Nozomanu Fushi no Boukensha

Episode 534: Stacked Challenges and Behind the Forest

The next day, me and Ribble left the village early in the morning.

Its purpose is, of course, to discover the origin of the skeleton, the boner who attacked the village.

Jillis, the village chief, was also consulted, and for the time being, the fence and the like were repaired to some extent for the protection of the village, which meant that there was no problem because the young men looked around vigilantly.

Still, if more than three boners "skeletons" were to come to this village, it would be difficult for the villagers alone to do something about it, but still, if we keep a good eye on them, we would be able to detect the raid early and escape.

The Bone Man Skeleton is a demon who can fight even in the dark, but he is not so far blind.

If you let the women and children get away first while you are in the young village men, you will not be able to pull as far as town.

He asked me to stay in the village if it was true, but in that case Jillis also knew that the village would remain in danger even after the day I returned to Malt.

At the end of the day I was convinced that it was necessary even if the village was somewhat in danger, as it would be reassuring in the future to reveal where the bone man had originated and, if possible, to have it crushed.

"... this way, Mr. Lent"

Go along with the ribble through the woods.

The boulder, the libble, seems to be the best hunter in the village, with the way the forest walks into the hall.

Kill the footsteps, kill the signs, and while you're at it, you haven't lost sight of your position.

I'm more confident there in the way I walk in the woods, too, but it was thought that if it were a normal animal hunt, I wouldn't be rivalled by the libre.

Because when he saw several deer, pigs, etc. along the way, Ribble was never detected any signs by those animals.

I would have done all of them in one shot if I wanted to hunt, I think.

I also hunt wild lodging in the woods to secure food... but I wouldn't be able to do as much as a ribble.

I still think my essence is the adventurer of the demon opponent.

After a short walk through the woods with that in mind, we finally got to the place.

"... Mr. Lent. There they are..."

The place Ribble showed with his gaze as he hid in the shadow of the sesame grass was a dark cave with a pompous mouth open, invisible in the back.

I don't know how long it's been inside... I see.

Previously, it was the goblins that emerged around the village, but they often use these natural caves as a residence.

Unlike the bone men, goblins are demons that usually breed and grow.

This is what it would take to raise a child.

Goblins are demons with a terrible rate of reproduction that grows up in about a month after birth, but they are still defenseless when they are babies and small beings that can easily be hunted by other demons and, in some cases, animals.

That's why we need a nest to protect ourselves from those external enemies.

It can also be a group of goblins that interact with humans, as much as some build small settlements and make their own buildings to live in, even in qualities, but those who do not make these natural caves their primary residence.

It's a pretty difficult place to tell the difference between a flock of goblins like creating a settlement and a flock that lives in a cave or something without doing that, and attacks people, but it would still mean that there are individual differences in goblins as well.

It's just like humans have townspeople and bandits.

So just because it's a goblin doesn't mean it's all evil.

There are a number of such demons, and they are treated as subhumans... they can be difficult to distinguish and can vary from place to place about getting along with people.

Some are totally exclusivist, while others do it when held.

Our kingdom of Yaran is relatively loose, and it is held close by.

Sometimes the country itself loosens a lot, and its values for demons are not that tough.

Still, if you get attacked, it's natural to fight back relentlessly.

"Ribble's father, is he in there?

"To listen to what I said at the time, it's a bad way to say that I left it inside... but that's what it seemed like. And I guess that's why I bought some time until the other villagers got away."

"It doesn't seem very spacious in there... and it doesn't seem like it will be attacked from all directions. That may indeed be the case. I don't know if there's anything I can do once I'm trapped, but if there's an ambush outside and they pinch me in the cave, it'll be over."

Goblins are monsters with intelligence close to people.

Somewhat, even though some are stupid, driving about hunting, or wisdom, that kind of thing doesn't suck with humans.

Hence pinching, trapping, that sort of thing usually sets me up.

Well, it's often a crude one without enough technical skills...

Being a goblin like building a settlement doesn't mean that the breed itself doesn't have that kind of skill because the production is also rarely quite finesse......

They say goblins are demons that are likely to be studied, but I guess that's the place.

Either way, you probably don't need to fight goblins this time, so you won't need to worry too much about that.

It is possible that there is still a trap that was struck here before when the goblin broke out, but it has been years since we did so, and there will be nothing like moving now in a durable way.

Because magic props cannot be made into boulder-like goblins...

"... is there anything we can do to get inside and pinch the bone man...?

She got anxious, and Ribble said so, so I answer.

"There's no sign of a boner around. Of other demons, too. So basically you won't have to worry that much. Of course, that's why you can't be alarmed."

Right now, even if there's no sign of it around, there's plenty of potential for it to come later.

It's dangerous to explore the cave with no guard at all behind you.

If it's true, if there were a few adventurers out there, I'd break up with a watch group, but there's only me and Ribble here.

There's no way I'm leaving Ribble behind, or just putting Ribble inside.

I'm not that ghost.

It's a vampire vampire.

So we have one choice.

"... then Ribble, I've just made an observation, we're going inside"


That's how we set foot in the cave.