From the next day, that is, the thirty-first day of the fourth month, we began to fight cautiously.
When you enter the room, you put up a pair of physical barriers, and in that state you set up a series of Flaming Spears, weakening them enough, and then stabbing them with the Comet Slash. In the case of an opponent who is less effective in a magical attack, let the opponent attack and tire him, then use the Sacred Hard Silver Sword and defeat Arios and the two of them at once. This day broke through the one hundred and thirty-first hierarchy.
Naturally, the battle time was longer at once, and the consumption of demonic stones increased. The offensive speed dropped exceptionally. We finally attack the hierarchy one day at a time.
Still, he managed to maintain a hierarchical tread a day, and tread the 134th hierarchy on the 34th.
All the grace swords that came out so far were made of Arios. "Immediate Death Sword (Dunbar Syrah)" "Thunder Ring Slash (Guntilsil)" "Demon Sky Slash (Bore Funsil)".
Arios was particularly pleased with the Devil's Sky Slash (Boar Funsil), which came out on the 134th level. It is a magic sword. Even the magic of Arios was able to express the magic blade. The magic burden is not huge, it is very high performance. They say it's far superior to the magic sword they have at home.
He took two days rest after that, and on the thirty-ninth he stepped on the 137th hierarchy. Of the three grace swords, Rekan received the top version of "Steel Slash" and "Mud Kill (Orfasil)". The Devil's Sword (Pulse Syrah) belonged to Arios.
I took a day off and stepped through the 138th, 139th, and 140th hierarchies between the 1st and 3rd of the 5th month, but the enemy is finally getting tough.
We rested here for three days and changed tactics from the one hundred and forty-first hierarchy. I tried to use the Ring of the Immortal King when I stabbed him in the face. This made it possible to move on to only one room a day. This means that it will take as little as five days to break through one hierarchy.
It was not until late afternoon that I entered the Guardian's room on the fifth day, as I slowed down the start of my exploration one by one so that the Ring of the Immortal King could be used for sure.
In that one hundred and forty-first tier of the "Guardian" room, Lecan and Arios met an astonishing enemy. How dare the warcraft use short-range metastases?
At first I was stunned. But I quickly figured out how it worked.
Only when the sword is emptied does the Warcraft make a metastasis. The destination of the transfer is the direction in which the sword was waved. Metastasis fails when something is slashed or begun without emptying. Metastasis fails even when the orbit of the swinging sword is disturbed. The distance of the transition is determined by the speed at which the sword is waved. The maximum transition distance is about five steps. I can't transfer when I have an obstacle along the way.
If you know so, it's not too bad to deal with it, and surprisingly, this enemy could be defeated early.
Out of the chest was a sword named Transfer Sword (Pulp Syrah).
He took a day off the next day, and on the thirteenth he again challenged the labyrinth early in the morning.
It took this, five days, to tread the hierarchy, to take a day off, and to proceed to the one hundred and forty-sixth hierarchy on the first day of the sixth month, in the way that the next day would enter the labyrinth early in the morning. Among the graces that came out so far, the upper edition of "Demon Sky Slash", "Monkey Ghost Slash (Dougsyl)", "Werewolf Ghost Slash (Jegsyl)", and "Transfer Sword" were assumed to belong to Rekan, and others were given over to Arios.
The enemy is getting stronger and stronger. I'm attacking against the Magic Barrier by Intuadro's Jewelry, and against the Physical Barrier by the Magic of the Barrier, and with a force move that relies on the Ring of the Immortal King, but the strength of the enemy already far exceeds this one. Fight from the front and they'll kill you instantly.
I don't like the way Lecan fights like this either. Usually, they would build on the force in a slightly shallow hierarchy before going down.
But now I'm not exploring the labyrinth to fight an interesting battle.
Anyway, as a recan, I wanted to reach the bottom level quickly to finish exploring this labyrinth.
Lecan continued to challenge the labyrinth, as if driven by a sense of duty.
Little by little, I had noticed that my spirit had accumulated and my thinking was diminishing.
Still, Lecan went down.
Neither did Arios try to put such a recan away.
Once, for example, it was too early to use the Immortal King's Ring, and the "Invincible" grace expired while the opponent was still aggressive. I happened to be in a crisis, but with Arios' help, I got nothing. Even in such a hierarchy, Arios' sword accurately slashed and tore his enemies apart.
Most of the time Arios was a bystander, but he still relied on it when he had to. If it hadn't been for Arios, Lecan would have given up his labyrinth steps.
Nevertheless, how many levels of this labyrinth are there?
Nobody knows the answer to that.
If Sheila went back to ask, she might be able to tell me, but if I had time to go back and forth to Voca, I also felt like I could get to the bottom.
Surrounded by great fatigue, the search continued as I dragged my body.
On the seventh day of the sixth month, he broke through the one hundred and forty-seventh hierarchy.
Lecan allowed himself two days rest.
Anyway, to try to move on to the one hundred and fiftieth hierarchy, Lecan had decided on his mind.