Only with Your Heart
"Don't Leave Me" - 3
Then again after we couldn't say anything to each other and just spent some time staring at each other quietly, Ruklov went to get Alde.
Apparently, the woman was waiting for a servant nearby, who immediately showed up and began to take care of Thousand Cranes on her knees.
Collect the remnants of the pulled thousand pieces of dress and bring me the rest of the lunch served on a plate and a barrel with clean cloth and hot water that resembles a towel.
"Well, I can do that myself..."
Chizuru managed to turn down Alde, who would try to help her bathe in the water.
Of course, when it comes to bathing in the water, it doesn't mean you're soaked in the water as far as your neck as a Japanese bath. Wet the towel with the hot water in the barrel, then wipe your whole body and clean it, which was enough for the tired body for now.
Wiping your body with a hot, boiling towel seems to revive your skin......
"Le, l 'Clough, won't you look at me?
Luklov, who wore only his pants naked and put his back in the tans and put his arms together in front of him, watched the Chizuru move harder than he had to.
It was Lucroff who made us take off our clothes in the first place, and although we have already exposed each other's complexions many times, the act of cleansing ourselves seemed strangely personal, and it was embarrassing to be seen.
I like him, and I hope I can get back to a relationship I can call my lover soon. But I need you to respect this much privacy. Chizuru turned his back on Ruklov, hid his front with a towel, and glanced at him over his shoulder.
Ruklov didn't change one expression, only his shoulders shrugged.
"Why, sooo! Get over there!
"I can't do that"
Ruklov's tone was factual. "Do you want me to help?
"~ Oh, no! If Ruklov doesn't go, I'm going somewhere."
When Chizuru defied the selling word buying words so much, Ruklov just noticed, exhaled a grand sigh and then disappeared from the door to his room. The hindsight was like a big bear who missed his prey and was depressed, and Chizuru was holding the towel blushing.
"You're adorable, Master Luklov when you're with Master Chizuru"
The woman who watched it all (Alde) pointed that out with a clear face that she was enjoying wanting to laugh out.
"Oh, yeah? You're tyrannical...... can I just say that one is cute?
"Yeah. I even remembered the illusion of leaving fourteen years ago. Master Ruklov has been perfect as a ruler in recent years, but in his personal life... he always looked like he was dead."
Alde replied smudged as he opened the tans and searched for clothes and underwear to be changed for the thousand cranes.
Dead face......
Chizuru was hurrying to slip the towel onto his skin, thinking of Lucroff one by one since he was reunited. And compare his shadow fourteen years ago to what it is today.
Fourteen years ago, even when we just met, Ruklov was always calm and serious, hard to say expressive. It made me think through thoughts with Chizuru, and it made me look at all kinds of faces.
Laugh out loud, shin, make fun of Thousand Cranes with a prank smile......
When a warm, damp towel reached the base of his leg, a tingling pain hit his skin - something like a baking mark, roasted by Lucrov on a thousand cranes.
"Nanimo sayin 'wazni, me, takena"
Chizuru's hand stopped perfectly.
"Luklov is still... I wonder if you like me"
Pounding like a solitaire and seemingly zero (spilling), Alde turned a thousand cranes with a surprised face up. I can't believe it, he looks like he screamed.
"Well, Master Chizuru, what is it? But what about your mistress this morning... did Mr. Ruklov say something?
"I made it clear that Ruklov doesn't like me anymore. It is my duty as a knight to put me here, and to hold me only as a gateway to desire."
In fact, to put it into words, the fact broke Chizuru's heart even more deeply.
Alde completely frowned into eight letters and knelt in front of a thousand cranes, who were unable to move in the middle of a hot bath.
"Did Master Chizuru believe that?
Alde's voice, like a teach, stabs him in the chest of a thousand cranes.
"I don't know... I don't know what to believe"
Cold words from him, the flaming rage he receives from time to time, the room he thus gave me, the dress that fits perfectly. They were all terribly contradictory and confused the thousand cranes so much that they didn't like it.
Whatever the reason, I was the one who left Ruklov and went back to Japan.
Even if it wasn't Thousand Cranes who chose the age of fourteen years, if it actually left him lonely for so long, the blame lies with him.
Not to mention if what Ruklov asked for until he kept letting himself down for ten years might be Chizuru.
"I wonder what... is this his revenge? Are you happy with me?
Chizuru sat down on the floor, facing Alde and whining.
Alde shook his head beside him with a puzzling colour, and tender the shoulders of Chizuru.
"That's not true. Dear Chizuru, I'm sure you're tired. Shall I call Master Ruklov back?
Chizuru raised his voice like a waste child. "They'll piss me off again. Tied, hurt... No more..."
I should have been ready.
It has not been two days since we reached the castle.
But if the roots are that deep, what can a thousand cranes do? To keep your legs open to Lucroff forever until you die like this? Being satisfied with the kindness he's given sometimes and staying with his mistress all the time?
"I don't know what to do. No more..."
When he noticed, Chizuru was sobbing with his face on Alde's shoulder.
My body is weak and heavy, and I feel chilly. My spine trembled.
"You'll catch a cold, Master Chizuru. Come on, put this on, huh?
Alde put the prepared clothes on the thousand cranes.
Sure, I might just be tired. Tensions have overflowed all at once since returning to this world, wasting it as if it were a toddler.
Now the ahead is compassionate......
"I'm sorry, Alde. Suddenly disturbed."
"It's okay, Master Chizuru. Just remember this is all."
This time the dress had a number of rare buttons attached to it in this day and age. Alde keeps it clever, while continuing in a historical tone.
"Lady Ruklov never welcomed a woman home just once in the fourteen years since Lady Chizuru was gone. Fourteen years, even just one night. Until I received Master Chizuru yesterday, all the way. Do you have any idea what this means?
Chizuru rinsed his nose and listened to Alde's words as he wiped his tears with the back of his hand.
Even she wouldn't know everything. But I'm sure you understand the last fourteen years of Luklov much better than Chizuru, who just met again a few days ago.
"Give me some time."
Alde, who finished clamping his button, said as he gently slapped the back of Chizuru's shoulder with his pong.
When you raise your face, aren't the clear, watery Alde eyes slightly moisturized? Chizuru was attacked by a cleavage such that his chest could be tightened, and he lost his words.
"Master Luklov must need some time. Those who have always been in hell will not enjoy suddenly going to heaven. For example, if you eat too much as soon as you're hungry, you'll throw up. My body doesn't accept it. I wonder if my heart is the same."
Chizuru felt the weight of the years of dwelling in Alde's words, as well as the fact that they were so old, accumulating wisdom, and growing up. With Chizuru, who is only nineteen years old, who has only spent a year or two in peaceful Japan, and with them who have survived fourteen years in this rough world.
Chizuru was not sweet. At least by modern Japanese standards.
But he's a total kid here.
I didn't think enough, and I lose sight of my foot right away. It shouldn't be like this.
More... we need to be strong.
"Come on, you're done getting dressed, and I'll call Master Ruklov. Please discuss it properly between the two of you... I'm sure you two can get over it. I believe."
To the gentle and powerful encouragement of Alde, Chizuru scowled and rose.
I didn't see the goal yet.
Maybe there's nothing like that in the first place. But just a little, I felt the light shining on my destination.