"Nah, what are you talking about, you hairball? Do you think I'm an asshole or something? Huh! I don't know what to say. What a homma. Wow, this kid. If I did, how could I talk like that? I'm surprised. Rindo!

"Calm down. Which dialect is that?"

Not good.

No, no, no, no!

Failure! This is my downfall! I was a little too cautious about everything!

It would be natural to think about it.

I was out when Aoi showed up in front of these guys.

What shall we do?

What should I do?

What am I supposed to do!

Help me, Mr. Mikuma! Shohei-kun!

I don't know what to do sappy because our brainkeeper is not here!

"Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa. I don't know what you're talking about, Kaoruhei. No!

"... you're too bad at deception"

Shut up!

Don't look at me with those pathetic eyes!

"Oh, my God! Huh! Um! No. Eh! No, it's not!

"I said calm down. Listen to me till the end."

Gassara grabs my shoulders and forgives me.

"Kaoruhei-san! What's wrong!? Did this criminal lion abuse you?!?

"Kaoruhei, what's wrong? It's funny."


Aoi and Rouge came running over to see how I was doing.

Gassara sees the two of them. No, she screams briefly and takes a distance from me in the backstep.

"Mm. Kaoruhei, take a deep breath. Suck, puke."

Sue, har.

"What have you done!? It's okay! I'm here!

I grabbed my shoulder and secured it to Rouge from behind.

From before, Aoi held my hands and leaned against my chest, fleshly coming.

"No, you know, Gassara, look, that's why"

"The wind! I need you to really calm down! I don't know what else to do!

Gassara, wasting more than I do, speaks out desperately a little further away.

Is that it?

Why is he in such a hurry?

"I just wanted to make sure! We weren't really into this job! I've decided from the beginning to kill time and get the hell out of this town! Find the dragon and leave him alone!


Seeing Gassara like that, I kind of calmed down.

What do you mean?

Didn't these guys and their brothers come back looking for dragons?

At least the West Japan Treasure Hunter Association planned a massive survey for Aoi purposes, right?

"Ah, uh, Gassara. I'm sorry. I'm calm. Can I talk to you for a second?

That's right. Calm down. Think and act.

Calm down. It's Clever. Kaoruhei. Calm down. Go to Clevers.

What I need to do here is gather information.

So that Miyakura, Shohei and my father, who are in charge of brains, can judge me as Kichin.

Peel off the Aoi and Rouge and approach Gasala.

Gassara seems kind of scared of the two of us, and if she's just with me, she's going to be able to talk casually.

We've been acting together for the last few hours, and we know this lion clan isn't that bad of a guy.

If I even skip the position of treasure hunter, he's a good guy to the point where there's no more reason to be on guard with this guy.

You shouldn't have certified yourself as an enemy from the start because your first encounter sucked.

Let's have a discussion.

Dialogue is important.

"Wow, I'm sorry. I understand why you keep us treasure hunters alert and hostile. I saw that girl, and it all came to an end."

"I'm the one, Sman. Just talk to me. I want to hear the response before I decide."

Finally, Gassara walks into the ground and looks up at me and looks sorry.

It's Aoi that Gasara is freaking out around watching the flicker and Aoi.

That's right. The first time I saw him, he was running around crying, and even though he didn't die, he hit a pretty powerful thunderball.

"... our paradise brothers and sisters have decided on a policy of no longer engaging with dragons. I didn't trust him very much at first, and it was mainly the result of my rise, but my brother wasn't on board from the start. It's the first time I've said that I don't feel like you can win that battle junkie's sister."

"Hmm? Is that about the kidnapping of an egg?

No, Aoi beat Mr. Nanairo, didn't he?

Aruba tells me that dragons need less time before and after laying their eggs to weaken their strength and become a full-blown situation, but even in that state Aoi is competing against Nanairo.

Mr. Seijitsu is apparently a man of varying strength and judgment, so I would not judge him to be hostile to such a creature of varying strength again.

"Yeah, I've been sent to the Hunter Association a couple of times for years now with frigid information. We didn't even care about the other hunters. I was just free after a big job, so I went to check it out lightly, and the dragon was really freaking out."


Was there anyone else who knew Aoi and Yul were on top of the fang rock?

That's been around for quite some time, too?

You said, "Oh, my God, that's my mom." That's why we reflected a lot. You still didn't have enough strength to get involved with dragons. I couldn't refuse this request because it was the hunter's club who made us a misdemeanor, but there's very little we can do that we can't dive into a dungeon in the first place. That's why I was going to kill time appropriately. I didn't really come back looking for a dragon. "

I put my finger on my chin and think.

Nanairo and Seijitsu, whom I saw earlier, were the bearers of strength that I could tell right away from my amateur me.

I don't want to be too hostile to say how much Aoi is a dragon and from today on Rouge will be there.

He is a professional hunter, even though he is clumsy, crude, temperamental and slightly unreliable.

If you can really miss the twins, why don't you tell me what's going on?


What to do.

I don't know, I can't tell if I can easily trust these guys.

Well, I personally don't hate it.

Rather, when it comes to Gassara, I can say it's a good impression.

I just don't have the confidence to look at my people.

I've never seen it before in terms of whether I can trust someone else.

'Cause all I could do was get hated or scared from people outside my family.

Of course, there were some favored people who didn't know my rumors, but they weren't that close.

When it comes to influencing Jaja, Nana, and Aoi's future, I need to question my judgment.

"Kaoruhei, I can't see the story. Can you explain that to me?

"Wow, Rouge."

Rouge appeared gnarly in my sight to think about it.

"Eh, I tried to steal Aoi's kids' eggs, it's these guys"

I ear to Rouge so he doesn't sound like Gassara.


With a little rage on his face, Rouge roars.

"Aoi, have you been abused by this lion clan?

Rouge turns his neck with Grung and sees Aoi.

Aoi seemed a little surprised and clapped his shoulders.

"Huh? I'm not being abused, am I? And it was some kind of colorful bird woman who actually fought."

Shift your gaze to Gasara and Aoi answers.

"But it was this lion who ran off with Jaja and Nana's eggs."

It is unusual for me to always smell the smell, wrinkling between my eyebrows.


Well, I know how you feel.

Until just now, I was pointing the exact same emotion at Gassara.

When I think of the twins, it still makes me feel a little bit more complicated.

"Oh, no! No, not at that time! Help me, please!

Gasara, who perceived something, moves with the wasp to escape Aoi's gaze.

You're still traumatized about Aoi, right?

"We're the only ones who know your lady is a dragon! I've only seen him when he looks like a dragon! My sister doesn't know what it looks like because she doesn't remember much detail, and I haven't told anyone! The police didn't believe me, and in the first place, our brothers and sisters in paradise didn't tell us anything because they hated us from the greats of the association! Believe me!

Aoi, that's when you showed up.

"It's just Kaoruhei-san. When I was attacked by a nest, I felt signs for quite some time and became a dragon figure. It's been like that ever since I realized I was out of eggs once I repelled them. This lion probably only saw me in front of that supermarket."

Mm-hmm. Less judgment material.

I knew I'd want advice from Mizo at times like this.

My smartphone is out of batteries already, and from what I've heard of the public house, it's not going to be available for a while.

Is there anything I can do about it?

"A lion tribe man. A child is something that any creature should protect. What you did was very bad. There is no second time. Never."

"Wow, I know! What did I do then? I'll never do it! The wind can't wait!

Gassara begs me to save her from the quiet pressure of Rouge.

As far as I'm concerned, I think I can trust this guy.

Between now and then, Gassara was very concerned about the chicks and the kids.

Or if he says he's the only one who knows what Aoi looks like, he doesn't have the advantage of hostility.

If we take in Gasara, Nanairo, and Seijitsu, there will be no enemies to know what Aoi looks like.

Then he and his paradise brothers and sisters definitely need to be taken on his side.

So how can you talk me out of it?

I don't know who Gassara is anyway. I don't know who Nanairo and Saijitsu are.

If Alecore about dragons is of enormous value, it would be troublesome if they were caught in the eye and sold information to associations and other guys.

Anyway, is there any way to make it impossible?

Make you feel guilty, for example.



Oh, well.

What? It's pretty simple.

I wonder if this method that I've just come up with can be used.

I also feel handsome in our toy lineup. Let's thank my father for buying it.

Isn't this the only way? Yeah.

Because my daughters are super cute.