It will be a few days after the takeover of the State of Britaina.

The main unit of the Confederate army, led by Benjamin, triumphed over the capital of the Westerian state.

Marching down the boulevard, led by an instrument squad under a clear sky.

Hundreds of thousands of people hedging along the road send applause by the streets.

Beyond the heads of guards who regulate so that the march is not hindered, a bouquet of thankful flowers is thrown in.

The space is colorfully decorated on finely cut coloured paper scattered from buildings along the boulevard.

Prestigious, prestigious...

It took a third of the territory and took over the Empire's sword emperor, a presence that has long threatened the future of the Union. Their triumph is much welcomed by the people, with such a foretaste of the effects of the Britaina Nation.

Among other things, Alan got a great deal of footlight.

After a thousand activities since his rise roughly six months ago, he brought a streak of victories to the Federation and eventually also showed victory in a single fight with the Sword Emperor. That's all I did.

"I guess they'd be happier if you waved them too"

Spanning a brave and beautiful horse of war, Alan slowly marches on. On the road, Benjamin, who was in parallel as he waved his affection to the people, was spoken in a hard heard voice.

"What's the point of that?"

"At least it makes a better impression.... they know that the presence of you will shape their future. Just sayin ', that's all they know. I want to know who you are."

"It's not what they think it is."

"This is the world. Everyone wants something great... the most heroic thing."

Lose as much and arrive at the military headquarters facility.

Alan received a story from a federal man waiting to be awarded a medal.

It was considered the highest ranking given to a knight, with only one record awarded in the past.

In honor of the medal of martial arts that took over the Sword Emperor - so accompanied by words, but essentially nothing more than an exposure that there was nothing to be given but a medal, otherwise a fear of the rebellion of the Sword Saint.

He replied, "I don't want it" without putting it down for too long.

"Are you sure? Although it doesn't make any difference that privileges don't come with it, this is, nevertheless, entirely separate from the other medals. Make your position in the Federation absolute."

Benjamin, who was listening next door, pinches his mouth all at once.

"If you take it - what changes is yours, isn't it?... I will continue to fight at your convenience. Don't worry about me that way. Don't mess around with me anymore."

"You really... no, that's one way to go..."

Benjamin, who almost said something, shrugged like he swallowed it and gave it up.

Alan, whose intentions did not change after all, declined to award the medal.

The next day.

Alan was taken by Benjamin to sneak into the daytime capital.

Yesterday was my first time showing up in public, but I was in disguise with a plain coat and hat just in case.

If you are alone in the crowd and don't put on escorts - rather consider safety aspects, it is better to not put on escorts for them. The need is also weaker than the person who protects him.

"There's a woman I want you to meet."

Eventually a beautiful blacksmith set up a shop in the corner of the capital where he arrived.

Moving into a small store that still leaves an atmosphere that hasn't been seen since the store opened. I remember the woman with the cheek cane on the counter behind it. I have had several conversations via Vern.

Alan called his name "Mr. Mary" to spill.

"Hey... I hear you remembered me"

The way Mary waved briefly seemed to me like the wind I'd been waiting for.

What's this all about? With that said, Alan sends his gaze to Benjamin. But "I look a little off," he leaves the store, and I can't ask him what his intentions are.

"Show me that one. You're just gonna take care of it and leave it to use, right?

Mary's consciousness is directed at a beauty under the moon hidden in her coat. I didn't feel anything hostile to her to do so, but Alan accidentally got a crease between her eyebrows.

I don't want anyone else to touch me, because I probably felt that way.

"... I heard that. I'm going to make you a grave? I'm sorry. This is gonna happen. How careless in this world then, what a tiny monster your personal thoughts are."

Mary continues with a "but" grin.

"If it hadn't been for that little mon, if it hadn't been for that kid, I would still be liquoring in the tavern... he would have saved me. I don't know what to do with contempt."

Alan handed Mary a beauty under the moon after she was deeply troubled.

Slowly pulled out with her hands.

That straight-bladed body revealed had lost its initial beautiful glow by being swallowed with a vast amount of photons to date and more than once sharpened the sword emperor's twin swords and swords.

But if it was used differently, it must not have been done to this extent.

"Even if it hurts, it's like I can see that kid's face... from scratch, my arm is inferior, but even if it rots, I'm that kid's master. I want to repay you. Can you help me, please?

Mary bows her head deeply with a serious look.

"... returning Wern to his hometown. Until then, you can keep it."

I was still feeling anxious, but I thought this was for Vern too.

Alan accepted Mary's offer.

It will be the next day again.

With a crate that delivered Vern's remains, Alan ran a fast horse.

It aimed at a rural town called Kozmo, located in the eastern part of the western country. I was asking about her birth before she was born, and I stopped by during my journey, and I don't have the hassle of finding out where her hometown is.

Spend as much time traveling by day as the horse's health permits, finding the right place to stay in the wild at night.

Alone, I follow a journey I remember.

All the time apart from traveling and eating was spent sleeping like mud.

By the time we arrived that way, it had been five whole days.

Around the town, especially on the west side, fields can be seen, some of them seemingly pioneering. Ahead through the woods that stretch out to the east is the huge inland sea that devoured the Arcadia continent deeply.

If you look closely, there is also a mass cemetery in the immediate vicinity where the inhabitants of the town enter.

"... even in my hometown, I feel like you don't like it there either"

If I think of my lifetime Vern, I don't feel like burying him in a mass cemetery.

My legs turned to nature and the east woods. After a while, the sea breeze started to smell. I went straight down the roadless road to the affordable Cape.

The sky opened and the sun arrived, overlooking the inland sea, which drew the horizon, and the wind often passed - when I stood at the place, I had lost my mind to look for something else, etc.

"Going back to the battlefield again to slay people. What would you look like?

Find the stone that will be the tombstone from the woods. Make it a tool for tapping and folding appropriate trees and digging holes in the cape. While preparing them, Alan inquired as if to speak to himself.

"That man said it had to be. That's all I'm carrying. You told me to look for the kindness that people should have for people. Is there an answer to that in the path of slashing this man?

Deliver the crate to the hole you dug deeper into and return about half the soil so that no gaps can be made.

"... lately, I've been attacked by strange sensations since you fell asleep. Sometimes the back of my chest doesn't heal when I bother. There are times when consciousness moves away from the body. Sometimes if there's someone nearby to settle down, I can't wait.... Sometimes I feel like I can't breathe just being alive"

Put the tombstone up and put the rest of the soil back in the hole.

"Is this the heart?

Looking down at the grave that could be done, Alan inquired about it once now.

"Vern.... what do I do?

It will be another five days.

Alan returned to the capital to take a trip to Mary's shop.

The table had lowered the plaque indicating it was closing, but it was not locked at the entrance or exit.

When I walked into the store to see how things were going, I realized that it was not at all the same as when I first visited. Then there were definitely signs in the back of the store that I thought Mary would be.

A small bell provided for the door rings the tone announcing the visit.

"Oh, you're home.... I just finished this one."

I hear you noticed it with sound, Mary, coming from the back with a beauty under the moon in one hand. She stood at the counter, her cheeks sprinkled and a bear floated beneath her eyes, all slightly more visible than she had ten days earlier.

"... Was the store closed?

"An idle bird rang that it was open anyway. That was a very unmotivating thing to do in one effort... and I felt it again as I faced it for ten days. He'll put it on this sword, mon."

Mary is offered a beauty under the moon.

Alan received it with the accompanying words. From the polished and glossy blue sheath, he gently pulls himself out - making sure that the grey, dull corpse was regaining a glow close to the original.

enough work had been done to be satisfactory enough.

"Once hurt, Mon won't go back completely. I'm sure there's no artistic value left, but that's not the kind of knife a merchant would price. It's like the first time a person who needs to have it makes sense."

Mary, who thought no more words were innocent, goes on with another mouth.

"That Benjamin guy is going to help me run the business, so I'm going to keep the store going. If you ever get hurt again in the future, let me know if I can. I'll let that kid put it back in the shape he thinks it was, how broken it was.... because I don't care how many years and decades have passed."

"... if there was a time"

Insert the naked underlunar beauty into your hips and hide it in the jacket that was woven with feathers.

Alan fluttered and left the store behind.

It will be around the time it has been a few days since Alan returned to the capital.

Benjamin had taken him as an escort and had secretly crossed into the neutral country, the Republic of Aizeon. In terms of detailed location - it's not hard to get around by road either, I was in the nearest city from the Federation.

Taking the form of an invitation here on this day, he was going to live up to the promise of a secret meeting he had had with a certain man.

Because it is a contact that should be welcomed in a facility like a reception hotel if it were meant to be, but should not be made public, the format was dropped as' I wish I could cover it up at a minimum 'for places where we meet face to face.

This was something that had been notified beforehand, something that for Benjamin had not even wished for.

As a result, it becomes an intimate meeting in a private room of a restaurant in the back of the city.

If there were five of us, we would feel cramped. Only desks and chairs were placed in the space, and the extras had been removed. I couldn't feel the atmosphere of entertaining people, what a crude outfit.

"I'll see you first. The Republic of Aizeon presides over the two-headed right, my name is Gaspar."

Wait for the arrival of the other person while standing in the private room that was put through earlier - after a while, an old man comes to visit with the presence of ordinary people who seem to be everywhere. Together, I hear elegant complaints.

Meortida Federal Marshal, this is Benjamin.

The other person is the one who stood up, and yet, he is that kind of person.

But tighter, Benjamin responded to the old man's greeting.

Please take your seats.

"Now if you'll excuse me"

Put it on the chair at the same time. Gaspar glanced at Alan.

"What do you think? Dialogue without extras, etc."

"Sure, it's not fair to just have a sword without you"

Benjamin looked sideways at Alan and nodded. After he leaves the room with a glimpse, he looks at the gas pearl again. I chose a one-on-one fair dialogue.

"... well done. Come on. Some of the exchanges I have had with you in writing so far about what I would like to say, so I was wondering if you already understood that."

It was the gas pearl that cut it out first.

"Are you going to renounce neutrality?

"Hmm. You don't like the roundabout words...... long disadvantage, isn't it hard to liquidate in six months? I thought it might be something you didn't even wish for. No, I wonder if this is too much mouth."

"We do have a winning battle going on, but the Federation is in trouble. The soldiers are driven out to the battlefield with no education. Much of the people's lives are oppressed because they raised taxes to compensate for their economic losses. Unsuperficial part, the Federation is still losing to the Empire"

"It's a war I started trying to make money, and when I go into meaningless poverty, I end up falling. I don't know how to put it, but on a harmonious day like this, when the Federation and the Empire have just blinded themselves to the immediate interests, that could happen, right?

"... I have absolutely no words to give back"

"So what can we hesitate to do?

"The human ethic of you who can do it makes me step on two feet"

"These are the times. It takes fangs even if you care about ethics and such. Now, an empire that has lost its sword emperor has managed to make our country a leap forward, and it has done so many times."

"If you've poked me, you just have to stay neutral. Why would your country choose the path to wear the vortex?

"If the empire dies, Aizeon won't be neutral or anything, will he?

"What are the grounds for assuming that?

Gaspar, who was even talking, let this have a little while to answer.

"I don't know about Kensei's rumors, but I know who he is... I guess that's what happened to the young man earlier? I could be sure by looking at it with this eye. Perhaps he's" The Thin Love of Ortimea. "

Benjamin, who could not measure the meaning of the word, listened silently to the continuation.

"I can't say it too deeply because it involves the secrecy of our country. But anyway, if he is, the demise of the Empire is definitive. It is merciless in everything, and it holds the most destructive power."

"... I finally see your essence"

Benjamin, who took his seat in the meantime, went on to anger his voice.

"I'm not sure what you know about him. But if you say it looked that way from the bottom of your heart, you probably only see his surface. No, you must not be trying to see the sincerity that humans have.... In the end, I don't seem willing to stop being human"

"............ I see. If you change your mind, can you report it?

Gas Pearl interrogates me all the time on my back as I try to leave the room.

"I don't think so."

Benjamin replied without looking back.

It has been a month since the takeover of the State of Britaina.

The main units of the Confederate army, led by Benjamin, were marching for the next battlefield.

The way the elite Knights, consisting of 100,000, marched from first to third, with a total of 300,000 people on the front line, gave fears to a different people on the road, while at the same time raising expectations for victory.

Successful takeover of the Sword Emperor, which initially seemed impossible, has greatly increased the morale of the Confederate army and vice versa. The Federation has no hand in missing this opportunity.

Now is the time to embark on a major offensive and reverse the situation once and for all, that was the aim of this unparalleled large-scale troop outpost in the past.

"He's a shitty guy, but he doesn't have a bad root. I'm desperate just to help a childhood girl... yes, I can be desperate for someone properly, the guy you scolded and beat... he can't be alone. Hey, if you like, with him..."

Jill, who was in the march as a knight, recalled the death of a certain red-haired young man. I stared at Alan's back, who was walking a little further in silence while doing so, and worried.

"Oh, I've already seen and heard troublesome mon"

Before that, there was no involvement, no gratitude, no brother-in-law - a young man, so to speak, who was someone else in red, passed away with what seemed like a nasty word.

I can't blame anyone for ignoring that one-sided favor because there are no other people besides myself who were listening.

But worried, I'm going to take it on the quote.

I was so pissed off by my personality that I squeezed my hair and rambled it.

"... at all. Let me do this one time."

The same day's march ends at sundown.

After a paragraph of camp preparation, Jill headed out to look for Alan.

A plain was chosen for the camp.

Though camping, it is difficult to install a number of canopy lids that can fit 300,000 humans. So most of them spent the night outdoors twirling around in a pre-paid thick coat.

No loud dissatisfaction was raised either because temperatures at night did not cool too much at times.

It could be said that the large number of soldiers gathered in one place, 300,000, is an expected march to victory, which only distracts the dissatisfaction and reassurance.

Where he left those camps, Alan was looking up at the moon again.

A few days later I couldn't call it a full moon, but there's still enough light there to just cast a shadow on the ground. It was an absolute being that remained unchanged there, no matter how human beings changed.

"If not here, where are you?

My left hand held a beauty under the moon and my right hand stretched out towards the moon.

Yes, I was under the moon and night, and I never feel close to Vern's presence. Rather, I feel somewhere far away, not here. Alan gave up and lowered his right hand and gaze.

Just noticed signs of someone approaching behind my back.

Looking back, there's Jill. Grab a liquor bottle in one hand and two glasses in the other, and sit down with a "hang out a little" by your side facing each other.

"... what are you doing?

Instead I inquired with a sense of intent.

"Fine, you sit there, too."

They point at my feet with a voice that seems annoying. Even being attacked by an unidentified sense of anxiety, Alan eventually sat down as Jill told him. It was an invitation to refuse, but I can't find a reason to refuse.

She lined up two glasses on the ground and poured a pound of booze there.

"What are you going to do? How could you..."

I am handed the one who can whisper the word.

"... he told me to drink with you, and Fazinio passed away. I've heard a little bit about your childhood training. That's why I'm here."

"You have nothing to do with this."

Who else could have delivered that man's will to you? I saw the end of that man, and he asked me about you, and it wasn't just me. "

Almost upside down the glass, Jill drank the liquor in it all at once.

Put the glass down, Alan shook his head tending to lean down.

"You can leave it alone. Anything more."

"You... are you scared?

Alan seemed to have been spotted and pushed silently.

"I don't screw up in a place like this. I'm going to be old, and I'm going to carve wrinkles in this face, and I'm going to be a proper baba. It's not up to you to underestimate people."

The words went on obscuring anger and anxiety.

"You listen to me like that, and they make me look like that, and this one's disgusting. So if I saw you up ahead, I'd talk to you, but if I was free, I'd invite you to training. That's how I get involved with you. … Is there someone who dies alone in a place like this?"

I couldn't resist the time I was facing Jill, and Alan stood up and turned his heel back.

From the day after that, she began to treat me like I said. I didn't treat it as evil, but I still kept on taking the line to the end and never accepted her deeply.

I didn't just do that to her, and no one else did the same to accept her.

Originally, he couldn't accept anyone.

Six months have passed since a total of 300,000 grand marches began.

The main units of the Confederate army, led by Benjamin, launched an unprecedented major offensive, focusing on territory once taken by the Imperial Army. With the goal of territorial recapture, he challenged the Imperial Army to wait in each country.

A major rebellion by the Confederate forces had begun.

"Why are you coming towards me? How long do I have to repeat this?

Alan wondered as he paved the way ahead.

We see victories and losses before we fight in every country. But the Imperial Army, without surrendering, decides to continue its desperate resistance to the end.

Kill and lay down such an opponent unilaterally as if to crush a small bug. Just slash, rip, pierce, crack, crush, and bloody.

It has always been the same. It doesn't make a difference what you're doing.

Still, I'm in terrible pain right now.

"Anyone, anybody?

Most of them will die if they take a knife.

He dies in the convolutions of unleashed power.

Sometimes some opponents prevent a blow, but they die in less than ten seconds.

Whatever you do, you die ravaged by an overwhelming majority of allies.

How many tens of thousands of people die in front of you by fighting for yourself.

I sought a stronger opponent. Unconsciously seek an excuse to get out of the situation.

I asked for it, but whether I wanted it or not, I can't go around being a user like the sword emperor. Every time he recaptured his country, every time he slaughtered a man, he shrunk his spirit unconsciously, only for the time he fell lonely on the battlefield.

Eventually I will come and visit that day.

The defeated Imperial Army assembled in one country to become more than 100,000 troops. That country was the first to be taken by the Confederation by force of disadvantage to the Empire, and it is nothing more than a country whose final goal the Confederation should regain from the Empire.

Only after we get this place back will there be a real backlash.

A day in history, when the Federation regained all of the territory taken by the Empire...

Oddly enough, the battlefield becomes a wilderness similar to the first line.

Five hundred medallions of time were placed on the vast earth, and the two armies lined up to stare at each other.

"... why am I in a place like this?

Alan is walking out on his own.

There was no ridicule, as in the first line, from the soldiers of the Confederate and Imperial armies who noted it.

Whenever he took a step, acting out of the ordinary track, he gave hope to all of his friends and despair to all of his enemies - to Benjamin, who wanted to sacrifice at least less, he had been ordered to perish.

"... why did I have this power?

Alan looked with a vain eye at the Imperial Army attacking him.

The Imperial Army took the foolishness of confronting the front in advance of ambushes, night raids, pinches, etc.

If you're a proud imperial samurai, don't scatter it clean - you'll make me choose the path of being ready to smash balls like that, curse my too strong power.

Tighten your chest to the resistance of taking it away.

"... why are you fighting?

Stop and set up a beauty under the moon.

Alan repeated something similar to the first line.

If you were aware, you had a body in front of you filling the wilderness.

After only one Imperial Army soldier, who lived until about a few minutes ago, fell into his hands. Those who are still breathing and those who retain the prototype are, to some extent, counting. None of the others remain lying unharmed, with little more movement.

There was a sight where hundreds of thousands of lives had been lost.

"We did it - we did it -!"

"I won - I won -!"

"- Absolutely. - I got it back!

"Now the Federation - Exactly -!"

When I was stunned, countless voices arrived on my back, letting the atmosphere wave.

The voice of joy, which had no cohesion, turned into a victory that called for one title when less. Step on the earth in tune with the sound of a loud voice, and let the instrument echo.

It's all a tribute to the work of just one person.

"Kensei! Kensei! Kensei! Kensei! Kensei! Kensei! Kensei! Kensei! Kensei! Kensei!"

"... don't"

I looked back and returned the words.

But three hundred thousand voices erased me.

"Kensei! Kensei! Kensei! Kensei! Kensei! Kensei! Kensei! Kensei!"

"Stop... give me..."

I can't let it reach you alone.

"Kensei! Kensei! Kensei! Kensei! Kensei! Kensei!"

"Shut up... shut up... fool yeah -"

Alan was the limit.

I couldn't stand any more.

"Kensei! Kensei! Kensei! Kensei!"

"Ahhhhhhhh - I... I wasn't fighting for you guys, I wanted to save Vern! That's just it! What is Kensei, what is his duty to end the war, that kind of thing... what do I know!

I breathed what I had been forced to recruit.

"Kensei! Kensei!"

"I wish I had only Wern... it was good..."

I collapsed from my knee and Alan drowned.

Only Jill, who was rushing over, was listening to the words.

The Federation has reclaimed all its territory from the Empire.

The next day, Sword Saint Alan-Smithy was cut off from the news.

- Things change dramatically.

An imperial army that has been recaptured of its territory will rally its total power at the southern end of its territory.

Rewinded from a state that was taking a third of its territory, and now it's about to be taken the other way around - when this is fulfilled, there's no measure of how much confusion will come into the country.

I couldn't afford to spare the Empire.

Behind the southern end was chosen for the battlefield was the presence of Gaspar, the right head of Eizeon.

Shortly before this troop was arranged, the coverts under his command assassinated the Empire Prime Minister of Time, and in time, the most transfigurative covertness was altered. And he advised the Emperor to do so.

Matching that personality and manipulation behavior can be nursed by the owner of the complete sensation. It is a one-off measure that has taken decades and hours since the beginning of the war and has been kept warm for times of need.

Therefore, the location of the troopers was sent near the border of Eizeon.

The Confederate forces similarly rallied their total strength against the movements of the Imperial Army, but I could also say that this had to be dealt with with with with with the corresponding force.

We were going to face a mighty existence, we were going to ravage it as before - it was just a matter of astonishment that Kensei was out of the news for each army.

The total force battle between the Confederate and Imperial forces took place in a month, and its victims recorded the largest ever.

The fronts, which continued to expand vertically from there, gave the country reason to intervene, crossing Aizeon's borders. This act of intervention was of such speed and size that the two armies that lost Kensei and the Sword Emperor could not cope.

Sooner or later, the two armies interrupted the fighting and a place was set up for talks by the Marshal, the Emperor and the Right Head.

1735, 130 years since the beginning of the war.

The Federation and the Empire enter into a ceasefire agreement and set up an organization in which Eizeon manages the agreement.

The Armistice Agreement reports ran around the world once in a while.

"... that's it, that's it. I have nothing to remember. Wouldn't you?

Alan, hearing the newspaper, told himself so.

He returned to the land of Yama and left his people behind the mountain, choosing his own path of solitude.

Just live the day and think about what you should have done.

Just live the day and philosophize about the human mind.

Just live the day and be left behind by the times.

I can't give you the answer, I'm getting old.

Eventually one woman will visit, seventy years later, until then...