Ore no Ongaeshi: High Spec Murazukuri (LN)
Episode 35: A new season and a feeling of turmoil
In the middle of the vast prairie, the rugged cobblestone streets sweep north and south.
This street was one of the streets laid throughout the continent in the days of the ancient super empire.
Specialties such as seafood and rare fruit and sugar are transported north to the merchant corps (caravans) from the warm areas of the south.
Cereals, leather goods and minerals are also transported south from the north.
This historic street was a necessity for distribution and still plays an important role as an intercultural path.
There was a strange group of people heading south on such streets.
The group places a thin dirty carriage in the center, around which you can also see the horseback riding of the escort.
Probably a peasant from the rural and mountainous parts of the north.
Seeing as we're loading the carriage with tons of specialties, it could be on the road to sell it to a big city just south down the road.
A few horseback escorts would be mercenaries hired to combat banditry.
Anyway, along this street, until recently, the Big Bandits were out. It costs money, but we still need escorts.
But if you look closely... this line is uncomfortable.
First of all, the horses of the escorts around us are too splendid.
If anyone familiar with knights and horses sees them, they will be surprised.
What an illusory “hammer horse." There were so many "that” phantom famous horses that generals and senior knights wanted their hands out of their throats.
And even more surprising.
This line is full of "young children." There are only two people welcoming adults, and all the others are still young children.
Such toddlers are manipulating the carriage and riding the illusory famous horse "Han Horse” beautifully.
This street, where security has just been restored, still has few people.
But every one of the different pedestrians and pilgrims looked at this strange line with open eyes and surprise.
"Brother Yamato (oh dear), a little further south, there is a city. There are no suspicious figures up ahead."
Good luck with your reconnaissance, Clan.
"Yes, thank you for your thoughtful words, brother!
An advance team of Han children on horseback came back to my carriage.
I get reports that there are no suspicious shadows forward or around me.
Beautiful Meadow Girl Clan carries the King's Short Bow (Temujin Bow) and continues to expand in front of and behind the carriage to serve as an escort.
"Finally…" The City of Orn, "Yamato."
"Oh, right. But don't be alarmed, Mr. Riesha."
Reesha, the girl who sits next to me on the wagon owner, squeezes her unexpectedly floated expression.
Be vigilant around you with both of those farsighted eyes, making sure you have a long mechanical bow (marionette bow) in your hand.
"Leesha, there's no other way for your sister to float, brother Yamato!
"Because the city is so big and fun, brother!
"Yes, yes!
The children of the Uld people in the carriage with them are chatting with a full grin without even trying to hide their floating mood.
Still, the crossbow in my hand (crossbow) and the eyes of the surveillance are firmly directed around me.
"Is the city that big? Mr. Riesha."
"Yes, of course it is! There are shops and markets (bazaars), and lovely fabrics and jewellery like you've never seen before, as well as street food! Yamato."
"I see. If Mr. Riesha's going to be so excited, I'm really excited."
"Shh, excuse me... it's been a long time since I've been in town, so I got excited"
"I'm fine. We'll all buy souvenirs when the products we bring are sold safely."
"Yes, thank you! Yamato."
I'll be vigilant around you, too, chatting like that without any other love.
But along the beautiful streets, I no longer feel the scent of danger.
As prior information suggests, the "Grand Bandits" who were vandalizing along this street really seem to have been devastated.
(So far so good on the trading road...)
In the wake of the restoration of street security, we decided to make a “deal".
It has been several months since I defeated the Spiritual Beast of the Rock Salt Mine.
It is now a season in which farming has also fallen a short time before the harvest of cereal inahons. With the measles of the supply of salt and food, life in the village was at a time of peace and stability.
"Okay, I'm gonna reopen the deal"
At my suggestion, I decided to reopen the deal with the wagon.
The aim is to obtain the city's foreign currency by selling village specialties and surpluses in the city. Shop straight in that currency and take home merchandise you can't create in the village.
In the bordering mountainous areas, the village of Uld basically lives on self-sufficiency.
But spices, medical products, and other ethnic crafts are not available unless you go to a big city.
So the two carriages were loaded with Wold's "specialties," and they decided to make a deal.
"I will carefully select the products I will take"
There are many items to try this time.
We're going to see how the city's merchants react and then plan for future distribution.
"Going with me are the next named ones..."
The members I brought in made it a few elite.
Riesha and I, the village chief's granddaughter, have become the pullers, and only a few of Uld's children have been in the carriage.
The Han children of the escort horseback cavalry are also suppressed to the sheikh's bloodline girl Klan and only a few others.
The rest of us have been able to come up with village jobs and patrol and defense missions.
There is no danger around the village of Uld these days. It will be okay if we leave the village for a while.
Having thus completed all the steps, I have left the village.
Even if you're away from the village, you can still focus on negotiating a deal in the city for a while.
Further south down the street.
"Brother Yamato! We saw the city of Orn."
"Oh. Okay, Clan"
I have a report from the Han Girl Clan who has been scouting horseback riding. He said he could see the city of Orn, which is his destination.
Looks like we'll make it to the city as planned.
(Now the village of Uld and the street (pipe) to the city are connected. Now… whether the resumption of this transaction is auspicious or vicious…)
Staring at the walls of the "City of Orn” in the distance, I snapped in my heart.