Nobunaga’s Imouto is My Wife

Episode 110-2 Feast of the Conspirators

Oct. 2, at (mi) moment (around 10 a.m.).

Ten thousand Upper Los Armies, with Mino and Ozhang at their core, divided from Nobunaga's 50,000 troops. Accompanied by this, Matsunaga Army 1500 in Yamato and Asai Army 2000 in Omi were moving west.

The general of the Oda army is Katsuya Shibata. He is a fierce general of the Oda army, who later became famous as "Shibata the Bottle Splitter".

There are many flatlands in the mountain castle country where the kyo is located. Therefore the view was good and it was easy to discover the appearance of the enemy.

It also means that it is difficult to put down ambushes.

In a flat battle, a moment of general's relaxation leads to great defeat.

Sometimes in October, temperatures are already starting to cool down.

The cold winds blowing down from Mount Aidan were increasing in severity.

It is still autumn on the calendar, but also in front of winter. And winter was the birth season of Hail Maru and Tea, beloved children.

(Hopefully, Kinai will fit in the short showdown...)

Thinking of the children and city princesses that have been left in Omi - I am offering Princess Ji and Takati a far-sighted view of Seung Long Temple Castle.

This castle is a stunning plain castle built to the southwest of Kyo.

It was supposedly built by the famous Hosokawa family during the North and South dynasties, and in historical fact it also became the residence of Fujitaka Hosokawa and Chungxing fathers and sons.

"Lieutenant General...... I've seen it"

"Oh, weird...... hard work"

Then, strangeness rushes at a tremendous rate from the direction of Seung Long Temple Castle.

It's called a solo assault recon.

It would only be a geisha capable of fighting, about the head of the High Peak Party, a hidden group of sitting children.

My army was accompanied by seven peak party faces, including strange ones.

But other......

In other words, the majority of the Dog-Eared Ninja, the deputy director of the Takahima Party, Yakichiro or less, remain in the Kitakoe or are involved in the original intelligence mission.

This outing has strong in-laws and political implications for the Oda family.

That's why I didn't put my back in it.

The important thing lies in not failing the Kitami River, and it is also a natural concern as a lord that puts that defense first.

"Ah... Yoshiyoshi..."


Look at the silver-haired brown boy holding back on my left, and strange calls his name.

But now that Takati Fujido has finished his main uniform, he will not respond to the call of the hidden cat ear girl.

He just stands calmly holding his fist as he closes his eyes and pulls his jaw.

Feeling the awkward air of a boy and girl, I hold a strange thin body to the right.

"Are you hurt?

"Ah... yes, I didn't..."

"Well... that's good"

I stroke my brilliant pale hair in the winter sun.

I think Princess Ji looked envious, but it must be her fault.

Then, with the three of them, they entered the main unit set up for the Seiryu Temple Castle offensive.

It is also the summit where Oda family officers, including Mitsuhide, myself, and generals such as Matsunaga Hideo meet.

Ujita Naota, a guest of the Oda family, was there for some reason.

"Oh... Lieutenant General Asai"

Matsunaga Soo.

In future generations, an old man, told as a tremendous evil of treachery and injustice, looks at me with a cat's voice and two sitting children and says:

"I wonder if they're back. No, the boulder can be seen... it's no big deal to be a sitting child's servant."

There was something catchy about the way I said it.

I realize that Kusu's utterance of the term "sitting child's servant" is shaking my emotions.

But there is no way to inspire the great strategists of Yamato here.

I sat on the floor, nodding appropriately. Then, face to face, including Katsuya Shibata, the commander of the Oda army, also arrives at the floor table.

"Odd, then… report"


Strange is beside me, the result of Shenglong Temple Castle's assault reconnaissance - disclose the information obtained.

"The castle, the terrace (Taikaku) ceremonial territory... Between the rivers... there's a pile of dirt bases... and one castle out. Not too big... but there are about 4,000 soldiers. Not only that, but also the nearby luxuries... plenty. So about 7,000 people."

That's what Odd said, he took the Japanese paper out of his nostalgia.

And using the brush and ink that was provided, it is simple - but I will write the territory of Seung Long Temple Castle as salad.

"This is surprising...... Go home in a day today, and even impromptu a territorial view of the enemy castle..."

Someone from the Oda family roared.

I can't help but leak such an admiration. I'm doing so much arts and crafts right now.

It was a lousy oddity, but its drawing power sucks.

Drawn is Seiryuji Temple Castle, between the Ohata River and its tributaries.

This castle fortress - according to a strange brush - has a long belt curved wheel stretched between the main circle surrounded by the inner moat and the castle exit set in the west.

And, needless to say, surrounded by moats.

"Nevertheless, it would be a hassle inside if 7000 were caged in this castle... We have only twice as many soldiers as our enemies, even with the help of the Asai and Matsunaga families. How can we attack this castle... think about it first"

That's what the winners, who bind the Oda army, said.

Hideyoshi blames Hideyoshi for marrying a city princess who became a widow in historical fact, a man who will harm herself both in Kitajo.

Kusu laughed with people's evil grin as he somehow had more than enough to go on.

"That worry will end in concern."

The old man with the marks of a knife wound sees the Shengjia in the upper hand.

"Non is well acquainted with the castle owner of Seung Lung Temple Castle. Although I understand, I worked with Changqing as a subordinate..."


My immediate family had a more and more black grin on their refreshing appearance.

I'm sure you guessed Kusu had a plot.

I told him I wasn't in the right place to talk to him. Direct house, but it must still be fun to feel some sign of kicking someone else off.

In that sense, Kusu and his immediate family must have been alike.

However, the immediate family is only a guest and general. Looks like he's not going to make a statement.

"There are three good people, Iwasei Tomito... that is the name of the Lord of Seiryuji Castle."

Kusu stays up-and-coming and looks at the faces of the linemen one by one.

"I was originally one of those serving Master Changqing. It is no exaggeration to say that the valves stood and the clerical skills were…… from this non, well…"

However, Yamato's old cunning conspiracy general- went on in a nagging tone.

"Originally, he's only a man in the field of internal affairs, so... you can move soldiers, but that's all you're talking about. A man who is a passionate man and soon loses me… although of a nature common to confident civilian (tachi). And because he's good at home affairs... he can't deal with sudden events."

Pleasantly, Ku-soo let's go low.

"It was interesting, the battle at the Todaiji Temple with his step-in-law. Those people, I didn't think Non would burn every Big Buddha... after he hastily mourned many soldiers... huhuhu, huhuhuhu."

"... I see, is that right"

Mitsu-su nodded to Ku-su, so that he could set up a Seung-jia - or he said it with such dedication.

"I mean, if you take into account the character of a guardian... it would be nice if you could put in some stir. And if Iwasei takes measures that he doesn't expect... he must collapse without being able to fix it."

"Hmm... well, yeah... It's a hassle to think of something unexpected in a siege."

Shengjia roars with her arms together.

To the subject of the Oda army, Kusu lowered his face and shook his neck to the left and right, waving his hands flashly.

"No, no, we'll think about that later. First, you should think about leaving Iwasei in the field."

"Field battle......? You're coming out, you're saying you're undernumbered."

"You're coming out, definitely"

Guru, and raise him so that he twists his neck - Kusu tilts his face to the left as he opens his eyes.

And I said, twisting my pinky finger into my left ear.

"Lord Iwasei is a confident man. Because I earned the trust of the" Vice King of Japan "from my humble self, and I got the equivalent treatment of my clan... An all-purpose drunk Orpheus... that's the essence of a man named Iwatomi Tomoto."

Nevertheless, Kusu continues.

"May you be aware that you are only an Orphan and not a fool... In other words, you won't come out of the castle unless you have a slight chance of winning. In other words, if you spark a little hope - you'll eat like a long sunlit wife of a man with a male root in front of you... oh huh?

The old man slaps his forehead petite in the way that his mouth slipped.

"Speaking of which, Lieutenant General Asai's katana was in a woman's stomach. No, no, this was an inappropriate metaphor... I screwed up. The old man, who is already close, has lost a lot of voice... if you'll excuse me."

And it is Kusu, who has bowed his head deeply in a special way.

Princess Ji is nodding back like she was taken aback somewhere - somehow, but I get it.

That this old man is basically a man of a nature (tachi) who should or should not be involved.

"Now, how do you make that hope and hope seem… will be a problem"

Kwang-soo went on to sum up the argument accurately - but to ask Seung-ja.

"This one has twice as many soldiers as the enemy. As it is, the enemy will not come out of the castle. If we assume that Lord Kusu has the same personality as he says about the guardian of his castle... we will still have to drag the soldiers out well."

"Then how many soldiers should we send out..."

Shengjia says with a thought face.

But he doesn't seem to be an irresponsible man, as Mitsui tells him.

To observe from the atmosphere, he apparently intends to fight with his soldiers himself, despite being the general.

Looks like a rooted professional soldier.

"May I have a moment?"

With a clear face, I finally open my mouth to see if my immediate family, who had not made any remarks until then - could no longer stand it.

"In view of what Lord Kusu has said so far, the bait will still have to be a fairly large object. Perhaps one of the baits is Lord Kusu himself... after all, there seems to be a lot of remorse with the three good people."

"... Khuhuhuhu"

Kusu peeled his teeth off against his immediate family.

"And you have to tickle your lust for honor. For example, 'If you defeat that one, you will gain fame in one piece' and it would be best to prepare such bait"


Princess Ji sent an alarming gaze straight home.

But the rare mastermind of the prefecture did not let his eyes pass by as if - he said grandiose.

"In other words, you can use Lieutenant General Asai as bait. If you do, a man driven by honor should come out of the castle immediately. I am the next generation, the calmer - with such desire."

I disagree.

Princess Ji told me to slap him back with a span.

"The Asai army came as reinforcements to this battle. It is only a unit of operation whose main purpose is to provide support for the Oda army. Asai's army's standing on the enemy's arrow collapses that premise. Rethink."

"But it is this warring nation that wins when those who do not choose the means have plotted much… If you want to speak to the left, the Asai army can retreat as soon as they pull out their enemies."

"It's not such a problem. At the core of Oda's operation, the problem is that the reinforcements Asai sit. Following Ujita's advice, this battle will be Asai's battle, not Oda's."

"As a result, if we drag out our enemies and kill them, I wonder if that's good. If I were you, would I? In this turmoil, nothing is as wasteful as decency. The point is, we just need to pick the fruit...... isn't it?

"What you say is right, but wrong. The lieutenant general is not an alternative."

Living and speaking of a princess Ji Rin, more than I've ever seen before.

Before that, for Christ's sake, it is a direct house of things like that.

He was smiling, waving one hand flickering and zesturing, "Then let's not speak any more".

"If you don't, Lord Naoka will take measures... However, I also know what Lord Takenaka says. Because what's important to me is that it's human beings who want to behave in a nostalgic way - especially when it comes to emotional opponents, huh?

Kusu then makes a sticky voice as he looks at Princess Ji.

Immediately, our military teacher stabbed a sharp gaze at Takao of Yamato.

"This... is about the lady making a really scary face. Whether a man and a woman are in a meat relationship or not, you can tell as soon as you see it. Lord Takenaka, it is strictly forbidden to bring the affection of men and women to the battlefield...... Based on that, what are you saying?

"Not to mention"

Princess Ji does not change her expression as if, and tells her in a frivolous manner.

In contrast, Kusu had a laugh of joy.

"Well, well, ladies and gentlemen... please wait..."

Mitsui begins arbitration as she wipes the sweat floating on her forehead with the back of her hand.

"The important thing is that your allies, as far as they can, survive while winning overwhelmingly - think about this. One by one, let's look at the possibilities. Shouldn't we?"

I no longer have time to just intervene.

Nature meets Katsuya Shibata, the general of the Oda army. He also looks worried about how he should speak.

Somehow, I didn't feel like I could get along with him.