Ore no Ongaeshi: High Spec Murazukuri (LN)
Episode 58: Forced Maneuvers
To rescue the children of the other settlements caught by the slave traders, I was set to go out in battle.
"Yamato's brother, that line."
With a guide to the Han Girl Clan, we catch up with a line of slave traders heading southwest down the street.
Left a Han boy at her discretion to tail a line of slave traders.
"I see, you're a slave trader indeed"
Confirm even with your own eyes as you hide yourself in a distant hill so they don't notice you.
An armed infantry and cavalry escort solidified around the street with a sturdy iron cage (discharge) carriage in the center.
It would be a mercenary regiment of merchants who hear rumors from the armed and the atmosphere.
He has a nasty laugh, galloping and intimidating (ikaku) at other travelers and pilgrims who are different.
"Those are the children of the devil's people."
"Yes, no doubt, Master Yamato"
Risha, a distant girl, confirms the information next to me.
Her intelligent information as the village chief's granddaughter is a thank you to me for coming to a different world.
"You look normal."
"Yes.“ The appearance of the demon Jiri people should be the same as ours. "
The children in narrow, dirty cages have the same appearance as the people of this world.
But his hands and feet were shackled with iron, and his freedom was taken away. Eyes as lifeless as dead fish, relaxing in a swinging cage.
"You have more opponents than I thought...... Yamato"
"Oh. And a slave trader would be on board. And the carriage protection is thick."
Seeing his opponent's formation from the shadow of the hill, Riesha sounds anxious.
The opponent attacked minorities and settlements and brutally outrageous slave traders and their men who use their children as commodities.
The guard against the reverse raid is also adequate and has considerable combat power.
This one, on the other hand, was not a full force.
I have spared no time and come only with a light bow cavalry of the Han tribe with fast horse legs.
That number is only about twenty horsemen and so far the battle power difference is huge.
Scheduled as a backup squad, a carriage crossbow (crossbow) squad with Uld's children will also arrive.
"Ahead is" Kingdom ”, Master Yamato. There must be a border guard."
"You mean a battle with time"?
Large combat acts in the territory of other countries are dangerous.
A large number of border guards who have detected the anomaly may rush.
If that happens, this one, the raider, will be overwhelmingly disadvantaged.
Prior to the arrival of the succeeding Crossbow Squad, it was necessary to rescue the children of the Demon Jiri People from the slave trader line.
It is a battle between head count difference and time.
"I think this one wins mobility and ranged attacks. But melee is a lot of danger..."
Measuring his opponent's power in the distance, Riesha is narrowing her eyes.
Being a good hunter, she was able to gauge the strength of her opponents in walking and atmosphere, even at this distance.
As Riesha put it, Uld's power, including Han's light bow horseback riding, is not strong in "melee warfare”.
Because everyone but me and Leisha is a powerless underage child.
There is a lot of danger in melee where simple arm power says things.
It was a high-performance Uld-style crossbow (crossbow) to compensate for this, and a combined way of fighting horseback riding squads and bow maneuverability of the Meadow People Han.
"Oh. You can't put Han children in dangerous eyes"
Even if we ambush with a positive attack like this, we will be able to defeat the slave traders and the mercenaries of the escort.
But in the meantime, there may also be wounded and dead here.
This kind of turmoil in the meadows can cause unpredictable things, but it's a "battlefield”.
I'm from another world, too, and I've learned from previous battles in action.
"All right, we're gonna do a little" forceful maneuver ”this time."
The opponent's battle power and the number of light bow horseback rides here. Plus organizing the reinforcements rushing time and final limit in my head, I knit this rescue operation.
"" Forceful maneuvers "…, Mr. Yamato"
During the battle, the girl Risha, who is also my deputy, has her neck clenched.
She's becoming a brilliant commander, and I'm guessing she hasn't had a "forceful operation” on the situation.
"The operation is easy (simple). Mr. Riesha is here to snipe. The Clan and the Light Bow Cavalry are moving as trained."
Risha, the user of the long bow (marionette bow), capable of long-range sniping, is installed on the spot as a stationary turret.
Han's Light Bow Cavalry takes a distance from their opponents and directs the annihilation of their enemies (at least) with a horse simulation of the King's Short Bow (Temujin Bow).
"Yes, Yamato's brother!
Clan, a Han girl, replies with her eyes shining, saying that she could save the captive children.
They will surely carry out the operation while averting danger.
"Yes, I did. So Master Yamato..."
Liesha also replies, visiting me with strange eyes.
"I will storm alone and defeat the slave trader"
"What, Yamato!? … such a dangerous thing…"
"All right, guys, let's go!
Leesha, who stops what seems reckless, blocks the word and I give the order to assault.
He then ran down the meadow hills in a straight line with his beloved horse, Wang Feng (Wang Fu).