By the time the Neutral Army and the Student Prostitution Army arrived, assault orders had already been issued to all Imperial Armies.

Convenience of the journey from Draciera to the Plains of South, the arrival on the day of the Birthday of Ortimea, February 14, as stated in its declaration.

Whether to focus on border defense or intervene in battle between the two armies, even if they look at the state of battle and make a choice, there is only a small amount of time available.

The place where Holoro was was was next to the Saurus, as the leader of the main unit's central front row, the Student Prostitution Army.

"Boy, can you stop that?

Saurus raises questions. The word tries Hololo, who has made a big deal out of organizing a prostitute army to 'stop the war' and 'let no one die'.

To a large extent, I intend to stick to reality.

"I'll try. Can you forgive me for my actions"

But the words to be returned did not yet even feel the giving up of fine dust.

"... All right, do it and show it"

Looking at that desperate situation with hopeful eyes, he pulls out the knife he was carrying on his hips and leaves about two or three steps forward from the front row.

What Saurus was feeling when he saw such a boy's back was an inexplicable sense of anticipation, something that naturally raised his mouth angle.

Chance just hangs up once......

The body turns to the battlefield, slightly opening its right foot forward, and sets up a knife to hold it down from the top. It is the structure that gives Holoro the most chance to activate the Moon Shadow as a move.

The Neutral Army releases a moonshine as a werewolf smoke to let them know that the Student Prostitutes have arrived here. The visible scale must not be too small or half-way powerful.

Holoro's body likes the practice of the whole body and pushes the atmosphere in a blast. From there, we train ourselves further beyond our limits to run cracks on the earth we tread on.

With a brilliance that outweighs my previous self, I can bet everything on the blow I've dedicated to it.

Severe interfering aftermath occurred when two types of brilliance were poured into the body and out of the body. The force continued to be undermined from the side where it was applied, making a rupturing sound with the bees.

"Eh... absolutely, make it succeed..."

Hollow mouths small in a rush that doesn't bring his brilliance together well. The situation also progresses during the hassle and the assault orders of both armies are transferred to execution. That makes his mind unnecessarily rushed.

"Mr. Holloro. What power is it for? To show it to someone? To break something?

Words can be delivered from the Iries on such a back.

I remember being asked before, the answer was already supposed to have come out.

"No... right. This isn't it."

Just as the activation of brilliance triggers a strong will, so does the activation of the moonshadow trigger a strong will. The man, once called Kensei, broke even his precious vows to become Shura in order to save only one childhood tame.

It is the divine identity of the Moon Shadow that brilliantly manifests its will as a form.

Photon ability is the first demonstration of its true value when treated by emotion, whether positive or negative.

"... for me, and for someone"

The brilliant atmosphere of the knife turns into a rash on the verbal buttocks.

Until then, the force, which had been able to play clutter, wrapped itself and calmed down.

Lose the noise that was hustling and sounding, and it becomes a calm sound that sounds like a creek spiral.

Now, the signs of power felt there remain swollen to an uncomparable size, undamaged.

"Delivery -!"

The wishful glow was unleashed under one sword.

"- Stopped?

The Hollords are half-hearted about the battlefield.

In between about 200 medas, the assaults between the two armies had stopped. Sudden stops in the front line show confusion in the ensuing period, but once again there is no way to move into the assault.

While Saul glances at "I didn't know it was really going to stop," he thinks:

"But it was only a matter of time. How the two armies received this."

"Do you want to run the messenger?

The second auxiliary proposes just fine.

"No, the fight is not over yet. First, show your will with the international signal flag…"

The situation was extremely precarious, with both armies already stepping through the assault. Not to mention how limited we were to do it, there's no denying the possibility that Holoro would receive the moonshadow he unleashed as intimidation.

In the worst case scenario, they will be engaged in Confederate, Imperial and Neutral armies.

――――♪ ――――♪ ――――♪

Secondly, a passage of Ortimea's prayer poetry was mumbled.

The surrounding attention focused on the beautiful singing Eilees.

"Look, it's Ortimea's birthday, isn't it? You like this poem, eagle."

When she said it in such a deliberate manner that she remembered, she sings the next verse again. If the surroundings were puzzled by the action without its thumping, Holoro singed over there.

Her intention to share the same ideal was somewhat conveyed to him.

"This is my beautiful singing turn. ――――♪

If Django overlaps singing, the Westerian delegates overlap singing.

"Iris... ――――♪

If Lolopiara overlaps the singing, the Lucendato delegates overlap the singing.

Nature and singing overlap among the students, focusing on them. From one to two, from two to ten, from ten to twenty, from twenty to fifty, from fifty to a hundred, the singing becomes louder every time it is superimposed.

There was a glimpse of patience somewhere in the mouth of the knights and soldiers of the Neutral Army nearby.

"Interesting.... Sing if you want to! ――――♪

If Saul starts singing at the initiative, the song will spread among the neutral army as well.

Thousands, tens of thousands, and overlayed, their singing echoed across the South Plains.

A gleam of brilliance pushes through the sky.

"Chu, neutral army...... are you on the side of the Federation?

"No, but the feds are stopping, too, right?

Suspended Imperial Army soldiers questioned the moonshadow unleashed by Holoro.

No wonder the Neutral Army had alliances with the Confederate Army in this battle against the Imperial Agreement Rebellion - many of them thought so and clouded their faces. The knights who led them endeavoured to grasp the situation of the war with similar hearts.

Make that approximate, and the singing sounds unexpected.

The poetry that grew bigger was something that could be heard throughout the Arcadia continent, all over the world. It was so familiar to people that everyone remembered it when they had a heart.

"Do you hear anything?... it's poetry '

'Oh. Speaking of which, it was Ortimea's birthday today'

Knights and soldiers of the Imperial Army are heard singing.

It didn't take long until someone started mumbling.

――――♪ ――――♪ ――――♪

A certain soldier starts singing, dumping what he had in his hand at his feet. Singing propagates one after another within the Imperial Army. Put on the honest feelings that are now in its chest, and it spreads strong, big.

'No, don't! Don't sing! Don't sing!'

'I'm telling you not to sing! You guys want to be cut off!?

Some of them were loyal knights, so vandalizing their voices. Still an overwhelming minority, their voices were buried in tens of thousands of singing voices. No one obeyed stubbornly, even with a sword stuck to his throat.

Undisputed, this was the will of the Imperial Army.

"Hey, what is it, this ha! Assault! The rest of you ordered an all-army assault!

Behind the Imperial Army headquarters, Laterios was trembling in anger.

Everyone now puts the beginning and end of the sword emperor and the sword saint, and hence the dominion of the whole continent, on poetry and so on - all he could feel was that.

"Look at this, haven't you noticed yet?

The inquiry of Camurios is not in my ear either.

"All of us, all of us, all of us. Yeah!

Laterios, standing from the throne, takes the trumpet from the liaison officer he had withheld by his side. What is he trying to do, would that be more obvious than seeing fire?

But no performance was made ordering the assault.

A sword pierced his body, trying to put his mouth on the trumpet mouthpiece. The sword body was causing him an inescapable fatal injury as it went through his heart and through his chest.

"Ka, kamuliosu... ki, sa well..."

"I will never forget this sin"

Laterios' body, pulled out of his sword, collapses without power.

Camulios, who saw the breathlessness, declared to stare around.

"The Emperor Laterios is dead! More than this, I reign as emperor! Anyone who disagrees, offer!

No one can dispute it.

"... get the messenger out now. Offer the Federation a truce"

Tears were transmitted on the cheeks of the commanding Camurios.

From the neutral army, from the imperial army, we hear poems of prayer.

"Hey... The Empire Guys Are Gonna Sing It"

'Right. No one likes it and wants to fight on a day like this.'

The will of the Imperial Army is passed down to the Confederate Army with a singing voice.

'Hey, let's sing to him, too. ――――♪ ――――♪ ――――♪

One, one, and another, someone accepts someone's will and sings over it - the words of prayer chanted 5,000 years ago connected their hearts with everything different, face, name, gender, birth, and growth.

- I pray that the divided path of prayer to the land of Arcadia is not one day, and I pray to the sky of Arcadia that its blue and black is not all grace that lives and lives -.

It's not rational, I can't say it by reason or anything.

"Confirm the international signal flag to the Imperial Army headquarters. I'm asking for the embrace of the messenger. '

Behind Federation headquarters, Shire receives a report.

"Okay. Reply when you accept."

To him who wanted harmony, the choice to refuse was unlikely.

Neutral, Imperial, Confederate, riddled with trembling chorus.

"Knock, knock, knock, knock..."

"Ha... Ha, ha, ha..."

With Gadinoa's gushing laughter, Alan was laughing as his shoulders swayed.

After laughing a little laughter, I catch my eye as I stretch my body out on my back. His face as he looked up at the sky looked smiling, as he regained his liveliness, as he had noticed somewhere.

"That's a farce... not at all"


Alan asked knowingly.

"Don't make me say it."

"... people can do this"

"But you're not gonna wake up again?

While denying it, Gadinoa's tone remains the same.

"I'm going to keep the wish that she made."

"Can people change this too...... ok. Kensei."

Alan said, "What?" Reply.

"You had a twin dealing with a double sword at your place, didn't you? Give it to me."

"If you don't ask those kids, they're not my kind."

"It's what you did. I can do it, too."

"… so"

Alan laughed bitterly at Gadinoa revealing his confidence.


Not so much, an Imperial Army envoy offered the Confederate Army a truce.

Thus, the battle of the South Plains was yet to converge.