Nobunaga's Bastard

Lesson XXIX - Where It Wasn't Lost (With Maps)

"It's a complete treat. Sincerely,"

Then, for about ten days, we enjoyed enough sightseeing before leaving Osaka Castle Temple Town behind.

"No, this is an interesting story, too. I'll see you around."

Goku-kun bows his head to us and we bow our heads to Goku-kun too. Lord Zomba and Master Tea did not say that there was hands-on learning. For the last ten days, each of these three has been too busy eating with each other like every day. But when I told him I wanted to see and hear about the castle for a while, use it whenever Goku-kun is on the bed away. Breakfast is served. I'll prepare dinner if you tell me too. and so on and made me a broken offer.

After ten days, the three of us were able to get a glimpse of what the main Ishiyama Temple was. The town of Osaka Castle Teruchi is formed around the main temple, Mizobo Ishiyama, and exists in such a way that it rides on a sloppy platform. He called it Kosaka, referring to this slope, and that became known as Osaka. Though it is said to be the main mountain of the Puritanical Hondo Temple sect, the founding has not yet become two years of astronomy and forty years of history. Before that, they said there was a main mountain called the Mountain Department Hondo Temple. When I asked why I moved here, I was good at why this place was called Osaka Castle or Hondo Temple Castle.

The construction of Osaka Mido, the former pavilion of Ishiyama Honjinji Temple, began about forty years before the land became Honshan, in September of the fifth year of Ming Ying. They say the Temple Town, built around this, became the source of Osaka. He was also known as the ancestor of Chungxing, Hongji Temple, and was also known as a good builder of the pavilion, the eighth law lord of the Pure Land Hongji Temple sect, Lotus Rusheng. The building costs were covered by donations from Sakamachi people, Regent, Hanoi, Wazumi and Hokuriku gatekeepers at the time. In November of the following year, a stone wall door gate was formed over a small plateau surrounded by rivers on all sides, and the temple of Major was completed. However, at this point, it was of paramount importance that it was still the hub for water transport in the Yodo River, Yamato River water system and Seto Inland Sea, as well as the land transportation hub connecting Sumiyoshi, Sakami, Wazumi, Kii with Kyoto and Shanyang. Commercial land, if I may say so, it was a town of character close to the town of Gateway.

It was the strife on board since the coup d 'état in Ming Ying that marked a turning point not only for Mitsuo Ishiyama, but also for the main wishful temple. At that time, the successor of Lotus Ruru, who had been strongly asked to participate in the battle by Shogun Administrator Shigemitsu Hoshikawa, Shigemitsu, pushed off the opposition of Gatekeepers in Hanoi in Yongzhengsan, and entered the battle within the Shogun for the first time as a main temple. Until then, the main temple was said to have been a moderate sect, holding a large number of monks and persecuting them, seeking virtue and not participating in the practice of intervening in politics. In view of the looseness of the commandments and the flexibility of teaching, it certainly does not seem to me that puritanics are inherently hard-line enough teaching.

However, the Puritan sect, which increased the number of gatekeepers during the prolonged confusion in Kichi, will be afraid of its forces. And then, due to time's administration, Harumoto Hoshikawa, and the request from Harumoto Fahwa and the Omi Guardian Hexagonal Mandate, the Yamako Honmoji Temple, which was besieged by 40,000 soldiers on August 23 of Astronomical New Year, is burned down by the burning of both the temple towns.

The next astronomical two years after the burning of the main mountain, the Shirugami, the former principal of the main temple, moved the temple foundation, from the mountain department to the main mountain of the main temple to the stone mountain, where the ancestral statue was seated. And with its establishment, the Shin Honshan Taru Ishiyama Honganji Temple is forced to fight Hikariyuan Hoshikawa. In addition, the later Heavenly Three Good Changqing was added there, and the history of the Ishiyama Honganji Temple was to begin with a war that lasted four years.

The burning down of the main mountain, the administration, the battle against the heavenly people, these grounds for establishment did not allow Ishiyama to be kept as a mere temple. In the midst of the war, Honganji Temple Ishiyama expanded its temple territory, gathered castle technicians, built moats and earth bases around it, and consolidated its defenses as an inner temple town over walls and fences. Thus, when will people call Osaka Castle the Ishiyama Honjinji Temple, which expanded and became stronger while forcing the last fortification to begin with?

"It was a good town"

I said that from the bottom of my heart. Without battle, this town is nothing but a peaceful town with plenty of things and lots of people to and from. There's a lot to learn about both Ozhang and Mino.

"I pray for the protection of your Buddha on your tripartite journey."

The last time they said that, we headed east. The next Yamato Higashidaiji Kindo is about eight miles (about 32 km) to the east almost straight ahead, and you need to break through Komayama along the way. I thought about avoiding it and going north or south, and concluded that I would look around as many Yamato countries as I could, and chose the way around the south, through the mountains of Ergamiyama and Noble Mountain.

"How'd it go?

As soon as I started walking down the street, Kyung asked me. It would be nice if you could let me know what you think when you move Kii on a boat.

"I thought he was a credible person downstairs, a personality who must have a reputation to hear. I don't know if I'm a good fighter, but I can get people together."

He is one of the hearts and minds of Goku-kun, Shinyama under his real name, and the eleventh generation of the Master of Honganji Temple. Indeed, Mr. Shimoma himself originally named Mr. Yuan. I learned in the last ten days that the monks are famous among them, and that the monks are also bestowing the rank of Abbot of the Law Bridge, "Hot Garlic". The name of his son, Lord Zomba, is Ryo Shimoma.

"Master Cha was also smart and energetic. Though it seemed somewhat distracting, as a believer I think it would be more gratifying to stand up for it and have a bright personality"

The teas are childhood names, and although they do not yet seem to reach a degree, they will probably be given the same letters. The eleventh generation of the Magnificent Master is the one who built the present prosperity of the main temple. Even in the rough times of the devastation of the capital of Kyoto and the replacement of the Takeshi Hoshikawa family by the Sanho family, they continue to protect their followers without being burned down the main mountain.

"I think Lord Yasushi was a little bit aware of who we are, and I don't think he was able to do anything about it."

I want to eat that one because I am a guest who stays without paying for it. I didn't say I wanted to eat this, but I was asked if I wanted to eat something by touching the fold. When I asked him if he would not be served a dish with flour around here, the udon was served within that day, and the bun came out as a sweetness. Since the story of Takashi Sugawara's woman came out, the story of Nakanaka Hamamatsu was available at some point when I talked to her, etc. Everything seemed to be like that, and it seemed to be said that as long as I was in the land, there was nothing I could not get.

"You left me money, didn't you?"

"Of course, I left it hanging in front of the door with consistent sentences and strings"

Since it seemed somewhat frightening to make a debt to Lord Lian during that time, I asked Mr. Kei to pay the rent for ten days on the way home. A consistent sentence would be too much. I'd love it if the Yongraku coins I baked at Ozhang worked for me in Kichi.

"Do you think the Oda family can win? Lord Mikawa seems to have won."

To Kyung's question, I lean my neck. Though I don't think it's that easy to lose, but.

"It's not like Oda can win because Tokugawa won because Kichinai's puritan sect has more control than the Mikawa family has always fought for. If it is to be wiped out once and for all in the field, it may be possible to end it in a showdown, but there is no way that Ishiyama Honmoji Temple will surrender without caging in Osaka."

So far on this journey I have been made aware of the strength of religious forces everywhere.

"Why do you think Naoko told you to look at Honmoji Ishiyama?

Suke-san's question, I feel somewhat understandable, and I don't think I understand it at all.

"Osaka Honnoji Temple is a puritan sect, Nara Higashi Daiji Temple is a Huaguan sect, Kyoto Honnoji Temple is a Fa Hua sect, and there seems to be no unity. Now I think they're telling me that somewhere is the enemy, and somewhere is on their side, to identify it. Not now."

I may have different feelings later. You may not know in the end.

"Whatever it is, there were many attractions simply as a tourist destination, as the town of Osaka Castle Terainai today is one of the best in Kichinai. I think that's all I could have enjoyed."

"Chengcheng, so what the hell are the attractions of Higashidaiji Kindo that we're going to?

"Whatever you say, it's the Todaiji Temple Kindo itself, or the Great Buddha Temple, and its Honjong Lukan Buddha Sitting Statue. Whatever it is, it's big."

Just because you're big. What? My mother says things like that, but she doesn't know anything about a woman. Even though the big thing is that it's just a lump of charm. Okay, look at the food. Cute. And so on. Just because you're cute. What? And when I say, my mother doesn't know anything about men, etc. The day will never come when we can understand each other forever. It's just that my mother said something that bothered me about Higashidaiji Kindo.

"It's not a bad thing to look at a land that wasn't lost. Look, they want me to tell you what it was like."

My mother said in a tone that spoke of what would have been lost if it had been true.

The three of us left the Great Slope early in the morning, walking eastward without haste. He ate the grilled rice and dried fish he had bought as a souvenir on the way, drank water in a bamboo water bottle, circled south of Mount Nobility, and stayed overnight in a village around northbound. The next morning he took the road to the northeast, and after noon he reached a little over a mile to the Todaiji Temple while passing through the famous Bamboo Dove Temple and beyond, where he could see the ancient tomb of Baolai Mountain on his right hand side and Tang Invitational Temple. So suddenly, I found a man kneeling at the edge of the road.

"You know him?

I shook my head sideways at Kyung's words. The man is obviously kneeling at us, rather looking at me. So my gaze is pointing towards me and my big eyeballs are looking at this one. He was a blue-white, rude but slightly creepy looking guy with a bad connection.

"Sousuke Oda will give it to your eldest son."

The man said so by placing his sword in front of him as if to indicate that he was not willing to fight, laying his hands on the ground and lying down, but still only giving him his face.

"I don't know. Are you Matsunaga Bullet Masao Pil's minister?

"My name is Masahiro Honta, and I'm Masayuki."

He nodded at my words and then explained that the man who only mentioned his name was told by the Lord to secure himself as soon as possible when I came and bring him here as soon as possible.

"Why did you know the awkward were coming to Yamato? Your mother?"

"It's on your left."

"Then why did I know I was going down this road? That's all it said in my mother's report?

"No, it depends on how foolishly you've waited to be most likely to go down this road."

"What argument did the awkward see as high on the formula going this way?

"The road that comes to Yamato from Ozhang can be found either out of Kiyoe by land or down south, around the Kii Peninsula by sea and east from Osaka."

"Can't you just go out to Tsu and go west like that?

"Impossible. Not only is Iga a a rugged mountain road, but the hexagonal power is now strong, and for the Oda family, the enemy land is the same."

I nodded. I urge you to continue explaining.

"In the last time, I heard that Mr. Takeshi and his father had spent some time in Beijing. In this case, if you had stayed in either Kyo or Osaka, you would have already moved to Yamato for one or two nights with less to see in Kyo. The fact that he was not seen until today means that there are many attractions to see and that he stayed on the hill where he spends his day."

"It's a brilliant find, Cheng Cheng"

My father has many talented people, and there are many famous boys in the main wishful temple. Matsunaga also seems to have a wise man inside.

"I'm going to run the horse right now. Lord Bullet Masao Pil also gained good knowledge with Master Uesuke, and said he owed Mother Naoko. Therefore, you will be guided to the Todaiji Temple by yourself."

"Do I owe you?

Against my mother, Lord Matsunaga? What the hell? Rather than what can my mother lend to such a big man?

When I questioned him, Honda Masayoshi, who said the story was better than Bullet Shou-Pil, stood up sucky and led us straight ahead. As soon as I started walking, I figured out if I was hurting my leg or walking a little strange.

"Is that foot an arrow wound?

"It's on the left. Following Master Migawa attacking Fort Marune during the battle between the barrel narrows, he received an arrow on his right foot in that match. I've been dragging my legs like this ever since."

"Did I say barrel span? Was it originally from the Three Rivers?

When I asked back in surprise, it was repeated that it was on the left side.

"At a gatekeeper in the Puritanical Sect, I participated as a general in the Mitsugawa."

"You mean you lost and ran away."

"It's on the left. Since then, I have been traveling around the Three Rivers, and here I have been picked up by Master Bullet Shou-Pil, who has been around the country to this day"

"Well, that would be a shame"

"No, I appreciate it. Master Migawa could also stroke the gatekeeper, but forgive us only by banishing us. The temple, too, he said, was initially a promise to leave. In the end, the rebellious gatekeepers disappeared and were burned."

Only when I spoke that way did I get a little fever in Honda's words. I guess the word "grateful" is true.

"Cheng Cheng, you're effectively using the lives you've picked up. The Mitsugawa guardian is heard to be a virtuous Mitsugawa. If one day I can meet the Mitsugawa guardian, I'll tell you about your Lord."

Honda Masayoshi, who was leading the way, stopped and inadvertently looked at this one.

"Thank you very much."

It was Honda Honesty's way of saying that he was supposed to be thanking me but would rather be illusioned that he was angry. I know you're unconscious, but it's still a creepy, poorly connected appearance somewhere. I answer with a little confusion.

So the conversation broke off, and Honta Masayoshi just led us pale. When the three of us were walking, we had a conversation, but for some reason the conversation was interrupted after Honta Honesty increased.

"It looks like that, but is it the Todaiji Temple?

"No, that's one of the six Nandu sects, located at Kofukuji Temple, Osamuyama, in the law minister's section"

Eventually when I pointed to the temple I saw, that's how I got the answer back. From us heading west to east, they say it's the Todaiji Temple that you can see in the front left. Kofukuji Temple will go through the front with a look on his right if he keeps going straight.


"I'm here."

About ten horses appeared from the front as they tried to pass in front of that Kofukuji Temple. I avoided at the end of the road and tried to kneel, before that Honta Masayoshi lowered his head toward the group on the horse.

"It's in Oda, Mr. Bandage."

That's all Honda Masayoshi said when he lowered his head against the old man on the lead horse. The old man disembarked his horse in the presence of the old men, and he looked at me, and he looked, and he saw. From top to bottom, to lick around, to indulge.

"To compare, the hegemony is the father, but the appearance is the son"

The old man, Bullet Masayuki Matsunaga, muttered such words in the first word, and nodded. Her hair and teeth are white, and her fine moustache completely hides her mouth.

"Minister of the Oda family, you are in Nobuyoshi Takeshi"

As for Hirohiro Oda's son-in-law adopted by the Murai family, she introduced herself as such because she also told me that I was her eldest son.

"… to observe, considerations to avoid confusion in the home"

To my greeting, Lord Bullet Zheng Shaopi, who replied so, nodded, and then greatly distorted his moustache. Took me a while to figure out I was laughing.