Nilft was sweet about this job.
I must admit that.
I purposefully thought Nilft himself a job that didn't need to come.
We've been taking in relatives of the Goncourt family for years, and when it comes to this aftermath, it's just assassinating Dops Goncourt.
It was a countermeasure to the Coggles, or Zach Zykers, that the Bordolins wanted to take over the Goncourt family, a nobleman of Voca, in the first place.
It was supposedly only a matter of time before Voca went down to Zach's military gate. In that case Zach will even interfere with Bantaroy with Voca as a bridgehead. Before that happens, we need to build a hub for information gathering in Voca. This was the idea of Cassandra, ruler of the Bordolin family.
Then the target is narrowly targeted. When it becomes a house that is deeply rooted and economically powerful enough to survive Zach's reign over Voca, the Goncourt family is the first candidate. Easy to target even in that there are few straight men and there are succession problems. In the meantime, there were several relatives of the Goncourt family who were commercially connected to the Bordolin family.
It's a good house if you take over, so a lot of money got stuck in. In those places, what a vodka Zach himself came on board. At the Bordolin family, they took in a lot of money to take in relatives of the Goncourt family. And when it was time to start taking over in earnest, things were changing.
First, Zach pulled up to Coggles. I was flabbergasted by this. It was too surprising that Zach would give up vodka.
Next, Voca began to show signs of development. Cassandra sees this opportunity as continuing for several years, although she has not yet achieved as much growth. Perhaps it will develop into an important commercial city connecting the northern cities with the heart of the country.
And Cassandra bled last year at twilight.
Cassandra, who has a short life expectancy, chose the Goncourt family takeover as her last big job. And he sent the nilft of his belly into the voca.
Its mission is to assassinate Dops Goncourt, the last adult man left in the Goncourt family. That way, the Goncourt family will belong to the Bordolin family. The Goncourt family is just the right base for gathering information, and is the biggest investor in the fast-growing Cheney store, so it's financially profitable.
Cassandra breathes into Xandria, her daughter-in-law taken from the Goncourt family, that it is for the Goncourt family to push her third son, Horcasa, into the Goncourt family's inheritance. Nilft took part as a squire in the line that Xandria would take Horcasa to visit the Goncourt family.
But Cassandra's aim is not to take Holkassa as his successor. It is the true aim of the Goncourt family to set up a guardian with Guides as his successor by shaking Holkassa as his successor.
In that case, the Goncourt family will remain in the mind of the Bordolin family. Because Don Cospez, the heavy town of the clan who must be chosen as his guardian, has been taken in by Cassandra, by the way. Of course, he did not intend to sell the Goncourt family to the Bordolins. They're using the Bordolins to fatten themselves up with the Goncourt family.
Nevertheless, taking the means, such as assassination, demonstrates Cassandra's impatience. It is a means of leaving its roots in the future. But only this time, it's inevitable. Cassandra doesn't have time.
And Nilft came to Voca. Xandria offered to our Lord Prado three times for convenience that his third son, Horcasa, should succeed the Goncourt family. By the time Prado's patience reached its limit, Nilft assassinated the Dops. It was an easy job. There are no knights in the Goncourt family, and there are no soldiers or secret detectives with arms on their hands. It was like scratching my ass while napping.
All we have to do is go back to Bantaroi, looking at the backdrop of the kinship meeting that will take place after the funeral. That's what I thought then.
Naturally, Nilft did not attend Dops' funeral. No one was invited to a line of the Bordolin family. It's perfectly natural.
When Knight Karodan Hoist offered to enter the family meeting as an escort, he absolutely thought he would be turned down. But for some reason, I asked my Lord to judge me, so I was told to enter the room for the time being. Xandria, Horcasa, and two others.
That was the decision of the Goncourt family butler Cannell and others. Maybe I have some soul balls. But I can't read that soul gall.
Anyway, I got permission to come in. Put another in besides the knight Karodan. Nilft wanted to see what a kinship meeting would be like with his own eyes.
When I saw Norma sit beside the Lord, I was stunned. Preliminary information indicates that there is no such person in the Goncourt main house.
And more shocking people came into the room.
By the knight Zinger Towell.