I tried the boss room after entering two more normal individual rooms. No grace came out, but a short sword came out that was very aggressive and sharp.
In the eighty-seventh hierarchy, he entered two rooms of ordinary individuals for dinner, and further dominated one room of ordinary individuals before entering the boss room. A dagger with "Curse Resistance (Greater)" and "Poison Resistance (Greater)" appeared. This belonged to Arios because Arios wanted it.
The next twenty-sixth day, he dominated two rooms of eighty-eight hierarchical ordinary individuals for lunch, and entered the room of another ordinary individual before attacking the boss room. In the eighty-ninth hierarchy, three rooms of ordinary individuals were carried out before challenging the boss room.
On this day, a long sword with "Speed Increase (Greater)" and "Power Increase (Lesser)" appeared. All I had to do was potion, so I gave it to Arios.
As he was knocking down the boss and sitting on the floor, Arios spoke to him.
"Let's sort this out."
"First, this labyrinth is a special species labyrinth, where only the special species of white ghosts come out. There are two kinds of special species, each called" redskins "and" dark skins. "
"'Redskins' have made magical attacks, but sometimes they have swords and spears, and in shallow layers, when they attack with swords, they have fought back with swords and spears. But from the middle tier, even if you attack with a sword, you no longer fight back with a sword or spear, so the way you don't let them attack you magically distracted no longer works."
"You did."
"This indicates that the way white ghosts fight can also change as the hierarchy changes"
"I see."
"By the way, when you shoot magic, your skin turns thin red. Maybe this is where the name Redskins comes from."
"I don't care"
"" Redskins "first raise their voices and then release magic from their mouths. The only way to raise your voice is by one, and when that one shoots magic, other Redskins also shoot magic. It is useful for predicting attacks in that regard, as individuals who raise their voices are bound to be the first to launch attacks."
"Magic is an impactful hotline, available in types such as blue and white, light red, and yellow, but it doesn't seem that the properties change depending on the color. However, the blue-white attack is relatively powerful."
"Oh, yeah"
"The groaning voice is starting to start so fast that the hierarchy is going down, and it's getting shorter again, and on the eighty hierarchy, it's starting to get better as this one enters the room"
"What's wrong with that?"
"This groaning voice is changing from hierarchy to hierarchy, and it's getting tough."
"I know that, even if they don't bother"
"Which means you may eventually lose your voice"
"Lord Lecan."
"We cannot look into the room where the Warcraft is. But Lord Lecan can detect the position of the enemy."
"What about the Warcraft?"
"The Warcraft, by some means, may also be detecting this one trying to enter the room"
"That's what happened. No."
I never thought about that. But I can't say enough that there will never be.
"Sometimes it may be that we keep our voices up before we enter the room and shoot at the same time as we enter the room. Or maybe they don't raise their voices themselves and suddenly shoot at them"
"Next, in the shallow hierarchy, the ratio of" dark skin "to" red skin "was variable. According to the ten tier platform, both of them were" dark skin ", and both of them were" red skin ". But as the hierarchy goes down, the ratio seems to have stabilized. In the eighty hierarchy, it seems to be constant with the five dark skins and the four red skins."
"Right. The black one is avant-garde, the red one is the rear guard."
"Right there."
"In the shallow hierarchy, the placement was variable. But deep in the hierarchy, the" dark skin "is avant-garde, the" red skin "is back-garde, and the formation is getting better. This may also support the prediction that, on the side of the Warcraft, we are detecting intruders' intrusions."
Recan did not reply. I couldn't.
But it is certain that the formation of the enemy is gradually getting in order.
"Next," Dark Skin "is a physical specialization. The black outer skin is unusually hard and the armor itself. Besides, the more you go downstairs, the stronger the armor, the less sticky it is. However, it doesn't change that your neck is a steep spot, so with technology, you can take it down."
Lecan doesn't have as much skill as Arios. However, with the help of the "Spike" skill, you can sift the sword with the accuracy of Arios.
"Next, both" dark skin "and" red skin "are large enough to come into the deep hierarchy. The large individuals in the first tier were just as tall as Lord Lecan, but now they're almost one head at a time, and that one's bigger. Normal individuals are smaller than that, but I think the underlying abilities, such as agility, are constant by hierarchy."
"Oh. And the way you move individually and as a group, it feels the same way if you're on the same hierarchy."
"This means being accustomed to the speed and motion of warcraft attacks in a room of ordinary individuals and challenging large individuals in that hierarchy,"
That was true of many labyrinths in the original world, and it is not novel to Lecan.
"Finally, it's about the size of the room and the number of Warcraft."
"Yeah? I think that's clear."
"It seems clear. I think that's strange."
"The size of the room is much the same, from one level to eighty-nine. No, although it's slightly different in shape, it seems to me that it's the exact same size."
Recan nodded.
"The number of Warcraft is increasing every ten tiers in one piece. This is completely regular. As it is, there are ten enemies in the ninety hierarchy and thirteen enemies in the one hundred and twenty hierarchy. A little bigger than the enemies in this hierarchy."
Recan nodded again this time.
"That's strange, don't you think? With thirteen warcraft and thirteen adventurers in, there's no more room to fight. But this labyrinth is broken once a year."
"Even if it's weird, it actually is, so there will be no other way"
"We should see if that's the case"
"You'd better pay the receptionist to tell you, or the adventurer exploring the deep"
Sure it is.
From here on in the battle ahead, slight mistakes lead to death. If you can pay to get information, you should buy it.
Of course, the size of the room, the number and height of the Warcraft can be explored in 3D perception. But I don't know what kind of abilities you have.
That's all I thought about and noticed.
(The Arios one)
(You're exploring my abilities)
"Okay. Tomorrow morning, we'll buy some information at the reception."
Lekan and Arios left the labyrinth once they were on the ninety tiers.