One Piece's Infinite Treasure Box System (

One Piece: Infinite Treasure Box System Chapter 130

Lu Jie threw away the peel in his hand and stood up.

Seeing that Lu Jie got up, they also stood up nervously.You know, the name of the Bloodless Sword Shura was not blown out.And being able to survive multiple rounds by the navy, the strength is imaginable.

Even if the three of them are there, adding the combat uniform is not necessarily Lu Jie's opponent.

In fact, at this time, Lu Jie was also very flustered!

He is not afraid of these three guys, after all, although these three are strong, their brains are a little hard to use.

However, if there is a battle with them now, it will definitely attract the attention of the navy.At that time, it is estimated that there will be some big animal who will come to chase him down.

If you are alone, it would be nice to say, if you want to escape, it is not too simple.But Nuoqigao and Gudola are probably in danger.

So at this time, Lu Jie also directly opened his mouth to escape-pretending to be force!

"Nech, sit down." Vinsmok Gage also said directly.

After hearing the words of Vinsmok Gagge, Niche also put away his lightning.

Seeing this scene, Lu Jie knew that he had succeeded.

"This is our research data, we can give it to you. But you have to promise me not to give this to other forces." Vinsmok Gage also said directly.

"Okay, I promise you. This is one of my hair, put it away."

Lu Jie threw out a piece of hair, then took the research materials in Vinsmok Gage's hand and left directly.

After Lu Jie left, Niche couldn't help it anymore.

"Dad, why should we compromise with him?"

"It's not a compromise, it's a deal. As long as we clone Lu Jie, then this world will be ours. Just now you saw that he is domineering and domineering. Think about it, an army that has all dominance and dominance, What kind of existence will it be?" Vinsmok Gage also said slowly.

When his father was kind and filial, Lu Jie also left this hotel.

These guys don't know what they can get out with a piece of my hair.After all, your own strength comes from the system.Lu Jie didn't believe that they could even clone the system.

Chapter 217

After leaving here, Lu Jie was also a little hungry.After all, I just installed a big force, which consumes more energy.

Later, Lu Jie also directly found a tavern and walked in.

Not just walk in randomly, but there is a golden treasure chest here!I don't know, which strong person is here, there will be such a treasure chest.

"Guest, what do you need?"

"I want to play inside." Lu Jie also pointed directly to Yishan's closed door and said slowly.

"This is the first time a guest has come? We are very demanding on the identity of the guest. If you want to go inside, you need to provide your own financial proof." The enchanting woman at the counter also squinted her eyes.

"Proof of financial resources? How to prove this? Do you want me to bring up a large box of money in front of you?" Lu Jie also said with a look of confusion.You know, it's the first time Lu Jie has heard of this financial proof after so long.

"Yes, the rule to enter is that you must have 50 million berry cash on you." The woman said again.

After hearing what the other party said, Lu Jie was also a little puzzled.50 million Bailey, I don’t have it, but now I take it out, will it become the object of attention?

But the golden treasure box is right in front of you, how can there be a gift of letting go?

Lu Jie took out a big box directly in his portable space, and directly opened a dazzling piece of gold coins inside.

"I don't have 50 million Bailey, but I carry a lot of gold. I don't know, am I eligible to enter it now?" Lu Jie said slowly.

"Of course, honorable guest, please here." The woman looked at the gold coin in Lu Jie's hand and her face changed instantly.

Soon, under the leadership of the other party, Lu Jie entered the back room.

After entering it, a noisy sound instantly hit Lu Jie's ears.

At this time, Lu Jie even felt like he was in the wrong place.The main thing is, what is this place?Moreover, the people here don't look like the people outside, all of them look fierce.

Moreover, it seems that they are basically pirates.

The most important thing is that after coming in, Lu Jie also saw the owner of the golden treasure box.It's another old acquaintance, Fujitora!

And now Fujitora is gambling money with others!

But what makes Lu Jie a little strange is that this guy has so much money?But if you can come in, you must be rich.Perhaps it is here to lose all the money, right?

"Guest, you see, you can play whatever you like here. If you need some more ecstasy service, just ask me." After the woman finished speaking, she also left directly.

And Lu Jie walked straight like Fujitora.

"Hello, I also want to add one." Lu Jie also found an empty seat and sat down directly.

"Yes, let's place a bet."

"Who is the dealer?" Lu Jie also asked.

"The dealer is me, hurry up and make a bet. I'm going to open."

"Oh? You're the dealer, I ask a question, can I suppress the sex?"

"What, do you want to suppress the sex? Hahaha, yes, the odds of the sex are one to ten." After hearing Lu Jie's words, the man's face also showed a smile.

You know, ** means not buying big or small or leopards.Directly press on three certain numbers, so that it can be suppressed, it is simply something that Ou Shen possesses can't do.

"Well, squeeze fifty million, one three or four."

Chapter 218

After hearing what Lu Jie said, everyone was silent.

This kid has a brain disease, right?Or, he has no money, just come over and pretend to be forced, and then leave?

However, the forces behind here are not something ordinary people can afford.

"Boy, do you have that much money? Don't tell me, you are here for the empty glove white wolf? If this is the case, just get out of here, or I'll be polite for a while." The dealer also said solemnly.

"It should be worth 50 million Baileys here, right?" Lu Jie also took out the box he had just taken out again. It was filled with gold coins. If it was exchanged for Bailey, it should be more than 80 million.

"Well, since you want to send money, I will fulfill you. Buy big and buy small, I'm going to open it!" The man put his hand on the lid and asked again.

Soon, everyone bet.

At this time, Fujitora walked to Lu Jie's side.

"Little brother, please help me bet ten thousand berry on your top." Fujitor also took out a ten thousand berry banknote and handed it to Lu Jie.