Chapter 665 Orcs Never Become Slaves!
Yetu pedestrians rush to the storm camp east of the Godu Ranch, near the Mountains of the End.
The Godu Pasture is a wilderness within the Blood Hammer Empire, with only five large towns and countless small villages, and Stan City is one of those five towns, although Stan City is located to the west of the Godu Pasture, not far from the storm camp.
To the east of the Godu pasture is the territory of the Steel Tooth Orc tribe.
With the flourishing of the people, the Orcs, as the dominant race on the original continent, are now gradually shrinking in their sphere of influence, and the Steeltooth tribe can only breathe in a somewhat abundant part of the Godu Pastoral Orient to the Destiny Mountains.
The claim by some scholars that the Orcs will be completely extinct in no time is in any way alarming, and in fact I fear that no other race will exist on this entire continent, except for the human race, in a few years' time.
The weakness of the Orc is due to the constant disappearance and loss of the most powerful totem technique in this race, the loss of the most powerful inheritance power of the race, the dignity and dignity of the Orc no longer exist...
It takes three days to reach the storm camp from Yasha Wangdu, passing the turnaround of several major cities, jumping over the warm water river, and traveling hundreds of kilometers in the wilderness. Such a long distance involves a long journey. Kadega and Lotha carry an Imperial Guard, respectively. This time back to the storm camp, this army naturally also has to be brought back, which is naturally very difficult for the army, but this is a magical age, and naturally cannot be judged by ordinary reason.
This time back in Lotha, the Emperor rescued, carrying 10,000 Imperial Guards, Kadega had 3,000 Imperial Guards, all placed in the guard bracelet on the wrists of two people, the guard bracelet is a moveable space world that uses the space world to carry troops, the most common way in the magical world, which is a self-sufficient barracks that can survive for a long time in the space world.
Of course, after all, this space world is different from space rings. It is still very difficult to move them. It is a huge burden for a general carrying a guard bracelet. It is necessary to constantly input sword or magic into it to maintain stability in the space world. At the speed of Ye Di, it takes only one day and one night to rush from Asha to the storm camp, but because Lotha and Kadega still have two beasts, Ye Di's pace has to slow down.
Well, Ye Di is now in a noble position, but he doesn't know much about many towns in the Blood Hammer Empire. He also takes the opportunity to grasp the terroir elsewhere and give him the opportunity to teach Lil Pokémon magic and Sal's totem tricks.
Agnes, Rorschach, Lane...
Ye Di pedestrians passed through a large transmission array equipped with large cities, constantly passing through a city, and they gradually came to the eastern realm of the Empire, where the city and geography were very different from what Ye Di had seen before, but what shocked Ye Di the most was the condition of the animals in those cities ——
Time is the evening of the next day after Ye Di's pedestrian departure, near the city of Wenda, an ethnic town on the north side of the warm water river.
“This gentleman, your two Orc slaves look great. Do you want to do it? I would buy them for a gold coin!” As Ye Di walked down the street looking for a place to eat dinner, a short, fat man suddenly walked to Ye Di's side pointing to Sal and Kara so much that he told Ye Di that he had noticed the short, fat man watching them since Ye Di first stepped into the city.
Yetu thought the man recognized his identity at first, but obviously not. Although residents of Asha and several cities near Asha were incredibly familiar with Yetu's image, no one recognized Yetu as the legendary all-powerful magician in the relatively remote city of Wenda.
“Orc slave?” Ye drooled for a moment before realizing that this man was talking about Sal and Kara, and he shook his head, "Sorry, they're not slaves. ”
“Not a slave? What else can an Orc do but be a slave?” The short, fat man shows a very incomprehensible look, "this gentleman, please don't lie to me, I Jorah Mormont have never looked away, you two Orc slaves are excellent, sir, the price is well negotiated, please make sure you give them to us. ”
Ye couldn't help but wrinkle his eyebrows and looked at this Jorah with some discomfort. Ye Zhu also noticed that unlike the situation of people and animals and dwarves living in cities such as Stan City, Asha and Angel City, Wenda City's streets were full of beasts and dwarves, but most of them were dressed together and most were wearing shackles representing slaves. This scene shocked Ye.
“Boss, in some cities, the animals and dwarves are very stateless and treated as slaves...” Kara whispered in a difficult voice to Ye Di.
“Slavery is not permitted in the Blood Hammer Empire, as is clearly provided for in the laws of the Empire.” Ye Xuan dissented.
“That's just for the people...” Kara grinned bitterly, "Orcs, dwarves are treated as beasts in some cities, boss, you've never been to an eastern town, so you don't know these things. ”
“Does Afia know about all this?” Ye contemplated something and asked Kara that these matters were the responsibility of the Imperial Affairs Officer.
“She knows, and she is also trying to improve the situation, but that is not a problem that can be solved at three moments. Dwarves can still have some place in the people's cities here because of their unique ability to forge, but the beasts… rude, only brutal beasts, can only serve as slaves in these cities.” With these words, Kara's voice became a little sad, and the status of the Orc was obviously helpless to her, and she looked at Yeats, “the last time she met Blake, the slave trader, made Effia angry, for that reason. ”
“Hey, do you want to give up these two slaves or not?” Jorah asked impatiently when she heard Ye Wei talking to Kara in low voice.
“They're not slaves!” Yep droop sounded a little louder, looking cold at Jorah Larmont.
Jorah felt the cold smell of Ye hanging over her body for a moment, but soon his smiling face turned cold: “Sir, it looks like you're a traveler from the outside world, right? I, Jorah, am not a sinner in this city —— let me ask you again, do you want me to have these two Orc slaves? ”
Is that a threat?
“I'll tell you again!” Ye Di's expression got cold too, "they're not slaves, they're my friends! ”
Jorah Larmont's mouth pulled out a slight smile, his eyes staring at Ye Di, his mouth humming, nodding his head and saying, “Well, you're very brave, strange traveler!” Having said that, he turned around and left, apparently he would not rest.
Kadega immediately tried to rush up and say something - just tell this Jorah who they are, and this Jorah's attitude will definitely change a hundred and eighty degrees, and now that time is running out, Kadega doesn't want any more things to happen.
Yet Ye dragged Kadega and shook his head: “It won't take long, let's find a place to have dinner and rest. ”
Wenda City is a big city right next to the Wenshui River. After crossing the city is the Godu Pasture. There will not be another city on the next trip. They need to borrow riding overnight, so we have to take a short break tonight. As for Jorah Larmon coming back for trouble... Ye will have to come and look for something when he gets there, because now Ye Pi is really a little angry.
Lothar shook his head helplessly towards Ye Dynasty. He was the general of the Guardian Army. He knew more about the issue of Orc slavery. However, although he did not agree with this idea of equating Orc with Beast, he could not help it. Orc were undoubtedly savage, but at the same time noble warriors. They had their own glory and were treated as slaves, which was an insult to this race, but the Orc slaves had been in some cities in the eastern part of the Empire for centuries. Is it so easy to solve them?
Steel-tooth tribes are frequently rioted, either because of continuous ethnic aggression against their races.
A moment later, Ye Di people found a hotel and simply solved the dinner. Kadega and Lotha would rest in their rooms. Kara and Sal seemed to be in a complicated mood without rest. Ye Di sat with them in the lobby of the hotel drinking wine. Since arriving in Wenda City, Sal's face has not been able to speak of silence. This beast, raised by humans since childhood, is learning to think about something.
“I've been to Wendall a lot of times, and Blake has a lot of business clients here, and we've brought all kinds of slaves here, and I didn't think anything was wrong with that before.” Sal had a huge glass in his hand and looked at a few people walking down the street from the outside - those people seemed to see two Orcs Halls and the Emperor sitting in the lobby drinking, showing some strange expressions, and the lowly Orcs were eligible to sit down with humans drinking?
Sal leaned back and poured the liquor from the glass into his mouth: “During the time I met Kara, she told me a lot. I gradually discovered that my thoughts were so wrong, I realized that there were some things I had to do...”
Yeats looked at Kara strangely, and he smiled and said to Sal, “What are you going to accomplish? ”
Sal squeezed his fist tightly, some of his thoughts wandered in his head from a young age, only before he did not know how to deal with those overly noble and complex thoughts, until recently Blake, who had left the slave trader, had come into contact with something completely different that he knew more about, something that seemed to have been deeply branded in his mind, as if it could finally be vented by him.
His voice whispered to Ye Dynasty, “The Orc is never a slave! ”