One Piece: The Soul Purchasing Pirate

Chapter 119 Strategic weapons

The pungent gunpowder smell of smoke sprinkled across the ocean in the blink of an eye, a pitch-black gunshot emitted a fiery flame and a powerful shell towards the front.


The piercing sound of the stinging sky breaks open this tranquil sea surface.

“Jason! ”

With a roar, Luo Chen's long sword has sheathed, and his whole body is more like a big bird flying in the sky.

Dugu Nine Swords! ”

A sharp tsunami came out, Luo Chen's body flashed, just blinking, aided by inner merit, has been all over the air.

“Step by step! ”

Pupils shrunk, his figure twisted again, and he had disappeared in place.

Once again, Luo Chen reached the front of the first shell screen.

The pitch-black shell carries terrible potential and kinetic energy and explodes completely with just one contact. No one can cope with such a situation without extremely rigorous means.

However, Luo Chen's expression, though heavy, did not panic.

With a wave of his right hand, Yuanhong sword flashes out countless swords and flowers that look radiant and gorgeous in the sky without losing a unique aesthetic.

“Shh, shh! ”

Weird swordlight flashes, and it dots directly into the center of a shell.

At this moment, Luo Chen's eyes quickly rotated one by one, and the long sword in his hand was another swing.

“Psst! ”

Three swords in a row were dotted, but the three remaining rounds were not far from the first artillery round, regardless of the sequence of arrivals.


At this moment, the space somehow stood still. Three extremely fast moving artillery shells, suddenly a stagnation, actually stopped in the middle of the air.

Luo Chen stood up with his sword, his figure twisted and disappeared.

“Boom! Boom! ”

A series of explosions erupted completely at the next moment, and the flames swept around, affecting the shells that followed closely, causing another huge explosion.

In another void, Luo Chen's body flashed continuously. With the help of the writing eye, he accurately determined the direction of attack of these shells, then swept out the long sword, stationary all the shells, followed by a big explosion.

In a short five or six breath period, Luo Chen flashed again and returned to the Logan.

His eyes lifted slightly and his eyes became sharp as he watched a series of explosions ahead.

The impact of these shells, which explode as soon as they are touched, makes it difficult to change their trajectory, enough to show that the crowd is on the move. Such artillery shells, which are clearly specially crafted and distinct from those used by the navy and pirates in general, are even more powerful.

Across the ship, the pirates were somewhat surprised to see that the shells had not reached the extent of their explosion.

“Some strength, pull the knife, get ready for a string fight! ”

The pirate who gave the order at the beginning cold-sounded.


The pirates revealed a slight smile, stood up and pulled out their long knives or pistols.

The “puff” of the pirate ship burned a torch, instantly illuminating the sea.


A shocking howl ripped through the night sky and spread onto the Logan, shocking the resting lucidum.

“What happened? ”

She was about to get up and look out the door, but then she saw the little lord shook his head seriously towards her.

In an instant, Lu Xiao understood.

Whatever happens out there, she can only go out right now because Luo Chen and others are burdensome and can easily distract them in battle.

“You can't lead the battle to our ship, Captain. You stay here. I'm going over there! ”

Jason shouted and saw that the other side was less than 10 meters away from him, knees bent, horrible forces erupted, and the Logan sank a little distance.

The next second, he came up, and he actually crossed the border 10 meters directly, reaching over the other ship.

Stay close, Jason whispers.

“How dare you sneak up on Grandpa Jason's ship! ”

His body was huge, this squatting was amazing, and he arrived before the other party had reacted.

When they heard such a thunderous noise over their heads, the pirates were shocked and rushed up.

But the next second, as if the shell had hit, the entire deck of the ship had been broken apart.

“Die! ”

Jason stood on the deck, with a depression underneath his feet, around him, the pirates panicked, and some had yet to understand exactly what had happened.

“Are we hit? ”

“Oh, my God, what the hell is left of it! ”

“Get out of there! ”

With Jason's weight, coupled with that horrible explosive force, he fell on the deck, crumbling the entire ship within ten meters, and rocking even more violently.

“Jason, what a strategic weapon. I haven't seen him so strong before! ”

Ro Chen looked at Jason and was somewhat surprised.

He rarely sees Jason do it, and the other side does it in seconds. As for the means of such a burst, it's rare.

With a sword in his right hand, he stood on the bow of the Logan, and Luo Chen looked carefully at the movement across the street.

By Jason's sudden blow, the pirate ship's bow position almost collapsed, and the pirates panicked.

And then, you can see, Jason's big figure, slowly rising from the smoke, standing up straight. He then stretched out his hands, one left and one right, and grabbed the other two pirates who could not escape.


After a loud drink, Jason swayed them directly, spinning three rounds, and threw them out.

This dump hit a dozen nearby pirates, powerful power, and immediately threw up the dozen people's blood again.

The horrible scene simply solved nearly twenty people and made the pirates' eyes tremble.

The smoke slowly faded away, and Jason's figure clearly appeared there.

He was as arrogant as a demon with his ruthless face, his crude figure, his thick arms, and his almost invincible powers.

“That's you, trying to hit our attention? ”

The low voice was filled with thunder and rage, causing the pirates to tremble.

“You, who are you? ”

The strength of the other party is unexpected, everything planned, all soup, just one person, there is such a threat.

“Mud, what are you afraid of? Go to me, Captain! ”

The ruthless man who began to give orders drank aloud.

When they heard this, the pirates woke up from their gaze, tightened their weapons in their hands and rushed up again.

“He's alone, brothers! ”

Drinking loud, the pirates hit Jason.

“How dare you! ”

When he saw the other side dare to come up, Jason shouted and his power erupted again.

“Boom! ”

The boat swayed and the deck around Jason was torn apart again.

“Pfft! ”

The cracks appeared, and the pirates saw the scene, panicking and retreating.

But by then, Jason had pulled his legs out and walked forward.