Nirvana In Fire

Chapter 153: Morning

Meng Xi et al. encountered a light prodigal on the street, undoubtedly, is Fluttershy and unwilling to mention the early morning brother. After chasing the little beauty, he didn't see anyone until dark, but Mae Chang-su suddenly said to Li Xian, “It's about dawn...”

So Su's housekeeper rushed out to clean up a guest room and Jin Ping complained beside him: “Why didn't he come straight over, knowing the Patriarch was waiting for him? ”

“Because the lord is here all the time, if the little beauty doesn't chase him, he's going to run away...” A voice seems to fly from the sky, the candle shadow shakes slightly, the long figure reverses light appearing in front of the window, shaking the fan beautifully.

“The Patriarch is in Nanhouse. Go on.” Zhen flattened out the window.

“Help me get Aunt Ji to cook a bowl of powdered eggs, I haven't had dinner yet...” The last few words have blurred, floating and swinging to the south.

Mae Chang Su was sitting in front of Nie Feng's bed, and the guard was beside him. As soon as the morning came in, he smiled without returning. “Brother Nie, the Mongolian doctor is here. Let him give you a diagnostic pulse and listen to his nonsense. ”

“Too much, you wrote a letter, I broke my leg and ran from Nanchu, and that's how it was treated?” The morning fell on his shoulders, shook his head and sighed, "When I passed Yunnan, Needle cried and wanted to come with me. Was it easy for me to help you deal with him? Even today, I'm still hungry. ”

“Are you still hungry?” Mae Chang-su laughed, "That's great. Quick diagnosis pulse, you can't tell if you're not eating. ”

“Tough, you tough.” At dawn, he walked up helplessly, grabbed a wrist, and before he could touch the pulse door, he was thrown away.

“I asked you to diagnose his pulse, not mine. ”

“I think it's time for you to go to the doctor's office too." Dr Yan fell down in the morning to learn more about him. "You can imagine that this is a difficult year for Dr. Yan. ”

Mae Chang-su reached out and pulled Chen Chen to the bed and pressed down to sit down. “Son, please stop messing with me and take a look at the patient. ”

The morning smiled, reached out his sleeve, pressed his left wrist, briefly diagnosed for a moment, and carefully examined his nails, ears, eyes white, tongue moss, etc., which only slightly exhaled, indicating that Mae Changsu and he came outside.

“What do you say? ”

“It looks scary, but it's only three layers of toxicity, nothing. ”

Mae Chang-su stung him with his eyelids: “You've never really done this poison before, can you do it? ”

“Ha," Chen Gao raised her eyebrows, "you can't trust me, why did you call me here? ”

“If I could find the Lord of the Old Palace, who would be happy to call you?” Mae Chang-soo turns around and says, "Flying, would you like to? ”

The teenager squatting at the corner shook his head vigorously.

Morning smiled and said, "Well, I admit, if you had that kind of poison, I wouldn't have figured it out, but this guy, he's fine. But... naturally you know... which solution to choose, you have to tell him clearly and let him come up with an idea for himself. ”

Mae Chang-su closed his eyes tirelessly and softly: “In that case, let's talk about it tomorrow. Tomorrow his wife will come and ask the couple to discuss it. ”

A deep look at him in the morning, he seemed to say something, but eventually he shrugged and changed the subject, “I brought you a gift this time. Did Flight tell you? ”

Mae Chang Su Xu slowly opened his eyes, featherbrows slightly picked up.

“Didn't seem to say... flying! You're not a good boy, Brother Chen is going to wrap you in a wooden barrel with castor leaves and roll down the hill..."

“All right,” Mae Chang-su slapped him in the elbow without being angry, "don't tease him. What did you bring, a treasure trove like this? ”

“Oh,” Morning made a hand gesture, “a beauty! ”

Mae Chang-su turned around and went to the courtyard. “This is no ordinary beauty, you know her!” Just now, he saw Miyagi sneaking out of the house. He seemed to be watching the movement here. He couldn't help but laugh out loud: “Miyagi, you don't have to be nervous. Whatever kind of beauty she is, she can't compare to you. Even if Chang Su cares about this beauty, it's for other reasons...”

After hearing him say this, Mae Chang Su moved his mind and immediately stopped, turning his head: “Did you catch Qin Jiaro? ”

“How can a beauty use that word?” I was unhappy in the morning, “I just passed Yunnan and ran into herself into my net. I picked her up softly and invited her over. ”

“Does she know where Xia Jiang is? ”

“Originally she fled with Xia Jiang, but Midway Xia Jiang suspected that she was burdensome and left herself. Where she went, she could only point in one direction. But now that the four realms have been sealed, even if Xia Jiang has the ability, he will not be able to escape this day. I've got some leads now, and I'm letting them track me down. ”

Mae Chang Su Jiangsi sighed, and half the party gently “hmm”.

“Chang Su," Zhang Chen leaned over, half smiled and half seriously asked, “I'd like to ask, after King Jing's reign, how do you want to clean up the Skates? After all, if Qin is just one of them, it is undeniable that there are still some members of the Skating Nation who still embrace the idea of a return. From their standpoint, that's their justice, isn't it? ”

Mae Chang Su sneered, the tone was cold, “I admire their desire to return to the country, but I won't feel soft about it. When my father was handsome and slippery, there was a situation at the time, I would not argue with the Skaters about anything right or wrong. It's just that... in my Great Beam now, there are people who have been swallowed up like the Skating Nation, and there are countries like Night Qin, which have the same problems as several of Zhou's neighbors. Nanchu is calming down this year. Isn't that why he's rebelling? After King Jing came to power, it was also an obstacle that he needed to calm down and overturn. He was afraid that it would not be easy for him to be king. ”

“You're such a long fucked heart,” Morning shook his head, “my father advised you, as if you hadn't put a word into your mind. I'm going to eat. I'm starving. Where's Aunt Ji's egg? Why didn't you bring it? ”

His last shout was so loud that immediately a bright voice answered: "Put it in the hall and eat it yourself!” At first sight in the morning, his face flashed and he passed happily. It was only then that Miyagi slowly approached him and whispered: “My lord, the president has arranged it. Tomorrow Miyagi will have to say goodbye for a while. When you get to the prison, Miyagi must be cautious at all times and never make any mistakes. Please rest assured. ”

Mae Changsu nodded and said faintly: “I always feel comfortable with you. Rest early.” After such a brief sentence, he immediately turned around and went back to Nie Feng's room.

Miyagi stood alone in the courtyard for a long time, and the evening wind almost soaked her clouds, and she remained motionless. She arrived from the hallway on a full morning and watched her silently. “Miyagi, play the first song. ”

The beautiful star's eyes turned softly and seemed to flash with a moisturizing slight light. Moon shadowed her head back to the room slowly, not too long later, the wax sounded.

In the quiet night, the tune is gentle and natural. Although it is not surprising, it also leads to a lifetime of flowering water, stirring infinite thoughts and intestines.

However, the closed doors and windows in Niefeng's room have never been opened again.

In the early morning of the next day, Miyagi went out in disguise according to a plan with Meng Si. Someone in Su's house waited anxiously or idly. By late afternoon, a carriage entered through the side door and just stopped. Meng Min Ben jumped down first and reached for the back. However, he did not need his help in the summer and winter. She did not even help the trees. She jumped to the ground herself. She remained as arrogant as ever. There was no sign of committal.

Le Lan led them into the main yard, first asked Xia Winter to wash off the disguise on the face, then Mae Chang Su came out and accompanied her into the south house.

Nie Feng sat in the sun in a chair against the window, and when summer and winter came in, he quickly held his head and dared not go to see her. The guard held his shoulder down for a while and failed to persuade him to move. Finally, he had to smile bitterly at Summer Winter.

But Summer Winter didn't see his bitter smile, and from the moment she came in, her eyes never left the person on the seat, although he could hardly be described as a person in appearance.

Full of white hair, swollen and deformed body, trembling in a curly posture, nothing reminds her of her English pride, as if she could swallow the husband of the wind cloud.

But it's alive.

This one, at least, is alive, compared to the broken bones that were in front of me thirteen years ago.

Teardrops fell in the eyes of summer and winter, but a smile appeared on the lips. She walked to Nie Feng and squatted down. She held him tightly in her arms without saying anything.

At this moment, she didn't even think about suspicion, checking the silver ring on his wrist first. Perhaps she could not wait to believe the good news at the moment when it was sincerely explained to her.

Silent hugs, hot tears, thumping heartbeats in the chest, and the fear of losing it. All this made summer and winter a little dizzy and dizzy enough to close your eyes to open it again.

After a long time, a person coughed softly. “General Nie, Lady Nie, it's not me who shakes the scenery... There's still time for the two of you to enjoy the reunion, but now, can you listen to my Mongolian doctor about the poison of the cold? ”

Summer winter set her mind and slowly let go of her husband in arms. The guard moved a bench and sat them next to each other. Meng Xi also found a place nearby, only Mae Chang Su sat in the corner.

“The poison of the cold is the most strange poison in the world. Curiosity can be both life-saving and life-threatening, and can put people through hell.” In the morning, the tone was blunt, "General Nie was burned all over his body, the fire poison attack was already physiological, but he happened to fall into the snow hole and was bitten by the cold bug, which saved his life. The worm is only found near Meiling, and the Valley of the Unsullied is only one wall away from the northern valley of Meiling and grows a little. They specialize in scorched meat while spitting out toxins, strangling the fire poison with cold air, thus forming a new and strange poison, the poison of cold. ”

Despite what he said, the strange thing about this poison is that not only does he tremble all summer and winter, but he can't help but change color on his face.

“People with the poison of fire, deformed bones, swollen skin, grew white hair all around them, and their tongues were stiff and speechless. Toxic attacks occur several times a day and require blood to be consumed to calm down, preferably human blood. Though the poison can prolong life and strength is normal when not seized, such torture may not be cleaner than death.” Chen Chen looked at Nie Feng with a sympathetic eye, "General Nie was able to endure these years, his heart was very popular, and I admired him. ”

“Can this poison be solved?” Summer and winter held her husband's hand tight and asked eagerly.

“Can be solved.” Morning is very simple, “there are two solutions, one thorough and the other incomplete, and you have to choose one of them. ”

“Of course we need a complete solution.” Summer and winter do not hesitate.

Dawn looked deeply at her for half a day and sighed: “When I have explained the difference between the two solutions, can Lady Nie choose? ”

(To be continued, please log on to WWW.CMFU.COM for more chapters, support the author, and support authentic reading!)