One Sword Reigns Supreme

Chapter 2657: Old Account!

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SO, fastest update a sword alone!

Reputation? Mo Qiang is silent.

Are you represented by the Kings? Ye Xuan suddenly said: "I am coming this time, it is not something else, just find something!

Mo Qiang thinks: "We are very poor!

Ye Xuan smiled: "Look at you, will I find you with money?"

Wen said, Mo Qi faced a yellowness.

Not borrowing money, he is more panic!

Because this is definitely more precious!

Ye Xuan suddenly said: "Learn to the aura!

Wen said, Mo Qiang face the color of the color, "No."


Ye Xuan is silent, don't talk.

Mo Qi hesitated, then said: "Ye Shao, this, we don't have much!

He naturally knows what the avenue is going to borrow, that is, the avenue is the uniqueness of the Dynasty, this gout, the stuff, they don't have much, how can I borrow people? Ye Xuan stands, nor does it talk.

Seeing Ye Xuan, Mo Qianton is still a little uneasy.

This guy will not borrow it to be strong? Thinking of the style of Ye Xuan, Mo Mou, more uneasy!

Ye Xuan suddenly said: "Let's take a bill!

Wen said, Mo Qian suddenly smiled, "Ye Gongzi, we have not provoked you now!

Ye Xuan said: "I mean is an old account!

Old account!

Wen said, Mo Mo Moqou suddenly stiff.

Ye Xi Tao: "Before your universe starry god and heavenly roadway for me, this is the truth?"

Mo Qiang is silent.

Ye Xuan said: "I think, I want to point a spirit loss fee, but not all?"

Don't talk.

Ye Xuan Xiao said: "Do you want to play?"

Mo Qian suddenly smiled, "Ye Gongzi.


Ye Xuan said: "I am a reasonable person, you have three times, I have killed me, although I finally in the insurance, but I gave me the spirit and soul caused an indelible shadow.

So, I think, I want a little mental loss, this is too much? "

Mo Moqi hesitated, then said: "Ye Gongzi, the gas dry system of the avenue, I can't do the Lord, this must be pleasedon!

Ye Xuan slightly nodd, "Then you go to please!

Moqou is nod, "Good!

After finishing, he turned and left.

He didn't dare to refuse directly. This direct refusal, he is afraid of relying on the mountain king, if you rely on the mountain king, can anyone resist? Who should I say? At this time, the little pen suddenly said: "Go to the right!

Wen said, Ye Xuan is turned to go to the right.

On the road, Ye Xuan has some curiosity, "Little pen, what is the specific book you said?"

Small pass: "The owner left behind!

Ye Xuan said: "Is it still still?"

The little pen smiled: "Fasten, the place is where the owner is closing, no one dares to go.

Ye Xuanmi nodded, "Is there anything else in addition to the ancient book?"

Small pass: "I don't know this!"

However, you can take a look!

Ye Xuan haha ​​smiled, then accelerated, after a while, Ye Xuan came to a bamboo forest, after passing through the bamboo forest, he saw a bamboo house, but at this time, an old man suddenly blocked in front of Ye Xuan.

The old man looked at the Ye Xuan, "Ye Gongzi, this place is the forbidden place, no one must go into!"

Ye Xuan played an old man, it was about to talk, at this time, the avenue pen suddenly appeared in the field.

See the avenue pen, the old man stunned.

Obviously, he knows the avenue pen.

The avenue pen calm tone: "Lao Huang, I want to go in, have any questions?"

Old man is still hesitant.

The avenue pen directly ignores the old yellow, facing Ye Xuan, "Go in!

If he dares to stop, you will directly tall the Tint, count me!

Lao Huang: ".

Ye Xuan speechless, this is inserted.

The avenue pen is directly floating toward the bamboo house, seeing, and the old yellow hesitated, and finally did not choose to stop.

Ye Xuan is also following the past!

The old yellow is directly blocked in front of Ye Xuan, "you.

Ye Xuan coldly looked at the old yellow, the latter was a horror, hesitated, then said: "The road slip, you are careful, don't fall!"

Ye Xuan took directly.

After entering the bamboo house with the avenue pen, Ye Xuan found that the bamboo house is very pressing, and it is very simple, just a table, one bookcase.

Ye Xuan went to the bookcase, and the avenue pen suddenly said: "Found!

Ye Xuan looked at the avenue pen, a black ancient book is placed in front of the avenue.

Ye Xuan went to the front of the avenue, then said: "Is this?"

The avenue pen sink: "The avenue is in the past!

Ye Xuan is so curious, "What is it used?"

The avenue is: "Double-repair!

Wen said, Ye Xuan's eyes suddenly lit, "I have a look!

After finishing, he picked up the ancient book, just opened, a beautiful picture came, the two were so wrapped together, the clothes were not wearing, the picture was vivid, just like the real person, it is really injured.

Ye Xuan burn ancient books, then angry: "Vulgar!

Really vulgar!

It's just a hurt, this book must not let it flow, let me get it!

The avenue pen sink: "Do you want to take it back?"

Ye Xuanzheng color: "You don't get rid of my reputation!"

The avenue pen silent: "You don't look at those illustrations, see the words, this is the road in the road, is a loam double repair method, contains yin and yang people, very poor, you don't take a yellow book, do you understand? ? "

The avenue is within the avenue!

Ye Xuan blinked, then said: "Double repair law?"

The avenue pen sink: "Yes!

This is a very cow's yin and yang double repair!

Of course, the most important thing is that the knowledge of the Yin and Yang Avenue in this practice is very cattle, you can study hard.

Ye Xuan said: "What about you? Is this book help you?"

Avenue pentagon: "No!

At this time, the small tower suddenly said: "The Lord, just he didn't pay attention, secretly took a black small box!

This is a backbone!

Small box!

Ye Xiu Xiu, then laughed: "Do you want to see? Can you see it? You can rest assured, I will not Your baby!

Small silence: "Can you send a swear?"

Ye Xuan face is suddenly black, "" Lasting so long!

Do you still believe in my character? "

The little pen is low, "this box is useless, useful to me!

The small tower suddenly passed: "Take a look!

I am not greedy with the little lord, and I will not be pregnant again!

After the small pen is silent, take out a black box, Ye Xuan opens the box, the box is a black small bottle!

Ye Xuan played a black small bottle, then said: "Is this?"

Small pass: "ink!

Ye Xuanzhi, then said: "Once you have said, if you have ink, you can play a lot of power, is it?"

Small pass: "Yes!

Ye Xuantili is a bit excited, "Now there is this ink, what level is you belong?"

After the small pen is silent, the road: "If the level is coming, it should be a heavenly sacred level, a pen, which can break the momentum of millions of universe!

And if I am in some saints, the power will become more powerful!

Ye Xuan is so curious, "Saints?"

A small pen: "It is a saints, and it is a saint, and the Shengshi is a person who got the stand.

Ye Xuan is so curious, "The Section? You talk about it in detail!

In the world, people reach a certain degree of people in a certain aspect, you can get the seabate, the sealed man, the sealed man, can enjoy the world's universe, the strong, this level of strong, far superior, but There is very little very little, in the entire Tint, only the current Tint of the Tint is a sainting!

Ye Xuan is so curious, "Is the saints are Dictionary?"

Small pass: "Yes!

If you want to reach a sacred chamber, you must be a door to you!

Of course, if you really really excellent, reach a certain level, you can also self-seal, but this is too difficult!

Without the door, you will have a strong self-sanctuary, it is possible to be pressed by the door, and the door is not allowed to appear in the wild saints unless it is very special.

for example.


Ye Xuan Master's face black line, "What do you mean?"

The little pen smiled: "I mean, the wild saints are too difficult!"

Unless it is a relationship, otherwise, you have to get the door to recognize, otherwise, it is impossible to get sanctified, get a seabate!

But you are different, if you want to be sanctified, the Door must not take care of you. After all, you are already the rebellion of the eyes!

As long as you don't come to find a doctor, they will thank you!

Ye Xuan said: "Is there wild saints?"

A small pen: "There is one in my impression, that is not to be close to the door, you have a sacred, very cattle!

The strength of the wild saints is actually a lot more than the door, because they have a new way from a certain angle, and those who are out of order, of course, it is different from you. Their one is that I will take another road, but I don't make it, and you are, I will take another road, I will fight!

Ye Xuan wants to think, then said: "I understand it!

The more you go, the more you need to be recognized by the door, otherwise, you have no way.

The little pen smiled: "This is normal!

There is no recognition of the door, some strong people cannot continue to improve, because the Door not only masters the law of cultivation, but also master special cultivation resources!

For example, if you want to cultivate the second avenue nerve, you must need to take the avenue avenue!

And the reason why the road is so powerful is because the Doumen has mastered the vast majority of this universe!

Ye Xuanmi nodded, "There are also many things worth learning!

He will not completely negate the road, some places in the door, actually doing very well, if there is no door, this world will become more chaotic!

Just then, an old man appeared outside, the old man was slightly risked, "Ye Gongzi, Timord is back!

Do you see it, is it convenient to meet? "
