Nirvana In Fire

Chapter 169 Beginning

Mae Chang suddenly looked at his smiling eyes and suddenly moved and lost his voice: “Have you caught Xia Jiang? ”

Dawn's face was full of grief: "Didn't I tell you to guess three times? ”

"Once! ”

Early in the morning, I twisted his face. “It was your brother who guessed once. It wasn't your little idiot who guessed. What are you so proud of? ”

“Don't bully the flying stream," Mae Chang-su pulled his arm over, "tell me, how did you catch it? Where is he now? ”

In the morning, he stretched out a clap and flipped in front of Mae Chang-su.

“Jin Ping!” Mae Chang Su helplessly crossed the morning and shouted out, “Bring in 1,000 taels of silver tickets! ”

The outside responded, and a moment later, Jin Ping pushed the door in, and the silver ticket in his hand looked quite new, “Master, the silver ticket is here, what are you going to do? ”

“Give it to him," Mae Changsu pointed to Chen Chen with his chin. “He answered the question to collect the money. I just asked two questions. He bid 500, two is naturally 1,000...”

Chen Xizhi pulled the silver ticket from Jian Ping's hand and opened it to verify the authenticity. “I was going to bid fifty taels and one, who knew that you, Lord May, were so rich, had to give me a thousand, but I had to be disrespectful. ”

“Flight, let's get out of here,” Jin Ping waved to the teenager, "this guy is unbearable, children often get worse with him. ”

Fei Liu was very much in agreement with the conclusion that "I can't stand it”, and I did follow Jin Ping to play outside.

“OK, take the money, I will answer you,” Xia Chen satisfactorily put the silver ticket in his arms, "the person who will shelter Xia Jiang, no less than three categories, the Ski clan, the old dark pile of the suspension mirror division and the person he held the handle, it is not difficult to find these directions, he was finally found by me in a nylon, I tell you, caught Xia Jiang is a small matter, the key is that there is a little nun in that nylon so beautiful, I intend to put her on the list next year...”

“Where is it? ”

“Little nun? What am I supposed to do with her? ”

“Morning...” May Changsu's tone finally revealed a dangerous note. Morning smiled and surrendered. “Okay, Xia Jiang is in my shop. Don't worry, he can escape from the prison, but he will never escape from my shop. “

“Is the skate woman hiding him again?” Mae Chang Su asked thoughtfully.

“Yeah, the old parts of Princess Xuan really gave me a headache, scattered around like sand, even I wouldn't dare say when to pick them up. ”

Mae Changsu's gaze was set on the window fan of the green gauze. After a long period of silence, he suddenly said: “What are you doing out there? Come on in. ”

Morning rose and stretched out a lazy waist, wearily: “I picked up beans last night at a flying race. I haven't slept enough. I need to make up for it. The kid loses again, you have to grind a cage of tofu out tomorrow, you just wait and eat.” He walked out and rubbed his shoulders against Miyagi, who was slowly coming in with his head down at the door, laughing at her with encouragement.

“Is there something you want to tell me?” When Miyagi reached the front and back of the bed, Mae Chang asked softly.

Miyagi's hands, tightly strapped to the belt's yarn, hung until his fingers were white, before kneeling down violently, trembling: “Please forgive the Lord...”

“With what sin? ”

“The crime of concealment...”

“What are you hiding? ”

“I… I am also a Skywalker…” Miyagi took a deep breath and bit his teeth up, “but I had no connection with Princess Xuan. When I was born, Skywalker had long ceased to exist, and my life was saved by the Patriarch… In this life, Miyagi would never do anything harmful to the Patriarch, including the last time he planned to go to heaven to change hands. I also sincerely wanted to solve the Patriarch's worries. I really didn't expect such an accident… I…”

Miyagi said it here because he was in a hurry, and some couldn't go on. Mae Chang looked at her softly and smiled. “Well, I know what you're thinking, don't worry. ”


“I knew you were a skater and didn't feel anything. Skywalker has been integrated into my Daliang for decades. Most of the Skywalker people are no different from the people of Daliang. Princess Xuan is a minority.” May Chang Su faintly said, “She also has her insistence and her conviction. She just can't see the reason for her death. She just can't see the big picture tomorrow. Princess Xu's deeds naturally deserve her reward, but if all the Skylarks are outraged by this, it will be narrow. You don't have to worry too much. Get up. Morning always says girls are expensive. What are you kneeling like? ”

Miyagi's heart was fried for this time. She often had trouble sleeping at night. Today, she gathered the courage to come to Mae Chang Su Chen, but did not expect the wind to be so light. When she stood up, her eyes were red.

Mae Chang Su waited quietly for a moment to see her standing still and asked: “Is there anything else? ”

“The Patriarch... looks a little tired, a new Miyagi score can help the Patriarch sleep... I don't know if... can...”

“Oh," Mae Chang Su's expression was very faint and nodded, “that would help you. ”

He just didn't refuse, enough to make the palace feather happy, Xia Sheng Shuangzheng, hastily went to fetch the piano, first calmly adjusted the breath, which slowly sat down, raised his wrist finger, and pulled up the ice string.

The new tune is soothing, such as the silence of fresh water, the gentleness and serenity, coupled with the ultra-characteristic fingers of the violinist, the love is genuine, the smell is truly reassuring and worrisome. Mae Zhang Su leaned on the pillow and listened with her eyes closed. The expression on her face did not change at all, but after a moment, she flipped over slightly and turned her face towards the middle.

The courtyard next door was helping the flying beans soak in the water in the morning, listening softly, suddenly sighing, lifting up the wet hand and bouncing water beads on the flying face, "Little flying stream, tell me, is your brother Su not understanding or too understanding? ”

Flight couldn't understand, but wiped the water off his face with anger and turned his head away. At this time, there was some wind, and the sky to the east quickly piled up dark clouds, getting thicker and darker and crushed down. Aunt Ji ran around in the yard to collect her clothes and was very busy. The morning looked up at the sky and squinted his eyes. Under the shade of darkness, the sunny imperial golden mausoleum seems to be preparing for its first real autumn rain.

Heavy rain after mid-autumn is the best way to wash the heat. After a few days of leaching, the heat and summer gradually disappear, and the air is cooler in the morning and evening. Mae Changsu lived with extra clothes. He tuned his music at home all day. He really didn't listen to the outside world and took a rest.

The whole of Asano is also calm and quiet under the Crown Prince's custody. As usual, only the Ritual Ministry is a little busy preparing for the Emperor's birthday ceremony. Apart from the chaplains and parishes who were individually trusted by Xiao Jingxian, no one knew that a long brewing storm was coming.

On the morning of August 30, the princess residing in the inner courtyard of the Orient Palace rose early in the morning and washed her clothes, causing her to rush to Changxin Palace, where Xiao Jingzheng is now living on a daily basis, with a good prince's dress that she had already worn last night.

Due to mourning, the princess must live with the prince 100 days after the wedding ceremony, so this couple is not yet too familiar. Every time Miss Sun in the Chinese scripture family is in front of the prince, there is still a faint sense of shyness and fear.

Xiao Jingxue rose early, this day was even earlier, and the sun only dawned after practicing bathing in the morning. After the princess herself had served the whole crown of the belt, he calmed down a little bit of an accelerating heartbeat and said, “Thank you. ”

“This is the concubine's duty," the princess said softly, "is His Highness eating breakfast in the East Palace or is he going in to accompany His Majesty to breakfast with his mother-in-law? ”

“Please enter the palace. ”

The princess immediately ordered the driver to arrange the car, went to check the birthday gift to be used today in person, confirmed everything was appropriate before returning to know Xiao Jingyu, the couple shared a yellow opinion, entered the forbidden garden under the crowd of Orient Palace ceremonial battle, went to Dan Xiao to fall down the sedan, and went straight into the Emperor's bedroom.

At this time, Liang Di just got up and washed by Jing Gui Fei. He heard the Prince and his wife came in to greet him. He had a smile mark on his face and ordered people to promote it.

“Children's ministry carries the woman, bids the Father Holy Anne, and congratulates the Father Chiaki!” Xiao Jingxiao and the Princess first prayed to Liang Di for a gift, then turned to Jing Fei to kowtow, “he asked his mother-in-law Kim An. ”

“Get on your feet, get on your feet,” Liang Di raised his hand with a smile, "the time is so early, it must be useless to eat. Just in time, the luncheon is going to be with the princes, mostly noisy. Our family can only have a quiet breakfast. ”

“Son, thank your father for the meal.” Xiao Jingxie sat on the left side of Liang Emperor, Jing Fei lived to the right, and the maids immediately shut to and from Anzhan to arrange meals, while the princess sat down in the first vegetable, fulfilling the duties of the children.

This meal is also enjoyable and mellow, and the atmosphere is very harmonious. With the passage of time, Xiao Jingxun's original slight anxiety had long been firmly suppressed by himself, especially after seeing his mother-in-law's tranquillity steady.

After the meal, Liang Emperor asked about several important matters, all of which Xiao Jingxuan expected him to ask, so the answer was very smooth and thorough, to the satisfaction of Liang Emperor, exaggerated him, and ordered him to play chess against him.

Halfway through the chess game, when the victory and defeat were difficult to divide, Xiao Jingxuan suddenly stopped. “Father, after the passage of time, I think 100 officials will arrive. Father, it is time to get up and drive to Wuying Palace. ”

Liang Di stared at the chessboard for a while and threw his sleeve robe away: “The situation on the disk is glued. It looks like it will be difficult to finish for a moment and a half. Let's fight after the ceremony. ”

Gao Zhan quickly went out and passed on the driver. Liang Emperor stood up and changed his clothes under the patronage of Jing Fei and left the palace door. Just as he was about to climb the sky, a sharp roar came from the side door of the hall.


“What's going on? Who is it?” Liang Di wrinkled his white eyebrows and asked loudly.

“It's Vietnamese princess.” The quiet princess is quiet and her face is still silent. "She has been mad for a long time and is always hard to heal. The concubine was not settled properly and was shocked by the Holy Drive. Please forgive His Majesty. ”

“Oh, Vietnamese,” Leung thought, "Yes, you told me her symptoms were a little bad. Vietnamese princess, is too arrogant to fall, this disease is caused by. She has been in the palace for many years. I can't bear to watch her evening. Take care of her more. ”

Jing Fei smiled softly: "The concubine was ordered to take charge of the Queen's Palace, which was supposed to be a duty. Besides, the concubine had many intolerances for Vietnamese princess. She tried to be as relaxed as possible, but didn't expect to let her break into the place to be disturbed, so she still didn't seem to grasp the point. ”

Leung Di patted her hands on the back for relief and quiet down outside the hall at this time. In Gao Zhanzhang's long voice of "rising - driving -", the four people with the highest beam status split by two to lift up, Cuihua swayed, and went to Wuying Hall without any illness.

(To be continued, please log on to WWW.CMFU.COM for more chapters, support the author, and support authentic reading!)