One Sword Reigns Supreme

Chapter 3021: Ten %!

Bito Pavilion www.


SO, the fastest update of a sword alone!

I don't know how long, Ye Xuan and Hongchen appeared on a wasteland!

Ye Xuan looked at the distance, at the end of his eyes, you can see a ruins!

Ye Xuanqing said: "This is your homeland?"

Hongchen nodded, "Tianxuan Continent 1 Ye Xuan was a little curious," What era? "

Hongchen whispered: "Thirty billion years ago, 1,30 billion!

Ye Xuan was silent.

That's not ordinary for a long time!

Hongchen walked towards the distance. She looked at everything in the field, and her eyes gradually became blank. "It didn't kill you with a red dust," No Ye Xuan was curious, "Why? "

Hongchen shook his head and smiled, "It said that I was the only one who made it feel a little strong for so many years!

Therefore, she put me in that tower and asked me to cultivate 1 Ye Xuanqing and said: "Qin Tian Dao said it had devoured a thousand times, that is, it destroyed ten civilizations in total?"

Hongchen nodded, "It was 1 Ye Xuan silent.

It's a bit cruel!

If it weren't for Qing'er, I was afraid that I would still be able to hold this hanging hair!

Hongchen Road: "In our civilized world, the spirit of the universe is undoubtedly very powerful, but for some people, it is also very weak. She paused and said," For example, your sister 1 leaves 1 leave Xuanxiao said: "Actually, I don't know how strong she is 1 red dust to look at Ye Xuan, Ye Xuanqing said:" Really!

So far, I don't know to what extent she is. She and my father have a big brother. The permanent ceiling. The three people below are like a fault. " Your elder brother? "

Ye Xuan nodded, "The two of them can also hang the spirit of the universe 1 Red dust for a moment, and said," You are powerful 1 Ye Xuan: "."

Hongchen suddenly stopped. In front of her, a blood -red Fu Sakura Hongchen turned around and looked at Ye Xuan. "This is the seal left by the spirit of the universe 1 Ye Xuanfu's sleeves, and Qing Xuanjian flew out.


That blood -red rune print is directly broken!

Hongchen said seriously: "Ye Gongzi, I give you a suggestion. Although this sword is good, it is really harmful to you.

Do you want to take a reincarnation? "

Ye Xuan frowned slightly, "reincarnation?"

Hongchen nodded, "Yes 1 Ye Xuanshen said:" Rebirth of reincarnation? "

Hongchen shook his head, "Naturally not, the reincarnation is a kind of cultivation path left by the spirit of this universe. This path, cultivation, and spiritual will. Since ancient times, since ancient times, I have the ability to walk out of this. There are two roads, one me, and the other is the former person 1 Ye Xuan said: "Cultivate the mind, cultivate your will?" "

Hongchen laughed: "Yes!

I think you have some flaws, for example, relying on foreign objects, not cultivating your purest strength, whether it is your sword or your swords on earth, the core of power from the core of power comes from yourself!

You realize this problem, but you can't give up!

If you really don't want to give up, you can cultivate your body first. When your strength surpasses this sword and sword, you come to take them again at that time, your strength will be more horrible. In a word of ancient words, you think your slavery sword is unknown, you have been slavered by sword slaves!

After hearing the words, Ye Xuan's eyes narrowed.

Hongchen looked at Ye Xuan, "Go away?"

Ye Xuan said with a smile: "Take a red dust and say:" Ye Gongzi, I have to remind you that once you enter this cycle, you must no longer call any foreign objects, nor can it be called. "Think clearly 1 Hongchen nodded slightly," Then you come with me 1, she walked towards a distance.

Ye Xuan followed. Soon, Hongchen took Ye Xuan to a teleportation array, and she whispered: "Still at Ye Xuan glanced at the teleportation array," Is it okay to enter? "

Hongchen nodded, "Yes, Ye Xuan walked towards the portal.

Hongchen suddenly said: "Ye Gongzi 1 Ye Xuan turned his head to look at Hongchen, and Hongchen said seriously:" If it is unsuccessful, you may no longer get a step further. Ye Xuan smiled, and then turned towards the teleportation array. When he entered the teleportation array, he turned directly into the place of light!


In front of Hongchen, a reincarnation avenue suddenly appeared.

At this time, Hongchen suddenly cracked, and the spirit of the universe appeared beside her!

And Hongchen is not surprising!

The Spirit of the Universe looked at Ye Xuan in the reincarnation, expressionless, "Do you think he will succeed?"

Hongchen calmly said: "You don't seem to want him to successfully shook his head." Of course, I hope that his successful 1 Hongchen turned his head to look at the spirit of the universe. Here, if he is unsuccessful.

Those three people will always pay attention to it, and I can never devour 1 red dust. "Do you want to make him improve and then leave here?"

The Spirit of the Universe nodded, "I don't want to fight this guy. I think his son should be bullied a little and 1 red dust is a bit curious." Didn't you use the future timeline to check his son? Don't you know what kind of person his son is? "

The Spirit of the Universe shook his head, "The woman was revealed by the woman, so I only knew the name of his son, and did not know what kind of person his son was 1 red dust." What is his son's name? "

The spirit of the universe is extremely dignified. "The opportunity cannot be leaked 1 red dust frown slightly," cannot be leaked? "

The Spirit of the Universe nodded, "I'm afraid of that woman doing things 1 Hongchen watching the Spirit of the Universe." If you do your best, how many are the best of? "

The spirit of the universe said sinking: "Ten % 1 red dust wishes the spirit of the universe again:" Her ten % red dust face suddenly sank.

The Spirit of the Universe sighed, "She is beyond everything, and her strength is powerful. I can't imagine it.

Hongchen frowned slightly, "You can't imagine it?"

The spirit of the universe nodded, "The one I played with her, she only came out of a sword, and the sword had exceeded everything, and it was beyond my cognition 1. I used to laugh at this sentient beings at the bottom of the well. It turned out that we were all frogs at the bottom of the well, but the size of the well mouth was different. 1 Red dust laughed: "This is a good thing for you. That reincarnation, "After this guy successfully broke the god, he would leave the universe. At that time, I could devour the cosmic creature 1 red dust and say:" Didn't he still have a son? "

The Spirit of the Universe laughed: "He has a backing, I don't believe his son also has a backing 1.