The Westerners first asked En to cooperate.

I procured the missing gear from the equipment warehouse in the exercise area, and then now I was running hiccups to the Plaza of the Divine Tree. The relationship between the two equestrian delegates riding made it fundamental to avoid popularity in choosing this path.

"Hey, isn't that crazy? Didn't you hear the alarm? Was someone having dinner earlier?

"It's a takeover and sale, but I think that's the national pattern. Come to think of it, there's been peace for 200 years. Ever since the Federation and Empire started the war...... isn't it harder to have a sense of crisis?

To Django, who looks suspicious, Holoro taught the takeover and sale.

On the boulevard that I wanted when the streets took off, it was filled with people I couldn't count. This was not a fallacy for neutral army soldiers who provide evacuation guidance. In the first place, there were causes for people who were unable to act voluntarily because of a thin sense of crisis.

"At this minute, evacuation is going to take a while. If it's just a matter of time before that witch woodworker and his crew are released from the square, well, I don't really want to think about it."

"There's no way I can do something about it. But... can you help me?

"Whoa. I'll take care of your back."

The Square of the Divine Tree aimed to enter from the left. From the centre, we have to make a detour because we will hit the headquarters of the neutral army. Together, inevitably, we'll be running down the back alley off Main Street. We can finally get through here and get to the battlefield where that wooden man hisses.

From the area over the middle of the road, Toki's voice and explosion sounds were heard at a volume that made his ears crunch, and also at his feet began to transmit shaking - by this time, the fervour of contention was felt all over his body.

We will soon be fighting. Probably risked my life. I have to have an exchange......

If anyone in this has lost their life, I'm scared to think so...

Before the first actual battle, it was when I realized I was so scared.

"Heh! Shota, not you, oh, Hollow, is that you? Ha ha, you're a jerk."

"Ya, stop... please! Will you let me go before I say hello!?

Unexpectedly, Holoro was spoken from the side.

For those who have heard pieces bouncing, there is a familiar mountain grandmother with attitude. Her side is strangling her head, and the honor student is pulling her body together. The appearance also makes the nasty kid play abusively with his favorite toy, or else the hungry mountain grandma misses the diagram exposing the traveler.

The opponents were Bridgecca and Watrod.

"... Ho, ho, ho?

Even to deal with him, I felt distracted, and Hollore turned her voice upside down.

"I bashed Decorin's arrow, Chowke. Wow. So, good mon, look, are you agile?

"Huh? Oh, you know what... well, not so much"

"We're Bridgecca, remember him with a black face. I mean, Shota, you're so handsome... I don't know why, but you seem unconditional and believable. Wow... Damn, if you eat, you're a jerk, right?

Bridgecca licks her tongue in front of her affordable prey.

Yes. Watrod escapes the tightening, following the gap where she is distracted. He pretends to be calm as if nothing had happened when he corrected the position of his deviated glasses, but he is really crying with his heart.

"Phew...... Mr. Holloro-Fiodiante. I'm Wattrod, the same archery rep as her. Again, thank you. As a matter of fact, from the first time I saw it, I've seen you in this generation."

"- Hey, eyeglasses, seriously. - Ooh!

Bridgecca turns her arms around Watrod's head and strangles him deeper than earlier.

From up ahead, I said, "Fu fu fu!" The pronunciation changed, and Holoro could not hear his words well. I just said, "Stop it!" "Give me a break! I felt like I wanted to tell him."

"Thank you for your continued support!

Drop off Bridgecca on her way to talk to him.

He was a busy bunch of people, but what did he try to say with his glasses......

I wonder if I won't let you go rather than. It must be hard to run and hard to be......

Coming like a storm and leaving like a storm, Holloro softly cut his gaze if he imagined herself caught up, though, pitying her, watrod caught in that gust. Being near her, I had a feeling that one day there must be danger to us.

"Um... Hollow you, right? Can I ask you something?

In a replacement, someone talked to me again.

For those who show signs of being snuck up, there are two covert people who run low with a concealed-specific posture. On the front side, he lined up with a silent boy with just a stiff eye, and on the back, an inner girl with a fine voice that seemed to disappear. Both of them showed signs of curiosity.

The next two opponents were Cuno and Tihania.

"Yeah...... what's up?

When he was approached in a proper manner, Hollow was also responded to without anxiety.

"Could you possibly have a complete sensation or something?

"Though not at all proficient."

"I knew... I always thought instructor Ixa and Photon felt alike. So, I saw earlier that I was giving you a far-sighted advantage, maybe. I wonder how you see the world...... I envy you"

I am silently offered a hand from a cuno who hammered me to agree.

"Oh, shake hands, huh?

At the discretion of Cuno's intentions, Holoro lovingly responded to the handshake as well.

Two or three, I wave lightly and try to unwrap my hand, but from the cuno, I remained gripped. When they were pouring the same glance together, I couldn't help but feel that they were looking into it somewhere.

"Let me introduce myself again...... this guy is you Cuno. Very silent. My name is Tihania... stay close. From now on we are going to scold. Because that's the secret job."

Through a group, we drop off two people who precede us in our quest for hostility.

It's comforting to have you scout, but maybe it doesn't make sense anymore......

Because somehow they're going to get into it before I get the info...

Holoro strayed his gaze to the side and looked at Bojan and Gorandol's back leading the way. And when they felt this gaze, they laid down the horse that had slowed down. When sandwiched by the brave and maiden who succeeded on horseback, he was also attacked by the feeling that a wall had been formed to the left and right.

"Ha-ha, look at you, Mr. Hollow! We started to unite! That's what you did!

Holoro was praised by Bojan, who spread his arms.

Delegates began interacting across the hedge of the soldier family. His impression and praise were on what happened naturally as he ran to the Square of the Divine Tree. It all started with that step.

A week after we met. We couldn't cross hands, voices, even a decent gaze...

"No, I don't..."

Overwhelmed by the kind of voice that speaks to a distant opponent, Hollow mumbles.

"Shouldn't we go... probably that's what the majority thought on that occasion. Neither do I. But in the end, if you couldn't think of a reason to go, you didn't have the guts to talk."

Just let your voice down a little and Bojan goes on to say "not at all".

"It was boring. If it didn't mean I could solve it alone, I didn't want to ask for help on that occasion. At least I wanted one from each soldier... on top of that I made a damage account. I bowed my head to my trustless opponent to do good, or defend my future position within the group, or put him on the scale."

On the other hand, Gorandol took over the word.

"But you weren't. I tried to go alone. I petitioned them lightly. The reason was also why I wanted to help the little girl. What a fool... I thought so, but when I realized it, my chest was getting hot. The moment I grabbed that arrow, everyone was fascinated."

Holloro was puzzled by the stories the two of us had heard.

I want to help Mint. The fact that I moved to leave the momentum in the middle with all my heart is affecting my surroundings so much. I don't even think my position would be in jeopardy if I hadn't intended to anticipate that. Even if someone was sensitive to the emotions they were having at that time, they could only be aware of what the emotions were driven by, so they weren't aware of it.

The representative students, attracted by their purity, were inspired.

If you doubt the other person, you suspect yourself too. If your suspicions about yourself don't clear up, your suspicions about them will also continue to cloud. Maybe it's stupid not to know what to suspect. Still, they were deeply emotional that there were times when they had to be, and there were times when they could be.

"Hollow...... Me and Django, everyone else is on this spot at their will. Hurt or not, but it's not for you to bear. You just have to face forward and fight."

"Exactly. You have nothing to bear. Plus, even if he's a delegate competing in a militant festival. It's not like I'm a soldier. So, uh... don't worry."

I get each encouragement from Mute and Nacolin, who were feeling scared.

Although it seems easy to say, but it's hard and sometimes it doesn't work...

I wonder what. I'm kind of so relieved...

When she saw them walking side by side in a very bad way, Holoro became full of joy again. If you think that I was able to receive that generosity also because my heart passed on correctly, then there is no longer any stray. Now I felt confident that I could say that.

Until the square of the Divine Tree, there are no more 200 medas.

Cuno and Tihania return from the scourge to think policy out of the hostility they are about to bring back. Everyone was going to do that, but there were two exceptions - an arbitrary advance by Bojan and the Golander.

"Buuuuuuuuuuuu! Yuku, Mr. Gorandl!

"Ha, ha, go. Wow!

Nacolin yells at them as they penetrate the square with exasperation.

"Hey... you idiot, wait! Still no maneuvers or anything......!

He replied, but he wasn't going to stop.

"You think it's an operation? You think we can imitate each other so highly? That's the first time you've been able to train as a group! Enough head count, don't get lost, it's an assault!

"Ha, what is it, that guy? Are you sure it's me and Tame?... That makes sense. Beautiful simply because!

Django, who agrees with Bojan's argument, accelerates at once by practicing. Furthermore, if Bridgecca sped up her legs following them, Watrod would also be drawn to this undeniably.

"Have another tea break... you have no choice"

"Mr. Nacolin. Thanks."

Holloro thanks Nacolin for his frightened shoulder drop.

"... what are you talking about?
