Jing received only a few princes' gift slips, saying that they were "brothers' gifts but not friends”, and according to the rules, the gifts from other dynasty ministers were euphemistically refused, only one cup of tea was clean, and he quit a little, reluctant to talk more. He was very satisfied when the news reached Diehl Liang.

On the fifth day after the spring hunt, no news of the disposal of Xie Yu has come out. Mae Changsu was not in a hurry, and took the iron shears to fix the flowers and trees in the courtyard. By the afternoon, Li Xian had come to reward Wang for his visit. Before he could go back to his room and change his clothes, which were dirty when turning over the flowers and trees, he had already rushed into anger. The two of them walked into the room together and before the people left completely, the king of honor couldn't help but say, "Your Majesty is crazy! ”

“Your Highness, please use tea," Mae Chang-su handed a small bowl of porcelain lid to Yu Wang and asked quietly, "What did His Highness just say? ”

“Uh...” Yu Wang ignored himself and changed his tongue. “I mean, I don't know what His Majesty was thinking. Xie Yu's case board was nailed, and then he talked about it. He preferred not to worry about it. Death penalty is inevitable. What's to hesitate about? ”

“Your Majesty hesitated?” Mae Chang-su is still not surprised, “wasn't he okay the other day? ”

“You don't know, Xia Jiang is back. This old thing, I didn't even realize that he had a relationship with Xie Yu. Suming should have stayed out of it. He actually broke a big example in order to Xie Yu, and asked for the Holy Mother's help. I don't know what tongue he flipped. His Majesty's tongue changed today. He called me to ask me about the situation on that day in detail, as if he had some suspicion that Xie Yu had been framed. ”

“Tie Zheng Rushan, Tianquan Mountain Estate still has some personal letters from Xie Yu. Zhuo Qingyu also kept the floor plan of the Shen Chao Mansion painted by Xie Yu. He was guilty of assassinating the imperial court members by illegal means. I was afraid that only someone could flip his tongue? ”

“In that case, I was finally uncomfortable. Xia Jiang had the means, His Majesty trusted him again, heard that when he returned, because he helped us that night in summer and winter, scolded her, still under house arrest do not move. Looking at his position, there is no consequence. The iron heart must protect Xie Yu. They don't have any intimate relationships. How can they be so connected? ”

Mae Chang Su's eyes flashed for a moment. “Has he ever seen Xie Yu in heaven? ”

“Once. Throw all my men out and I can't hear what they're talking about. ”

“Where's Xie Yu's confession? ”

“He admitted some, others did not. ”

“In other words, he admitted to having done some illegal things for the prince, but he refused to admit to all the major cases involving Royal Tianwei, like the murder of an inmate? ”

“Yes, he did use the power of Zhuo Dingfeng, including by assassinating Shen and pursuing him. Other important, he cried and complained of wrongdoing. He countered accusations that Zhuo Dingfeng had intentionally fallen on him to avenge his own death. ”

“Well," Mae Zhang Su nodded, “it seems Xie Yu only begged for his life. That's right, as long as he can keep his life alive, hang him or something, as long as the Prince will be able to climb in successfully in the future, does he still have no chance to rise again? ”

“He was delusional,” Yu Wang was stabbed in the pain, snorted coldly, "If this time the king can't cure him, it would be a waste of your hard work planning for me, sir. ”

“By the way," Mae Chang-su did not answer the phone, turning to ask the others, “The day before yesterday, I asked His Highness to let Zhuo Ding-feng make a list of all the events of the past year, I wonder if they are correct? ”

“I brought it with me today,” Yu Wang grabbed a piece of paper from his boots and handed it to Mei Chang-su, "This Xie Yu was really daring and arrogant. It was lucky that he hadn't killed him all these years. ”

Mae Changsu took the paper list and seemed to browse it very casually. “Some people are afraid of Zhuo Dingfeng and don't know why Xie Yu wanted to kill them? ”

“Exactly. Some of them couldn't even figure out what he was going to do, such as that... what kind of teacher... so strangely dead. ”

Mae Chang Su looked for the paper slip again like he couldn't remember clearly. "Oh, Your Highness is talking about this Li Zhongxin, right? It's almost twelve or three years since Jongpyeong killed her in 23 years. It's an old case. Maybe it's personal. ”

“A teacher has a personal grudge against Ning Guohou? Sir, are you kidding me? ”

“It is indeed a joke," Mae Chang Su faintly revealed the topic, "Your Highness is not in a hurry. Although Xia Jiang is trusted by the Emperor, will His Majesty's holy petition in front of the Emperor be less than his? If Xie Yu survives this time, and does not say whether he has a chance of resurgence, he is afraid that His Majesty's power in Hundred Official's eyes will be diminished, but it is not conceivable. ”

Yu Wang's face was gloomy, and obviously that sentence was in his mind. In fact, Xie Yu now has no authority, there is no difference between death and immortality, but since the scene opens so loudly, if the scene ends miserably, only people in his camp are afraid of instability, think the Emperor's grace has diminished.

But... do you really just “think”?

In recent times, Liang Emperor's attitude was still mild, but between words, he was much more apathetic. With the sensitivity of the king of honor, he naturally perceived the difference, but for the time being he could not think of the root cause.

“Your Highness,” Mae Chang-su's voice interrupted Yu Wang's contemplation, "you still have some power in heaven? Can I come in and meet Xie Yu? ”

“You want to see Xie Yu? This man's heart of the jackal, it's important to save his life now, only words can be spoken, right? ”

“Depends on what you say.” Mae Changsu slowly folded the paper list in his hand, "Your Highness, you also said that Xie Yu's personal relationship with Xia Jiang was not deep, so in my opinion, he worked hard to protect Xie Yu this time, not for love, but for profit. ”

“What profits does Xia Jiang have? Is it possible that he is also a prince...”

“No," Mae Chang-su shook his head unequivocally, "Xia Jiang's loyalty to His Majesty is absolutely beyond any doubt. For him, anything is done for His Majesty's sake. I'm afraid not even His Majesty will deny that? ”

“That's true, Xia Jiang was loyal to his father, so I can't figure out why he jumped out at this time. ”

“Speaking of which, I just realized the other day that a man's loyalty to you doesn't mean that he won't lie to you. Sometimes he does something in secret, and he thinks it's for your own good. ”

“What do you mean, Xia Jiang lied to his father? ”

“Just speculation.” Mae Chang Su Yang raised the long list of hands, “Guess, nature is all the possibilities to think about. For example, I was wondering... could some people in this list... Xie Yu killed for Xia Jiang? ”

As he spoke, Yu Wang had jumped up and his right fist fell in his left palm. He said harshly: “Yes! Sir, it turns out he's very agile. What's the difference between Xia Jiang and Xie Yu? Xia Jiang must have something in Xie Yu's hands. He saved his life, so he kept his mouth shut. This is the deal! This is definitely the deal they made when they met in jail! ”

Mae Changsu slowly reached out one hand and made a gesture indicating Wang Jing's quietness. He snapped a slight smile on his lips, "Your Highness, don't get excited first. As I said earlier, all of this is merely speculation, and if speculation were to be used as a factual response, there would be only some deviation. Your Highness will arrange for me to meet Xie Yu first. Even if I can't ask anything, the visiting wind is always fine. ”

“Nice, Ben Wang reckless.” Yu Wang also felt faulty, busy and steady expression, “going to heaven jail was easy to arrange, sir don't worry. I will also let them lock Xie Yu up in case he rudely hurts you sir. ”

“That's a good idea, the flying stream will follow me...” Mae Chang Sutton asked, "Can we go together? ”

“Yes,” Yu Wang responded repeatedly, “but I forgot, there was a flying escort, and I was worried about Xie Yu. ”

Mae Chang Su owed him a gift and added: “His Highness should also continue to listen carefully to the situation of other people. I wonder if there have been any recent developments? ”

He brought this up, and Yu Wang's eyebrows wrinkled unconsciously. If Qin had not known what had happened recently, things would have gone wrong. He had been placed in the eyes of many ministerial offices for the concubines. Either he had been found out by mistake while gathering information, or he had been deported from his private relationship case, or he had been sent to another courtyard for some reason, and even had run away quietly. In a short period of time, he had folded 78 important eyeballs, making this talented woman a mess, busy handling the subsequent mess, and had not provided any useful information for a long time.

Mae Chang Su took a look at him. He was very intelligent. He didn't ask. He just whispered, "It doesn't matter. The Chaplains, aren't you the only one looking at your horse now? It's just that now it's so easy to crush the prince's momentum. Your Highness must not be tired after all. ”

The glory of the king swept over his face, his palms darkened into fists on his sleeves, and there seemed to be a shady wind between his teeth as he spoke.

“Don't worry, my lord... I understand...”

Plum Changsu slowly drooped the curtain, lifted the thin white porcelain tea bowl on his hand, handed it to his lips and sipped peacefully.


Serve tea, go out and vote ~ ~ ~