
Now all you have to do is fight back. The bear releases a ground crash and lets the opponent take evasive moves.

Then the boss flies back... stepping on the honey he released himself, causing him to pull his leg slightly.

It doesn't seem like you need to pull it off like a bear... but a bear doesn't miss that gap.

Activate the Big Rock punch as the ground crash moves to wrap the rock around it and shake it down vigorously.


The boss also took a loss and a fist wrapped around a rock, beating him and destroying him many times.

but still breathing on my shoulders, not to say intact.

"Gaaaa...... gaaaa......"

Well, let's do it. You deserve credit for hounding me so far.

I feel like I'm saying something.

Then the boss puts his chest up and puts on a fighting pose.

The gloves are glowing again...... I'm sure you're willing to release something.

"What are you willing to do, punching grizzly boss? Ahhh! Looks like a big move!


It's an honor! You deserved this move!

Barking as if to say so, the boss turns to the bear, not flaming, causing the balls to spawn and beat from between the gloves of his hands.

Then the balls form the shape of a bear and fly off to the bear.

Is that what you call a bear bullet?

Fighting cartoons and opposing game flying tools...... it doesn't even look like a deformation of a fist of the wind or anything, but it has different densities.

You call it a flying tool with a cut-in hanging on it, if it hits you badly, it could be fatal.


The bear jumps from the front to that bear bullet, rush rush rush!

One two punches and straight, throw a screw punch at the jab, hit the bear with a bear bullet and bounce back.

"Ah, bear! The punching bear boss bounced off a special attack! This is nothing but stunning words!

The boss avoids the crisp bouncing bear bullet, but claps his hands together as impressed.

"Gaw... Gaw..."

The bear child stood with his fist facing forward, breathing with his shoulders.


Well done, you have a good gut to give it back from the front.

I think the boss says something like that.

Cheers happen there with Wye.

"Damn...... why does everyone seem to have so much fun. What's so different about mine!

Hazawa, did you still care?

I think the battle time is mainly different.

It's not like one of them attacked unilaterally or anything.

"Better than the battle of Hazawa after all."

"I don't know what's gonna pop out of them, and I'm gonna sweat it in your hand."

"You're absolutely certain of what Himeno said. Here... it immediately tells me you're fighting them."

"It's funny to see because it's not a task!



Hazawa doesn't have a standing set either......

Well, it's not like crushing your opponent's Special Attack and settle for crispness.

I think it's cool to fight like that.


The bear gets his breath ready and storms off at the boss.

The boss also smiled and started beating accordingly.

As I expected, in the second half of the second round, the boss wraps his fist in flames and starts a ranged attack.


The bear wrapped his water coat around it as I advised him to.

When a flame hits, water vapor is generated, but it doesn't even reach the bear child.

"Ooh, my bear wrapped her water coat around me and took the flame of the punching grizzly boss. Ahhh!


It produces membranes for breathing, but there's a way to defend it.


The punching grizzly boss glances slightly.

Oh, did you notice that you did the wisdom to get in?

But that's not the problem, is it?


Bear child and boss fists collide, generating massive amounts of water vapor.

So, like last time, the boss embarks on a beating with a bear in water vapor...


Cold air is generated from the gloves of both hands of the bear child to produce ice gloves.

Yes... freeze even the water vapor.

I'm freezing it with all my magic in mind.

This is not an earlier battle in water vapor.


That's a surprise, too, boss.

We let the losers and the flames dwell, but it's too late.


A fist of wind surrounded by water vapor frozen and turned into diamond dust flies away at the boss.


If you hit the boss, an ice tornado occurs around the boss to see if any special effects have occurred.

"Ko, this... it looks like Bear had a frozen tornado using water vapor! Wow! Fantastic!

Actually, you change the character when you have the reality.

Eventually... when the tornado scattered, the boss froze everywhere and stood.

Hardly seems to have been able to defend himself with flames only around his fist, but the rest of it is frozen.

"Gaa... gaa..."

I'll do it... I don't expect you to attack me... I'm never tired of it.

Or ringing like the boss is telling the bear child.


The bear glanced at me.

Well, I'm the one who advised you.

After the boss turned his gaze on me, he grinned to his satisfaction.


That's the last of it. Ah! And all the blows I can put out now, I painstakingly generate bear bullets, storm them to merge, wrap bear bullets around them and the boss hits the bear child.

but the bear twists his body all over the cross counter there to avoid the boss blow and punch the boss in the face and jump over it.

Staggered landed bear.


The boss rings that you did well, and the bear looks back.

And... the boss looked back and fell on his back.


The bear honks at the boss.

Then the boss also replied with him down.

Maybe it was a lot of danger. LV and armor... and if I didn't have the wisdom to get in, I might have lost, huh?

The boss is also the boss, and Talareva is superfluous. Now, I'll give you the victory, if there's ever a time to fight, you can't lose this time.

He's smiling at himself like a fool.

I thought you were a female and insulted you. That's a fallacy over here.

And, after the ringing, the boss and the bear exchange their gazes and end their greetings by sticking out their gloves.

Shortly after, the punching grizzly boss disappeared into light.

The signal at the end of the game, called Cancun, rang from somewhere, and the punching grizzlies praised it.

It was the same for us, and the applause rolled up.

I think that means it was a good game.


Don't be sorry, Hazawa.

I wanted to end it with Sassa, but the bear got the wings to play the game.

"Winner. Ah! Bear, bear, bear, bear!


What a feeling Mr. Nu and the referee on the grizzly side honored the bear child's victory and the game was over.

The bear also poses as a victory.

So, the glove glowed.

Peacock Blue Punching Night Grizzly's Punch Gloves Granting Effect Moving Vision Improvement Fire Grizzly Claw Ice Gloves Wild Inquiry Honey Binding Grizzly Aura Gloves Switch Instant Expansion Capability Boxer

Attack power has risen considerably.

Of course, switching to a glove of the past doesn't change that.

No, it seems that the transformation of a bear child is of two kinds, except humanization, but is there no limit to the glove?

Well, there's going to be gloves and stuff that I won't use naturally.

"Gaw... Gaw!

Oh? A magic letter once again floats around the bear child to wrap the light around it.

So, when the light scattered, there stood... a bear in a bear, not much different.

"Wow, you did it, bear."


A moody bear rubs against me and poses for victory.

Good luck with that.

"Actually, please take care of the bear."


In the meantime, the punching night grizzlies who were in the audience dissolve themselves as they wave this way.

Really... this is a game.

Every time I wonder if it's a kill... I'm not sure about the demon ecology that makes it.