I make Wallabie understand that I beg for my life with all my heart but it doesn't make sense.


When his life begged could not pass, he enlightened or spit, and Wallaby came up and waved his fist in an attempt to resist with killing intent.

"I don't suppose the words make sense or anything..."


I'll kill you! Such temper comes through.

If I can communicate with you now, I think it would be a pretty tragic situation.

If the first war had been a coincidence, you would have hesitated.

Animals say they can surprise you, pretending to be dead seems to do pretty well if you're an animal.

How dare you do something like that?


He slits his fist, slaps a kick in the face, and then punches his fist through Strawberry Wallaby's throat as he tries to pull his face back and fight back.

He doesn't seem to give me time to pick up a knife.

The power to pull back and my thrust combined, sounded good as if smashing the throat buddha of Zubun and Strawberry Wallaby.

Wallaby, with his eyes wide open and thin, gives me a mysterious finger.

You're the winner. I don't know.

Me, you used to beat him with your bare hands... the power of LV is great.

Sure, now he's strong enough to make the horn rat move look sloppy.

I know there is a difference in strength every 1 LV.

Then Wallaby fell on his back...... it became light!?


So, when I turned my gaze to Meguru and Maoshin, Maoshin was the moment to tailor Strawberry Wallaby with Minoru.

Mr. Nu, who circled behind Strawberry Wallaby, struck the back of Wallaby's head with a bar, and Maoshin pierced his chest in that gap.

That was the deciding factor and Wallaby, whom the two of us were dealing with, was doomed.

If you're meow, the battle was already over...... the finely chopped strawberry wallabies were rolling.

Looks like he was overpowered after all.

Why am I the only one fighting Wallaby with my bare hands? It's a miracle we won...

"Are you all right, Happiness?

"Oh, oh... I got one good punch..."

Mr. Meguru is smiling when I say it because I wanted to say it by accident.

Well, I said something like a gag myself, so maybe this is a good idea.

"No more... don't make me worry"

"To a certain extent thanks to the armor made by Maoshin... but"

Peeping through the gap in the armor, a blue mole was formed that felt good.

That Wallaby, beat the shit out of me...

No, it's a real fight, of course.

"Please treat Shinseng-kun"

"Ah, yes!

"Was it a little harsh to deal with the three?

"I really think we had to work together to take them down"

"Yeah, but I didn't have that much time to buy time and... how's that for strength?

You call it collaboration? I was caught with the intention of making it one-on-one.

Feeling a little stronger than a horn rat, weaker than a rock lizard.

I feel like I could have knocked it down with my bare hands because the LV is 5.

If you used the knife successfully, you would be sure it was a miscellaneous fish.

"Looks like we're gonna have to do more practice."

"Sort of."

"In the meantime, Mr. Happiness and Meguru think it's a good idea to deal with demons in pairs."

Maoshin, are you telling me?

I don't know, but if Maoshin takes turns...

"Then I'll draw the monster's attention, so the attacker Megumi will look at the gap and attack, and of course if he comes after Megumi, I'll attack him the other way."

"Yeah. It's too sharp and it looks like we can still go, but we need to be careful because we're afraid to fight back"

Just in case... I think I've figured out a little bit of the hardship of the players.

"So, this Wallaby... what do we do?

"This punch glove... looks like a piece of your body"

Mao Shin examines the carcass and answers.

I'll take a look too...... yeah.

It sure looks like it.

"Is that it? What about Wallaby, whom Happiness dealt with?

"Something went out in the light"

"I checked with chills, but it seemed like a good move, didn't it? The movement of Maoshin-kun and the Wallabie I were dealing with stopped for a moment when the Wallabie that Happiness was dealing with was hit."

"Was it three bosses?

"Could be"

You were provoking me for nothing, and the best of the three?

The guy Mr. Meguru dealt with killed a second.

So, there's something rolling around where Wallaby was.

"Medals and... gloves?


That's how Mao Shin shows me his medal.

"Strawberry Wallaby's King's Medal?

It has a hippo like a belt wrapped around my waist.

Besides, it looks like an equipment name.

"This is Wallaby's punch glove. It's a weapon name."

"Is that a drop?

... I remember when this Wallaby died.

It's like you were stronger... you died standing your finger up like that.

"Try it on"

"That's where Maoshin's nerves try to fit in his arms."

"That's why happiness seemed like a strange and good match."

Is that my fault?

With that said, Maoshin tries to put the punch glove through his arm and removes it so that it is bounced off.

"Say it!

"Were there even weird things in there?

"No, some kind of static electricity flowed... no, the guys in the player group were talking about unique gear"

"Unique equipment?

"Oh, he said that part of the demonic body of anything rarely becomes a weapon or something. I'm just saying there must be some kind of condition for getting it."

"Heh... because you slaughtered Wallaby?

"You may have beaten Todome to death."

So, for some reason, Maoshin makes me hold a punch glove.

You want me to wear it?

Maoshin nods at my gaze.

I was supposed to take a sigh and experiment.

"Eh? Why is Fukushi-kun trying to fit the glove that Maoshin-kun gave you?

Mr. Meguru is right.

Unique equipment is a joke.

I think so, but if that Wallaby willful thing is going to have to be fitted in once.

Or an experiment?

"It doesn't look very strong, but I don't know what kind of unique gear I'm going to have before I try it."


I want it to be unequipped if I can.

With that in mind, I put Wallaby's punch glove in my hand.

Unlike when I was in Maoshin, the glove stuck in my hand.


Watch the gloves gradually.

Wallaby's Punch Glove Granting Effect Moving Vision Improvement Instant Expansion Capability Boxer

... made me want to exhale thoughtfully.

"Instant expansion is a boxer."

"What's that?

"Isn't that the ability to get it only when you're wearing it?

I guess.

When I check the status, it comes with politeness.

So, something comes to mind about boxing fightin 'poses I've never done in my brain.

Attack is a performance that does not extend far to knives.

Was it because Wallaby was slightly stronger than Horn Rat?

So, look at the medal.

Strawberry Wallaby's King's Medal Effect Kings Defense Available

View the medal.

Then I thought it was glittering and we went for it and another shade of wallabies came from nowhere.

"Kings of defense is like an effective item to call both Wallabies."

We entered the second battle to say that Mr. Minami's recovery was not yet complete.

Wallabies equipped with punch gloves...... went into battle with French Grey Wallabies.

Meguru, Maoshin, and Minori tailor both Wallabies in the same way.

I was opposed to Wallaby in a fighting pose.

A unique step...... you can see the opponent's attack in the back of your brain.

Is this also the effect of the imparting effect of motion vision?

Fits a stretching punch, slaps his fist in Wallaby's face at the counter, and an electric shock runs into his body trying to get a kick in.

No kicking? You think it's boxing and not kickboxing?

But when I slapped my fist in Wallaby's face with my left hand all in pursuit, it sounded good with the basin and knocked him out.

No sign of getting up...... dead?

"Well, it looked like Happiness was boxing with Wallaby."

"I'm guessing that's the kind of equipment that can see and do anything like that."

It's so annoying.

And I have a lot of experience.

Isn't Wallaby's experience doubling?