
Chapter 534: The Battlefield's "Fuck Billy" Song

After former King Dax struck that last sword, the entire castle collapsed and burst into pieces, and the secret passage from which Cheyenne escaped in the castle was completely destroyed. The secret passage connected the castle study and an old stables not far from the castle. Shortly after Dax was brought into the world of lords by Debbie, the stables burst into flames and a fat body rolled out in the weeds.

It was precisely in order to cover Cheyenne's departure that he left behind with Knight Elt Singh's Greyden.

His armor has been broken and broken. He has several more wounds on his body. He looks quite wolfish. Obviously, fighting the Knight Elt. He has not stood up to much wind. His fat body leaps up cleverly. He holds his holy longgun in his hand and stares cold in the front.

A figure followed in the dust, bright and white, exactly the knight Elt.

Ert looks more comfortable than Fatty Greyden's wolf, he has some injuries, and in fact, his image doesn't tell the wolf - the original pale yellow hair is now as if it had been burned by fire, and his face is a little blackened, which is a sign of being bombarded by missiles.

But none of these are fatal injuries.

Although Greyden had the Magnetic Leaf Gift weapons in his hand, they were ultimately unable to fully bridge the gap between him and the Knight Chief.

Utter, after all, is the head of the knight of the Matan Empire, has been in the kingdom of the Holy Knight for more than a decade, and Grayton is too young to be an opponent of such a well-known figure as Utter, although he is the only genius in the Empire to be a Duggins.

“You've held on to my men for so long, you should feel proud, but I don't have time to play with you anymore.” Eart said with indifference, as he always said when boss pretended to be in a lot of stalemate fights, as if he could solve Grayton as soon as he got serious.

Grayton didn't like the tone of the conversation, and he smiled and decided to use the bottom card of his box: he suddenly took another thing out of his magic ring, a disc-shaped thing with a magic crystal and a magic crystal on it, and on the other side a magic matrix of dense numbness, which was clearly a magic creation.

As soon as Ert saw this thing, he frowned, realizing that he was going to attack without delay. Grayton and his strength were very different, but he could still rely on magical creatures that made people feel like headaches. The good thing about crossing leaves is that he can get some powerful weapons made of leaves, which is really unprotected.

Now, seeing Grayton pull this thing out again, Ert couldn't help but feel a little uneasy.

But he didn't have the skills yet, so Grayton activated the device to get it to the ground.

The white light was shining, and Ert felt powerful magic from it, so he hurriedly retreated a few steps back and looked vigilantly at the white light.

Those white lights gathered quickly and then became human figures - two full-body armored swordsmen and a wonderful young girl, the star gladiators Chris, Varro, who had recently been burned by Ye, and Eliza, who had pioneered the female gladiator industry.

Their three images appeared in uniqueness under the magic of light and indifference, giving people a dragging, unwanted temperament.

Of course, Utter knew the three men, and he knew that they were all worthless flower fist embroidery legs, but at this moment their image was amassed by some kind of magic, but Utter still felt dangerous. Is this some kind of puppet magic? Summon three men to fight?

He has to deal with it...

Thinking about it, Utter became incredibly agitated and his eyes stared at the three.

Seeing these two men and women staring at Utter, they walked one step at another, and the air seemed to get cold, giving Utter a breathless feeling of facing a tough battle.

He breathed his breath quietly and squeezed the long gun in his hand.

And then it was so overwhelming--


Eliza suddenly shouted in the sun, and then began to dance. Her body danced hot. At the same time, the background music came out in that magical creation, and Eliza's song sounded. It was an exciting and weird song, and the lyrics didn't seem like anything. There was only one word that was weird but didn't make sense, such as "fuck Billy”...

Chris and Varro also pulled on their coats, revealing their strong upper bodies, and the two basically danced along, the dance was full of magic...

Along with Billy's weird singing and the fascinating dance of the two gladiators, Ert, who was already on full alert, was instantly forced. When he shouted, the long gun in his hand fell directly to the ground...

But he also reacted quickly, instantly realizing that it wasn't puppet magic at all, it was just some sort of... well, entertainment props, like Ye Di's magic painting, were something that could play a given image.

And Grayton, this fat guy, with this magic trick prop, mesmerized Utter, pulled a magic scroll out of his space ring, screamed and tore it apart, and he was about to escape —— the knight's honor or something was never good for Grayton. Can you eat that stuff? His honor is only a matter of protecting Princess Xi 'an's safety and then his own life.

Now that Xi 'an is out of danger, of course he's going to sneak around.

That magic creature, a magic product studied by Ye Di, has not yet been officially launched. The images recorded in this item were also made by Ye Di in a sudden mischief. This one in Greyden's hand is also a trial item. The last time he went to visit Ye Di's castle, he walked along to the Dwarf factory...

This thing Grayton is not interested in, but it is obviously very useful to confuse the enemy on the battlefield, at least Ert was overwhelmed by it...

In the white light, Grayton's figure instantly disappeared.

Unfortunately, Ert is not completely vegetarian either.

Advanced Knight Skill [Holy Cage]

Ert realized Grayton's intention, he waved his long gun forward in a flash, and a stack of holy and glorious gun shadows appeared in the air, surrounded by a fence, and then those shadows quickly fell underground, bang, and Grayton, who had just entered the transmission state, was dragged directly out of the transmission and trapped in those long gun fences.

His fat face changed dramatically: his carefully prepared escape plan failed!

“Psst! ”

Ert walked straight past Eliza, Chris and others, stepped on that magic creation, stepped on this delicate thing into pieces, and he looked indifferent and angry: “How could this childish thing confuse me? Trash!”

Grayton's got a dark face. Is that what he's going to tell you today?

But at this very moment, a surprise sound came out of nowhere for Grayton.

“The hammer is going to sell 2,000 gold coins. You broke it, hurry up and pay!” Debbie's figure descended from the sky and stood in front of Grayton. Her little face looked angrily at Utter. Well, as soon as she was forced out of the castle, she was immediately attracted to the song of "fuck Billy"...

“Debbie...” Grayton was in tears for a moment.

“Humph!” Seeing Debbie, Utter snorted coldly, disdainfully, "I can't believe you're here. That's great, but I can work it out with you...”

“At first glance, you won't lose money, okay. ”

Debbie seemed to be very confused about the loss of money, and she sighed, moving in her hand, and there was already a gold coin, and she put it on her thumb and bounced it up, and said, “Then I'll give you another gold coin. ”

The gold coin flipped up in the air and fell, and the next moment Debbie had taken her own Katrin sword out of the space ring, and when it was rounded, it hit the gold coin. The gold coin instantly turned into a gold mist, and the gold mist condensed into a gold dragon, pounding into Utter in a howl.

Utter immediately used the Knight Defense Skill [Holy Shield], but unfortunately, where can he resist the Golden Dragon? His battle with Grayton had taken a lot of time, and his power had diminished dramatically. Only [Holy Shield] was instantly broken, and he fell backwards with a scream, directly crushing a house, which stopped, and people were no longer alive.

Debbie smoked her little face and couldn't see the excitement of just killing the knight, some just wasting a gold coin, she sighed and turned her head to Greyden: “Just to see you're okay, little princess... oh Her Majesty has entered the world of lords, she is safe you can rest assured. ”

“...” Grayton looked at Debbie in shock, and looked in the direction Ert had just fallen out. Does his heart want to fully share the main character of Yeats Halo? Does it have to be his woman? The means he got from Yeats Halo are completely inadequate...

Then he showed joy on his fat face: “That's great...”

“You're hurt, I'll take you to the Lord's World.” Debbie waved as she spoke, ready to send Grayton into the world of space with her Lord's bracelet.

“What about you?” Greyden asked hastily.

“I have to go save the others...” Debbie said, skipping her mouth.

She herself was not so heroic, nor did her being finance minister give her any sense of belonging to the country, so this big thing happened in Royal Asha, she was prepared to stay in the Lord's world safe until Ye came back, but Alver's rebellion made her feel responsible for this, and the fact that Cheyenne became queen gave her a sense of purpose.

So she wants to do something.


The tower of the moment is on the seventh floor.

“Seems like it's been a long time since we've been out there. Isn't it a little too leisurely?” Someone sitting safely in a recliner under the siege of the Seven Saints enjoying a Freya massage on his shoulder suddenly seemed to have something similar.

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