Opening the nuclear flat Fuyuki City

Chapter 3 Through the "King Kong" movie (recommendation ticket required)

You can search "Opening Nuclear Ping Dongmu City Search Novels (" in Baidu to find the latest chapters!"The seven heroic spirits have passed away, prepare the container to welcome the birth of the Holy Grail." Jiantong dirty inkstone asked Einzbern's people to become the container of the Holy Grail.

But when Lin Fan saw the dirty inkstone old man who was already disgusting on TV laughing, he sprayed directly at him.

Unexpectedly, the old man was attacked in exhilaration, his eyes widened, but in an instant, he and everyone beside him melted.


"Congratulations to the host, successfully conquered the seven heroes, completed the mission, and evolved into a second-level creature."

"Huh." Lin Fan looked at him and let out a long sigh, staring at Fuyuki City, who had been neutralized by himself, in a daze: "It's none of my business, you provoke me first."

Lin Fan didn't care if this Holy Grail War could go on or not. Anyway, he was alive, he was not a good person.

House pigs, your wives, I killed them.

"The novice protection field is completed, and the shuttle channel is starting. Next, is the real evolutionary experiment."

After the system was finished, everything in front of Lin Fan was distorted, and Fuyuki City disappeared in front of him.

"What the hell, this is a newbie protection field, then, will you not protect me anymore?"

"Yes, in the next evolution plan, we will stay in each dimensional world for a period of time and perform a certain amount of evolutionary tasks."

"Most of the world traversed will be a dimensional world that has just experienced a catastrophe or a major change. The host will become a member of the world traversed until the end of the world mission."

"Reminder: The host needs to change the equipment package before each crossing. The host can now draw a BUG skill package for the next dimensional world mission."

After the system was finished, the Godzilla transformation equipment on Lin Fan was gone, and ten golden eggs appeared in his mind.

"I'm going to your Baba Jing." Lin Fan was angry, and he activated the Godzilla Red Lotus state, and it was about to be recycled. Doesn't it make sense, if there is a Red Lotus state, then travel to other two-dimensional worlds. I have the confidence to pass the customs all the way with the strength of Brother General.

"If the host completes the task in the dimensional world by its own ability, then everything the host gains can be owned forever, but if you use the system's BUG skills to obtain evolution points to complete the task, you can only get a partial reward."

"The system remembers that you cheated me today." How could Lin Fan be able to complete the task without the help of its BUG? Forget it, it should be done.

Then Lin Fan randomly ordered a gift package to open it.

"Congratulations to the host, you have drawn ten times the reward of S-level gifts. In the next dimensional evolution game, everything you get can be increased ten times."

"Yi, is that awesome? How do you use this thing?"

"To put it simply, as long as you want, you can increase everything tenfold. Of course, you have to have enough mental power." When the system said this, it said with an evil playfulness: "You can also increase the size and lengthen it. Oh."

"Lao Tzu is quite confident in his own, no need." Lin Fan repeatedly emphasized, not to mention that his gadgets are intriguing, and the use of profit will kill a woman.

Through function activated

The system was dazzling, and when Monan was sober again, he found himself in an isolated island again.

"System, I cross..." But Lin Fan thought he was thrown into the Pacific again, and just wanted to scold him, and found that this time seemed a little different, because there were many people around him this time.

Successfully traversed.

Through the world: the earth parallels the world.

The task of the parallel world: complete three or more reincarnation games in this parallel world, and can't leave until it evolves into a fifth-level creature.

"Next, the host will briefly introduce the general situation of this dimensional world."

In this meta-world, people all over the world are conducting an experiment called the game of reincarnation. Simply put, humans in this parallel world, like Lin Fan, are also participating in the evolution game, and it is universal.

It's just that there is no system bug like Lin Fan.

And the function of this reincarnation evolution game has the same effect as the system function of Lin Fan.

This parallel world reincarnation game can take players across different dimensions and play in a certain animation or movie world. The person who wins in each reincarnation game will get evolution points to improve their strength.

According to the systematic explanation, this parallel world is undergoing a battle chosen by the gods, and everyone is participating in the game of reincarnation evolution.

I am considered a stowaway who joined in midway.

"I rely on." Lin Fan was stunned when he heard this explanation. He said that he was playing games in the evolution world with his evolution system. Are the humans in the metaspace superhuman this time?

"Don’t worry about the host, this system is very user-friendly. This is the first test field. The host will be sent to the reincarnation game of ordinary people. I wish the host a victory in three or more reincarnation games in this parallel world. After completing the mission, this system The traversal function will be activated again to take you away, don’t forget to use your ten times reward package."


The brain hole system is shut down.

Lin Fan was stunned, really came to the new earth, and the reincarnation game that was forced into it was still in the world of the movie "King Kong".

This parallel world is in a period of natural disasters, and the sun and the moon are eclipsed.Zhuiwen Novel Network

The reincarnation game is officially launched.

Name of tester: Lin Fan

Strength value: 70

Reply value: 70

Double resistance value: 70

Planetary civilization level: first order

Reincarnation Field: Skull Island.

Lin Fan looked around, there were all towering trees.

According to the prompts, the Beastmaster or other superpowers in the film and television world that originally appeared only in the "King Kong" movie may appear.

"Are you all right, wake up."

Lin Fan couldn't help but shook when he saw the woman beside him.

More than twenty women, with long hair and shawls, a beautiful face, wearing a white vest, holding up her little vest, this scenery is very eye-catching.

"Hmm." The girl in the vest woke up and saw Lin Fan around her, "This is? You are?"

The woman screamed, and immediately attracted people around her to look over.

"Don't make a noise, it's not just us."

Lin Fan pointed around, and those who fell on the ground just now woke up one after another.

It's just that when everyone woke up, they all looked stunned.

Lin Fan fully understood.

This parallel world is a game of reincarnation of the evolution of the whole people.

The system directly throws itself in to participate in this reincarnation game with humans in this parallel world.

And the reincarnation field that I want to participate in this time is the plot of the King Kong movie.


"The game of reincarnation begins."

"In the preliminary examination site, the number of people has been matched, with a total of 1001 people."

(This special one is Lin Fan, a stowaway from another world.)

Task: Survive in Skull Island for 30 days, hunting King Kong to reward 5000 points of evolution.

Tip 1: Each kill of a first-level alien beast will reward 10 evolution points, a second-level alien beast 100 points, and a third-level alien beast 1000 evolution points.

"Kill an alien beast, and the evolution value will be instantly exchanged for improving skill power."

"Hint: Weapon, food, medical and other treasure chests will randomly appear in the forest, and start to drop alien animals. Good luck."

Crazy, crazy, what the hell is this?

Alien?What a strange beast.

"Fuck your mother's shit, that tortoise egg dared to play with the uncle, and the one who hides is considered a feather, and comes out if there is a seed." At this time, a young man stood up and shouted.

It seems that there are people in this world who have just become players in this game of reincarnation, and they are not clear about the game of reincarnation.

"Roar." But at this time, a two-meter-long black giant wolf rushed out from the forest, directly bit his neck, and then tore his claw, opening his chest and stomach.

"Yeah, yeah." When everyone saw this horrible scene, they walked out in surprise.

This is a strange beast?It's terrible, what the hell is this place?

Lin Fan desperately fled into the woods, always alert.

"Living for 30 days? Hunting for King Kong?" Lin Fan cursed when his mind was full of the machine voice.

This kind of thing is the first test field mentioned by the brain pumping system?Play with us.

And behind him, there was a giant wolf chasing and killing him.

"Roar." But at this time, the beast that had rushed towards him turned around and rushed towards the person on the other side.