Nirvana In Fire

Chapter 164 Blind Spots

The three men who were left in the yard in the morning were like mud and did not move their stiff bodies for half a day. Of these, Niedel had the longest period of joy, the most desirable mood, and the deepest degree of disappointment. He kept his head buried in his palm, and then the guard reached out and shook him, and he did not respond.

“Ned, when you see the handsome young man tomorrow, you say he misses this place, so he came against his will, don't mention the grass... he knows we're sad, he'll be sad himself...”

Ned stayed for half a second, his hands clenched into fists, turned around sharply, and pounced on his knees in front of Nie Feng. He shouted: “Brother, you probably know something... now that Father and Uncle are not here, you should teach me, beat me, please, beat me! ”

“Ned, what are you doing?” Guards come and pull him off. "What's the use of hitting you? There's a bunch of people already. What are you doing? ”

“Leave me alone!” Ned broke his hand hard and shouted, “Do you know, for a while I hated you, there was nothing going on, even though I moved my heart that I shouldn't have moved, but I came back, nobody knew, the handsome didn't even notice, but why do you have to ask me what's wrong, and you have to make me say it when you fill it with wine! But what's the result? I said, beaten by you, heard by the flying stream, everything cannot be undone, nor can it be denied..."

The guard was also provoked by him and kicked over, angry: “You said why I hit you, do you remember what you said? You said you loved the county lord more than anything in the world. You didn't care about anything for her. You could even betray the handsome! ”

“Yes," Niedel blushed and focused, "that's what I said at the time, and that's what I thought... but no matter what I thought, I knew I couldn't do it. Indeed, I often have very selfish thoughts in my mind, and even when digging for ice sequels in the poisonous swamp, I can't help but wonder, am I working so hard, is it because only a handsome young man can live that I hope to get a neon? He will forgive us, he will be all of us, no matter how many people object, as long as the handsome is willing to dissolve the engagement, he will surely have a way to keep us together... and once he is gone, even if other people's attitudes and opinions are ignored, I and Nephew will never be able to get past the calm in our hearts...”


“These thoughts sound disgusting, don't they?” Ned took a deep breath and raised his head, “but I thought so. But when I thought about it, I suddenly realized that none of this mattered. Leaving aside all my selfish thoughts, leaving Nephews behind my weaknesses and contradictions, I asked myself, what would I do if the facts were the opposite, if I could never get Nephews as long as the handsome were alive? The answer is still so unquestionable, I just want him to live. You know how it feels, because so do you, and we all do, but why, why not? Why?”

The guard looked at him and said nothing. Nie Feng took a deep breath, still some purple lips trembled, tears fell, soaking the sparse hair on his face. He experienced more and felt more deeply than those two people, but he couldn't speak now, and he didn't want to say more.

After a brief outbreak, silence returned to the yard. Neddo looked at the dark and sad face of the guard, some exasperated, reached out and patted him, then knelt down and prayed to his brother. "Take care, brother, I'm leaving. ”

“Where are you going?” The guard jumped.

“I'm going back to Yunnan. Don't tell him I'll go back quietly if he won't let me come. ”

“Don't you... see him? ”

Neddo shook his head, turned around and walked out. He was pulled by the guard.

“Don't go, just let the young handsome blame you and stay in the capital.” The guard's gaze flashed, seemingly not wanting to say, but having to say, “Yunnan is a long way away, I'm afraid... I won't be able to inform you...”

“Notify what?” Ned was shaken by the sound of his strings, his heart almost stopped beating, "what do you mean? ”

The guard swallowed a hard spit and whispered: “The situation in Beijing is good, it's not quite the same as when the handsome young man forbade you to come... Besides, the handsome young man is not in good shape, you should stay. ”

“What do you mean, bad? Aren't you here? ”

The guard looked at him, his eyes suddenly filled with tears, he had to turn around and hide away, but Niedel dragged him back forcefully, forcing him to ask: “He wrote all the time that he was fine, he should also be fine, the handsome is only 30 years old now, do you know? What the hell are you talking about? ”

Nie Feng's hand slowly reached over his brother's hand and grabbed it hard. The forerunner of the Red Flame Army was a better man to stabilize the big picture than the handsome young man, and this moment is no exception. In his steadfast gaze, Ned slowly took control of his emotions and let go of his gripping hand.

The air condensed so fast that it was suffocating that none of the three men spoke.

That night, Neddo lived in his brother's room, with no noise, no turning the other side, just sleepless overnight, and his eyes opened until dawn. When he woke up in the morning, he cleaned up and went to see his handsome young man with a slightly pale face.

Perhaps it is really because the situation in the capital is different. When Mae Changsu saw Needle kneeling in front of him, he was not very angry. He stared into his eyes and showed some joy. Although there was still blame, he simply said “Why not listen” and then asked about the recent situation of the Neon County master.

In fact, although Needle was in Yunnan, the two men had been avoiding each other deliberately and had never met. At this moment, Mae Chang-su asked, Needle was afraid of his heart and dared not tell the truth, so he answered vaguely, "She's okay”.

At this time, Zhen Ping came in and reminded Mae Chang Su: “Lord, Yan Hou's birthday today. A few days ago, an invitation had been sent to you. Please go and see Morning Gui. Will the Lord go himself or just give a gift? ”

Mae Chang-su sighed for a moment. "Get ready, I'll go for a walk later. ”

In the morning, he lay on the table with his hands on his chin. “Yan Hou's birthday, you must have hired a prince, too. ”

Mae Changsu turned to look at him and knew that he had seen why his emotions had fluctuated yesterday. He laughed. “Now that we know everything, it makes no sense to avoid it. I've been thinking about it all night. It's better for Jingxiao and me to see each other more and get used to it earlier. ”

“Then take me with you." Morning stretched out a lazy waist and stood up. “I liked the smiling son of the Yan family. He used to come to the pavilion to spend money and ask his future daughter-in-law what she looked like, which was pretty cute. ”

“So you're just teasing him? Bullshit? ”

“Hey, hey.” Morning smiled without a heart, nor disputed, and plunged into the courtyard to chase the flying stream again. Mae Changsu left him alone and leaned on the bench to ask about the recent situation of Niedao Yunnan's border guard with Dachu. He was also instructed to follow the situation in the East China Sea. Neddo talked to him, carefully gauging the appearance of the handsome young man he had not seen in his years, the closer he looked, the more he understood that what Wei Wei said last night was not a hollow wind, his heart had to be tangled together and his knife hung.

In contrast to him, Mae Chang-su did not pay attention to the look of his ministry. After a while, he paused to rest and looked out the window.

The sound of the morning laughter coming from the courtyard sounded like immense happiness, without any worries.

Although, in fact, there can be no trouble-free people in this world.

“Needle...” Quietly listened for a moment, Mae Chang-su shouted softly.

“I'm here.”

“Jingxiao already knows me,” Mae Chang-su turned his head and looked at him gently, “You know, he's a more desperate person, so he'll definitely object to you and Neon... Be patient, I'll figure something out. ”

Neddock looked at him, and for some reason, he suddenly felt very angry and couldn't help but yell: “Don't worry about us, young man. It's not important or urgent. What matters now is you, you know..."

I can't say it anymore. What is it that you want to shoulder all the burdens and all the hard work? The blind spot of Mae Chang Su was that when he slowed his life down a little bit for his soul, for his old friend, for his brother who depended on life and death, he forgot that others would look for him, and forget the kind of guilt and pain in his heart when his friends watched him sacrifice.

After Neddo shouted, he was a little overwhelmed. With tears, he put his forehead on the armrest of the handsome seat, while Mae Chang-su looked at him with a glare. The color was very confusing. When the morning appeared outside the window, he looked at the scene indoors and sighed: “Chang Su, I can tell by the look on your face, you have no idea what Nietuo is angry about. ”

Mae Chang-su hasn't spoken yet. Ned jumped up and said, "Don't be ridiculous. Where am I angry? How could I possibly be angry with Young Handsome? ”

“All right,” the dawn waved, “I mind my own business, I really can't stand you people, I can't stand it, I'm such a handsome person how can I mix with you? ”

Then the current suddenly emerged, carrying a large basin of water from a few steps toward the morning, instantly throwing him into a falling broiler, and shouting: “Lost! ”

The eldest son is certainly not responsible for his self-stylish charming character. Just for a moment, he calmed down, wiped the cold water off his face, and turned around gracefully to face the current. The straight line: “Little Fly, I seriously tell you, although I just played the water splash game with you, when we had a truce for half a minute and I started talking to your brother about other topics, the average person should know that the game was over. At this time, the act of stealing the water from my back was very wrong and ineffective. Do you understand? ”

The stream obviously didn't understand, because he immediately blushed angrily: "Lost! Fuck you!”

The tragic atmosphere was overwhelmed by them, and at times it did not survive. Niedel took a deep breath and stood up straight. Some were annoyed at how suddenly his emotions had just gone out of control. It was good that Mae Chang-su's current attention had been diverted. He was grinning and touching his hair. He complained a few words about the despicability of the morning. Finally, based on the principle of educating children not to distrust each other, the owner of Su's house forced the mornings to cash out the bet after losing - wearing long skirts and dancing fans, the whole house came to watch, laughing for a moment, sweeping away the days of dullness and sadness.

In the afternoon, Mae Cheung Su was given a detailed diagnosis of the pulse and his expression was quite satisfactory. At this time, Le Platform was ready to go out to Heshou. The two of them boarded the same carriage and rocked to Yan Hou Fu.

Although he said he no longer intentionally avoided it, when Mae Changsu arrived in Yan Fu, Xiao Jingxiao had rushed over and left, so the two did not face each other. Because the country is not yet full of bereavements and cannot yet gather for a feast, so the name of this invitation is to invite everyone to enjoy the flourishing morning laurel in the backyard of Yanfu, and there are not many people who received invitations. The whole province is still very quiet. When Mae Changsu went in, there were only four or five people in Guixiang Hall. Everyone knew each other, but they didn't know each other very well. After seeing the gift, but it was a cold and busy sentence.

“Why didn't you see Yuzu?” Mae Chang Su looked around and asked.

“He was there most of the day to entertain my guests. Unfortunately, shortly before Mr. Su arrived, he wanted to send a friend away, so he ran away. ”

Mae Changsu moved slightly, then smiled again, and the words slipped over. This occasion was merely a token of courtesy, and the purpose of Yan Zheng's hospitality was to show that he had begun to reactivate in the rush, so it didn't matter. After sitting down for a moment, Mae Chang Su rose to bid farewell.

The carriage travels back along the route it came from, crossing the main road of the peacock and slanting along the nearest alley. As he crossed the intersection, another black carriage was approaching from the south, so Su's cab pulled over and hid away, allowing him to drive first.

“Zhuyang Mansion...” Zhuyang mumbled through the gauze window, looking at the black gauze lantern hanging in front of the carriage.

“Xie Yu's death message came in a few days ago,” May Chang Su sighed, “Yu Jin went out today to send the friend, presumably Xie Pi. Although Qianzhou is a long way from home, as a son, you still have to get the bones back.” Poor Aunt Zhuyang was beside her, and now she has no children... "

“As long as they live, they'll all come back.” Morning glanced at him, "sympathy for what is much stronger than yours. ”

May Changsu did not mind his harsh tone. Instead, he shook a light smile on his lips. He clapped his arm with his hands and softly said: “Thank you, Morning...”

(To be continued, please log on to WWW.CMFU.COM for more chapters, support the author, and support authentic reading!)