Opening the nuclear flat Fuyuki City

Chapter 38 Naughty Boy (3/3)

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This made Tokugawa's look quite ugly.

"What's your outfit? Do you like to read manga?" Tokugawa looked at Xuanyo and said irritably.

Xuan Ye waved his hand, but he still wanted to see what else Tokugawa could say, so he didn't explain anything else: "No, nothing, you don't care about me, please continue."

"Am I dead? But I can't feel that I'm dead."

"Yes, I can still feel my body."

After a quarrel, the University of Tokugawa said in particular, anyway, in what he said, this is the gate to the pure land.

Weng Weng.

Finally, the Madonna of Garten appeared.

Tokugawa frowned after seeing Jiateng's victory: "What, is anyone coming?"

Jia Teng looked around and saw Lin Fan nodded and said hello.

Tokugawa regained the appearance of a group of eminent monks: "If you have any questions, just ask me."

"Scared?" Jia Tengsheng paused when he heard what he said, "Aji what's the situation?"

Genno glanced at Keimoto Kishi, but when she saw Keshimoto avoiding her eyes, he was in a bad mood: "I don't know."

The next thing that appeared was the gay Hojo, the slut Sadako, and the sex dog who survived the last game.

More and more people in Tokugawa couldn't help raising their voices and saying, "You can ask me any questions, and I will answer them for you. This is the place of judgment leading to the pure land of bliss and hell on earth."

Jia Tengsheng couldn’t help it anymore. He didn’t want to listen to Tokugawa’s nonsense and said carefully: “This is not a pure land or hell, let alone a place of judgment. The people here have not died in the true sense. It is possible to survive."

As soon as these words came out, everyone looked at Jia Teng Sheng with a shock.

"What do you know? This is the place of trial." Tokugawa still insisted on his statement.

Jiateng glanced at him and said he did not care, and then raised his voice again and said: "The people here are all gathered here for a certain hunting activity. Even if we are still alive, if we do not act in unity afterwards, All of us may not survive."

There was silence, and no one responded to Garten's words.

Tokugawa smiled helplessly, and said deeply: "It's normal to become crazy and talk nonsense in this situation."

Hearing Tokugawa's words, Genno couldn't bear it anymore, and laughed loudly, "I like that."

Namo Amitabha.

However, Tokugawa appeared on TV before his death and had a certain influence, so several people actually chanted the Buddha's name with him.

It's just that another man with glasses asked again: "I don't agree that I'm really dead, I can still feel breathing, heartbeat, etc., and I can see Tokyo Tower outside."

"That's all your memories during your lifetime. It's not true. You are greedy for your past life, so you deny the fact that you really died." Tokugawa said again.

They were arguing, and Geno had been staring at Keimoto Kei.

According to the current situation, Xuanye's confession should be rejected without Lin Fan's knowledge.

"Are you ok?"

"Hmm." Seeing Kei Kuki approaching, Kishimoto subconsciously hid beside Lin Fan.

This made Lin Fan dumbfounded, this Kishimoto Megumi helped her hatred.

Sure enough, Kei Yeki saw Kishimoto approaching Lin Fan, his eyes were quite uncomfortable, and Keimoto Kei was unwilling to talk to him more than a word.

Keen Ye was hit and walked into the aisle.

"Yi, why can't it open?" But at this time in the aisle, the sexy thick-lips goddess Sakuraqiu Sheng was trying the room, and the two met: "Are you an anime fan?"

"Scare, what are you talking about?" Xuanye was obviously unhappy when she said.

Shengchang Yingqiu exhaled and said, "I have no prejudice against anime fans."

Xuanyeji said in a cold tone: "So what, I am not."

"You look so cute, I feel heartache when I see you cry." Sage Yingqiu looked at Xuanye and said.

"Then, are you willing to do it with me?"

"Yeah, what are you talking about here? Well, okay, now?"

Next, there is a picture that is not suitable for children.


At this time, Lin Fan was sitting in the aisle again, blocking everyone, not to disturb the beauty of Xuanye and Sage Yingqiu.

Tokugawa and Garten in the room quarreled.

"Master, we know the current situation better than you. Please listen to me. The time is urgent." Jiateng didn't want to waste any more time. As soon as the personnel arrived at the black ball, they had to take off the task.

Jia Tengsheng explained to everyone what he knew and what happened to him before.

Weng Weng.

"Are you kidding? Alien?"

"Yes, Jia Teng, you just died, and your nervousness is normal."

"Stop arguing, the black ball moved."


The nursery rhyme sounded, and then two photos and a few lines of words appeared.

"From now on, please go and kill this brother."

Naughty boy star

Features: powerful and huge


In these two pictures, the Hundred Buddhas and Stars are two generals.

Na Gongteng saw that everything was developing as Garten said, and couldn't help but believe a little: "Everything is just as you said, what are you?"

"It's not just me, there are a few people here who have been here before. They know the situation better than me." Jiateng pointed to Lin Fan's position intentionally.

Among everyone, Jiateng had always believed that Lin Fan knew everything here, but Lin Fan didn't say anything.

After the black ball released the task, he distributed the tights and weapons.

Han Rui and Fan Yu went to the aisle to change very skillfully.

Among them are the fighters, Na Shao, Tokugawa and others who don't wear them.

"What should I do?" Kishimoto walked over, also nervously. One more person would increase his combat power. Jia Teng was not for them, but also for himself.

At this time, Jiateng walked in front of a few people who were not wearing tights, and pulled them up in one hand and hung them in the air.

"Ah, what are you doing, let me down."

"court death."

The two people who were pumped in the air suffered from pain and kicked, but he couldn't move. He was protected by tights and was not hurt by the kick.

"Punch." Garten threw the two to the ground, then looked at them and said.

"This is the power of clothes," Garten said coldly.

The fighter stood up from the side, kicked and kicked Jia Teng's head straight, Jia Teng didn't dodge, and he accepted it without moving.

"It's starting to teleport." Lin Fan ignored them and confessed to Han Rui when they watched someone disappear.

"Hell, is it really hell? Isn't the master hell terrible?" someone asked Tokugawa in panic before disappearing.

Jia Teng was anxious and shouted: "You can hold it without putting it on. This will protect you."


Xuan Ye and Jia Teng also began to teleport.

(The third shift is complete, ask for a recommendation ticket, if you have any questions, you can join the group.)