Nirvana In Fire

Chapter 167 Promise

(I have made a special presentation in the book review area, but it still seems that some readers do not understand it, so I repeat here the term explanation: the Emperor's Aunt, Sister, and Daughter are referred to as “The Princess of Growth”, “The Princess of Growth”, and "The Princess”, respectively, according to their generations. Jinyang and Zhuyang are both sisters of the Emperor's peers, so they are both “long princesses”, which has nothing to do with their age ranking. When Jing Zhiji is reached, Zhuyang will become "long princess”, and Jingning's lifetime will become “long princess”. As for the ranking of women in the royal family, it is not very important that they are usually referred to and distinguished by their respective banners. If you really want to talk about age order, add a number, like four princesses, seven princesses, etc. ~ ~)

Xiao Jingxue grabbed Mae Chang-su's arm and patted him gently. He knew that Lindsey's disappointment at this moment was real, and he felt a little sad. However, he did not have much hope for Princess Chang Yang, and knew that coercion was meaningless. Therefore, he obeyed Mae Chang-su's words and took the incense bag from his aunt beside him. "Please send it to me, my nephew will receive it from the deceased. Mr. Su and I have some business to discuss. Auntie walks slowly and won't give it away. ”

Instead of lobbying excessively, he left Princess Laoyang a little overwhelmed. She wanted to say something and felt like she had nothing to say. Finally, she had to turn around and go out silently. Xiao Jingrui bowed and saluted the prince. He caught up with his mother in two or three steps and gently held her arm.

Leaving the main pavilion and walking through the outer courtyard of Fang Baiyu Shop, Princess Dayang suddenly paused and looked up at her son: “Jingrui, do you think... Mama is too ruthless to do this? ”

Xiao Jingrui shrugged for a moment, "There is a reason for this, whether you do it or not, depending on which side you value in your mother's heart. No one else, including children, is entitled to influence the mother's decision. Besides, once this huge case is reversed, Xie... Xie Hou's crime is tremendous. Although he is dead, he must be connected to the second and third brothers. Mothers do not want to fall into despair through their own hands, and this vision of love is clear. ”

Weeping tears and patting the back of his son's hand, "Or do you know what Mother thinks? But depending on the Prince's determination, the case will be reversed sooner or later. If it's really for Pile's sake, it would be a solution if I were to make the first announcement and exchange them for an amnesty. I thought that Mr. Su had been clever enough to persuade me. Who knows... I just said that, and he got angry..."

Xiao Jingrui thought about it and felt confused. He whispered: "I first met Brother Su and admired his talent. Despite all the things that have happened since then, I still feel that... fighting for power is not his style. Since he already knew the truth about the Red Flame case, perhaps from the beginning to the end, his aim was to do it for the sake of whoever would support him, but only by means of means. ”

“Looks like this Mr. Su is not an outsider...” Princess Yang Chang Liu eyebrows lightly, her eyes are heavy, “who is he? What the hell does the Red Flame case have to do with him? ”

“It doesn't make much sense to look at this now. No matter whether Brother Su is a member of the Bureau, it's just the Prince who plotted. Since the two of them have chosen to publicize Xie Hou's will in public, it can be seen that the heart of the grievance has become as strong as Golden Stone, leaving no way out, making the children even admirable. Unfortunately, my identity is embarrassing. Many things cannot be done in place of my mother...”

“Jingrui, if you change places with your mother, you must agree to their request, right? ”

Xiao Jingrui thought seriously, "A child and a mother are two different people, it is impossible to have the same idea. There are so many difficulties in the world, the contradictions between mothers are so painful, can't children not understand? ”

Princess Luoyang exhaled for a long time and looked at the Kowloon color sculpture on the front door shadow wall for a long time. Finally, she turned around slowly and said: "Good boy, go back with your mother. ”

Xiao Jingrui seemed not surprised by her mother's decision, nodded her head and held her hand tight: “Mother, the child swears to you that no matter what the situation in the future, our family will suffer together. If anyone wants to hurt the mother and the brothers, they must first step on the child. ”

Princess Laoyang rolled her head hot, clamped her son's hand back hard, and the two supported each other and stepped back into the East Palace Cabinet door.

Xiao Jingzheng approached him and, like the first time he saw the eldest princess today, owed him a slight debt: “Auntie, please sit down. Is there anything else you want to tell me? ”

“I promise you.” Princess Zhuyang is simple and simple.

“Has Auntie ever thought about it? ”

“I go back and naturally think again and again.” Princess Zhuyang smiled blankly, "I can't really stand idly by. If you cross the gates of the East Palace today, you'll only be afraid of dreams later in the night. ”

“Okay," Xiao Jingxuan frowned, "Auntie has this purpose, and the nephew can assure you that all your children will be pardoned after the snowflake grievance. ”

Princess Chang Yang couldn't help but shock and lose her voice: “You know..."

“Auntie thinks it's human nature. Why is it so hard to see?” Xiao Jingxu exchanged an eye with Mae Chang Su, faintly said, “Mr. Su just didn't want to talk more, just didn't want to turn this into a deal. Now, at the most critical time, every little bit of disobedience to the heart in exchange for promises forced upon it is an uncontrollable variable. Not to force your aunt, but also not to take accidental risks. ”

“The Prince is honest, and I'm relaxed. It seems that you are not sincerely trying to cleanse the deceased of his wrongdoers. You are now reluctant to support him.” Princess Yang Chang's gaze turned to Mae Chang Su's face. "Since this is the case, then, Mr. Su can stand here, I think it must be loyalty. He has earned your trust, but I don't know how the Prince can confirm Mr. Su's true intentions? ”

Xiao Jingzhu glanced at Mae Chang Su. He looked out the window with no expression on his face. It seemed as if he had not heard Princess Lu Yang speak at all. His heart ached in silence. He paused: "Mr. Su gave me all his heart. It is difficult to say anything. Not to mention the fact that I've just said, sir, that I'm the same person. ”

“Undoubtedly…” Princess Chang Mumbled and nodded, “Jingxiao, I have always paid little attention to you, today I discovered that you and Jingxiao are very similar in their bones despite their different emotions. ”

“It is indeed the will of the King's elder brother to carry on the legacy of this life.” Xiao Jingxiao nodded slightly, "When Auntie returned, if there was anything to change her mind, there was no need to force her. Upon the palace, in the face of His Majesty's rage, the pressure is heavy. Without firm determination, it will be difficult to finish. ”

Princess Yang Chang did not respond immediately, but thought carefully and turned in silently. At this time, Mae Chang-su turned his face and asked, “Jing Rui, you've been there for over a year. I'm sure you've had a lot of experience. Is everything all right? ”

Xiao Jingrui's lips had a gentle smile, “Yes, far away from home, I met some people, after some things, at this time I can think back, I can see and think more clearly. It's just... Brother Su doesn't seem to have changed much. I look at you now. It still feels so high and unpredictable. ”

After just a few words, they looked at each other and laughed, as if something in their hearts had been gently unveiled, much fresher. Princess Chang Yang did not say much, nodded slightly to Xiao Jingxue and left again with her son.

There were only two people left in the palace at this moment, and the atmosphere was a little dull. When Mae Chang-su took the initiative to come to the East Palace in the morning, Xiao Jing-yi was very surprised, but when he met him, he found that he was still distracted. He only talked about business, so he didn't dare to say anything else. And not long after, the mother and son of the long princess arrived, and now that things have been agreed, the impasse between the two has not fully opened.

“Do you think Aunt Luyang is really determined to help us this time?” After a moment of silence, Xiao Jingxuan first asked.

“The Elder Princess is no longer an impulsive person, and if she agrees, she will have nine points of certainty. But just in case, an alternative would have to be developed. ”

“It's no problem, Yan Hou will never retreat. He assured me that if he was wronged by the time he arrived, he would insist on telling all the truth, even if Tianzi was angry with the knife and axe. However, to borrow Xie Yu's suicide note to open the case, it is natural that Aunt Daiyang's appearance is the most logical chapter. ”

“Well," Mae Chang Su responded softly, "the situation on the ground will be unexpected and controlled by His Highness. ”

“You can rest assured that I have spoken separately about this trusted Patriarchal Patriarch. It works better than I expected. Whether it's true or true, it's smooth. They all said they would support it. However, in order to avoid some of them whistling to the father on both ends, I have deliberately asked the mother-in-law to make sure that no outsider can see the father these days. The forbidden army accompanying the palace was personally picked out by Meng Qing. They will delay the time. Until the aunt finishes her speech, no matter what the father yells at them, they will not really drag people away. ”

“Your Highness is moving so fast.” Mae Chang-su smiled.

Seeing him smile, Xiao Jingxuan let it down. "I didn't consult with you to contact the Chaplain, and worried that you would accuse me of recklessness. Listen to Meng Qing, you've always stressed that you need to be steady, so you're hiding a lot from me, afraid that I'm radical. ”

Mae Changsu slowly lowered his eyecloth and lowered his voice: “As long as His Majesty is still in place, there can be no real failure to reverse the case, I just want to be a little more certain. To this extent, it's almost my predetermined time to mature. Your Majesty is in charge of this matter now, and I really don't want to wait any longer... so let it all be arranged by His Majesty. Whether it is for those who have been wronged or the rest of the world, Zhaoxue will be tried personally by His Majesty, and the significance will not be the same after His Majesty ascends the throne in the future. ”

“I understand what you mean and what you expect of me.” Xiao Jingxiao looked deeply at him and tried to call out Xiao Zhi's name, and some of it was unstable. He hesitated for a moment and endured it. "As long as he succeeded in giving his father a public order, I would definitely turn the case over beautifully. I would never leave Xiao Xiaozhi any pretext. ”

Mae Changsu smiled again and slowly lifted his eyes. “One more thing, I want to ask Your Highness...”

“You're welcome with me. What? Whatever you say. ”

“On the day of the birthday, please take me with you. ”

Xiao Jingzheng opened his eyes and stared at him with amazement.

“I also have the status of guest secretary, and while appearing on such occasions will still be noticeable, it is not particularly unexpected.... After all these years, whether it ultimately succeeded or failed, I always wanted to see that scene with my own eyes...” When Mae Chang-su spoke here, he suddenly discovered that Jing-yin's face was wrong and paused to ask, "Does Your Highness find it difficult? ”

“What are you talking about?” Xiao Jingxiao continued to stare at him, his eyes had raised anger, "do you still have to ask me? You were supposed to be there! How could I... not let you witness this result? ”

“Your Highness...”

Xiao Jingxuan suddenly lost control of himself for some reason. “Your Highness, don't you know my name? You didn't know me until today? What identity were you talking to me about? ”

“Jingxiao," Mae Changsu put his left hand on Xiao Jingxiao's small arm, pressed hard. For the first time after the reunion, he clearly called his name, “This is also... I must tell you one thing clearly...”

(To be continued, please log on to WWW.CMFU.COM for more chapters, support the author, and support authentic reading!)