Nana is in a bad mood.

The lake you're looking for in Tunchu is right there, but we stopped our legs and went into the shade of the tree.

Not to make a big mess, but to relieve Nana, who cries weak and weak all the time in a mood.

"What's going on? Hey, can't you?

Nana won't stop crying, even if she's being held by her favorite mom.


Shake your ears and head with your mouth in a letter to.

I don't know why.

Aoi, with his hips down at the root of the tree, is trying so hard to fix his mood.

Jaja is asleep without worrying, and I just changed my mum.

Even the boobs refuse, and holding them and giving them away doesn't work.

Mm-hmm. It's octagonal.

What's the matter......

"Is it still cold?

Mikuma got her hands on Nana's neck and put on the hood of a toddler snail.

Bear ear hood in different colors with Jaja.

Jaja is brown and Nana is white.

He thinks it's for going out and makes him wear a thick guy among the animal ear series.

It's getting warmer and warmer in May, but there's a cold breeze from time to time.

What has made me feel remarkable lately is that adults and babies feel differently.

There's nothing wrong with us. The cold, Nana and the babies, can make you sick in some situations.

Conversely, even in temperate climates that are easy to spend, the temperature can't stop sweating from a warm toddler.

That's why we have a small amount of changed clothes for the twins in our luggage.

Care must be taken to regulate the temperature.

"I'm a little sweaty, so that sounds okay. I guess it's because this sweat is crying too. Crying Nana? What's wrong?

Aoi matches Nana's forehead with his own, peeking into her eyes.


Breathing shallow with her nose, Nana finally stopped crying.


Somehow, I felt that way.

"Huh? To what?

No, I really don't.

The twins who can't speak have no way of communicating their will or purpose to us.

So I really have to try everything I thought somehow.

If I'd done that, I'd have a habit of saying what I came up with recently.

"Aren't you scared of your first place?

Sabu, who holds Aoi's luggage instead, opens his mouth.

"Maybe so. It's completely different from our neighborhood."

"Huh! No!"

Shohei stroked Nana's forehead as she grabbed Koji's collar, which she was trying to advance on her own.



Nana reached out to me peeking on Aoi's side.

"Hmm, me?

Sometimes it's unusual.

If Aoi and I are both here, Nana will always be sweet on Aoi.

The only time I can hold Aoi is when he's not around or when Aoi can't let go of his hand.

"Do you want my dad?

"Oh, yeah."

Nana leaned over at me, moving her jitters, her short limbs, her tail and her wings.

"I'm here. Come."

At any rate, this much sweetening nana is rare.

If you have a chance to hold him, you're welcome to do so for whatever reason.

"Yes, Kaoruhei-san."

"Yes, sir."

Put your hands on both sides of Nana, and Aoi reaches out to me.

Covered my hand from the top of Aoi's hands and grabbed it.

Soon Aoi's hand will be pulled and he will hold on to his weight.

Sit Nana on one arm and gently press Nana's body against my chest.


Nana presses her head against her shoulder and relaxes as if to relieve tension.

"Is that it? What is this?"

All you can see from me is Nana's tweezers and horns.

By the way, each twin tweezer is wrapped in reverse, with Jaja wrapped right and Nana wrapped left.

A horn of nana grows on the side of a short hairline that has recently dyed blue curled to such a left.

Jaja has the same black and straight horn as Aoi, but Nana's horn is white and bent up along the way.

Because it's literally diegotic, or the twins aren't quite alike.

No, it's similar, but there are many different places.

The same goes for my hair, which has grown recently. Jaja's hair is sarcastic straight, but Nana's hair is a natural perm wrapped around kurli and vortex.

Differences that I didn't know I had to take a good look at in the beginning have been a lot more over the past two months.

"What's up?

Aoi looked strange while fixing Jaja's towel kettle sleeping in the stroller.

"Corner, aren't you glowing?

Nana's white horn looks blurry.

"Huh? That's not true, is it?

"Hmmm...... glow, I don't"

Is it my mistake that you don't look like Mikuma or Sabu?

Originally white, maybe it just looked that way with the reflection of the sun.

"It's not like there's a collection of spirits in particular. When the horns of dragons shine, they lead the Spirit."

If Aoi says so, I guess not.


Nana yawned loudly and circled her body in my arms.

Was it still sleepy?

"That's unusual. I can't believe Nana went to bed right after Kaoruhei-san hugged her."

Hey, I'm glad!

I always hate it so much that you won't sleep until Aoi finally holds you.

Cute. My youngest daughter is super cute.

"Shall I hold you for a while"

"Right. The destination is right there, so let's take a break there. I'd like to show Tunchu to Jaja and Nana."

As much as I'd like to hold it until I wake up when this happens anymore.

When I ask Nana, who can only see the top of her head, she puts her little shoulders up and down and stands up for a lovely sleep.


"Well, let's go slow"

I snort silently at Mikuma's suggestion.

It's pathetic to wake you up in my voice where you slept in the corner.

Aoi also stands up and grips the stroller handle

Shohei slowly let go of Koji's clothes and put his finger on his mouth.

It means be quiet.

Don't look so strange, Koji.

Let everyone go first and I'll go on at the end.

I watched Nana again, indulging in a peaceful sleep here.

After all, isn't it glowing?