Ore no Ongaeshi: High Spec Murazukuri (LN)
Episode 123: Truth
The real key to destroying this world, the Soul Lord Key (Mana Masterkey), was Riesha.
"Mr. Riesha said..."
I accidentally lose my word to the truth.
She is an ordinary hunter girl and has never felt a particularly heterogeneous power before.
"The Urds have always been special and troublesome."
"Do you know the people of Wold"
"I know nothing, because I am the culprit who destroyed the ancient super empire where I lived. Those abominable barbarians. Shall we talk a little back in the day, Yamato... '
The race administrator (All Master) tells the story of the ancient super empire before reincarnation and the history of Uld.
The ancient Urds had strange powers and excellent physical abilities. The super-emperor people used the art of “ruler (ruler)," saying that such Urdus also served as war slaves.
"But at the end of the age of the Super Empire, the“ peculiar species (errors) "appeared among the Ulds. Dark-haired songknife“ Dark Demon "..."
The smiling boy's face lurks his eyebrows all the time. I was remembering an abominable memory of myself in my previous life.
"The Black Demon," he was not normal... the “ruler (ruler)", who should be perfect, didn't work either, and he has overwhelmed the super empire with overwhelming fighting power. "
The story of the race administrator (All Master) continues.
The young man, who appeared among the ancient Urdus, stood up for the opening of those who had been enslaved. He said he followed the Ulds, a fighting nation, and defeated the army of the super empire.
"For some reason, those who came into contact with him were also deactivated by the Ruler..."
The called youth of the “Black Demon" from the Super Empire frees tribes across the continent from one “ruler (ruler)" after another.
Those who came into contact with the young man for unknown reasons said that for some reason “rulers (rulers)" no longer worked.
The super empire is brittle after losing it because it relied on "ruler" technology. Of course, I summoned spiritual beasts to fight them, but they were also physically tough (ginseng) of ancient inferior species. '
Ancient peoples on the continent said they had tough powers.
This story was heard by the village chief of Uld, and is also told by Uld's old story. The ancient Urd tribe was an oral saying that they were a battle tribe, crushing rocks with their bare hands, and had legs running through heaven.
Perhaps the battle against the super empire was spoken of in the village as an oral biography.
"Ultimately, even Sky Castle, where it is based, the inferior species have attacked.“ Black Demon ", a“ peculiar species (error) "..."
Sky Castle was said to be the capital of the super empire and a fortress of intransigence floating in the sky. But a young man called the Black Devil leads his army to the castle.
To open up all the races that were enslaved on this continent.
"Ultimately, the citizens of the Super Empire were killed by the inferior species, and Sky Castle fell..."
This is how the ancient super empire, which flourished more than a thousand years ago, was destroyed. It was a long time ago, but the boy talks like he did the other day.
"But I didn't give up until the very end... as long as I had a soul key (Mana Key) soul, the legacy of the Super Empire could always be revived..."
"So you reincarnated."
Originally he said before that the racial administrator (All Master) was a super imperial and is now reincarnated and in the body of a human boy.
That would also lead to the use of strange techniques and the use of spiritual beasts.
'Oh, yeah, I am. I was a researcher at a revolving agency, and I made adjustments so that my soul keys (Mana Keys) would come back to life. And just before the Black Demon kills you in Sky Castle, you can reincarnate yourself...'
“The art of reincarnation", which was incomplete, was an uncertain technique, he said.
But the race administrator (All Masters) wagered on the flies or the bees to reincarnate them as the soul keys (Mana Keys) were resurrected.
'You were surprised to wake up reincarnated. Anyway, I was reincarnated into an inferior species...'
The world is more than a thousand years away when the race administrator (All Master) was reincarnated. In other words, more than a decade ago now.
"More than a decade after I was reincarnated into a baby... after my magic (Mana) recovered and my physical freedom grew to its advantage, I just looked for the whereabouts of my soul key (Mana Key), and to this day,"
The old story of the race administrator (All Master) connects us there.
We ran into a boy looking for the whereabouts of the Soul Key (Mana Key) as we headed to the Empire Tree Sea.
"I see. The Ulds, whose descendants were cause-and-effect, Mr. Riesha is the real soul key (Mana Key) …" The Soul Lord Key (Mana Master Key). "
'Right. Because I'm a twin, I think my sister had a soul key element, but the real one was this way. "
The racial administrator (All Master) stares satisfactorily at Reesha in the video.
Perhaps the real girlfriend will be in the “Tower of the Quadrilateral God” in the Woods of Uld.
"And when I traced my memory to this soul lord key (Mana Masterkey), I found something interesting... Yamato, a secret about you..."
The boy has a full smile. It was as if he wanted to tell a serious secret.
"About me..."
In the last three years I've spent with Risha, I haven't hidden anything from her in particular. I will answer if asked, and there should be nothing surprising about it.
'First, the first. Yamato... You're not from this world. You've been summoned from another world. "
"Hey, what the... Yamato"
"Come on down, jokes, that's it!
The racial administrator (All Master) has pointed out that I come from different worlds.
To exact words, Lenhardt and Barreth open their eyes and argue.
"I do come from another world."
"What then ⁉ is that true... Yamato..."
"True. But it's not a big deal, like where you were born."
Answer Sildria honestly who is going out of line.
I've never been able to hide a metastasis. It was just not heard from anyone.
"You're the same man, Yamato."
"Oh well. My worried concubine was an idiot."
"Ha! That's more and more interesting... it's Wold's Yamato"
The three knights were smiling bitterly, immobilized. Nobody cares that I'm from another world.
(But why... I knew Risha's memory was “it"...)
I'm caught up in that.
It was three years ago that I met Risha. Then I take care of him, but he didn't tell me about me moving from another world.
I wouldn't lie. If she knew, I'd soon find out.
"Why did this girl... remember that you were from another world?... That's the strange part, isn't it, Yamato? '
The boy comes provoking with an invincible grin.
It was like exposing a serious secret and not wanting to destroy everything.
'The second secret is the answer…' cause it was this Leisha who forced you to summon to this world!
"What the..."
The answer was unexpected. I accidentally lose my word to the truth.
"No way......"
But at the same time, a hypothesis comes to mind. We will analyze the situation so far and all the information so far.
"Mr. Riesha, with the qualities of the Soul Lord Key (Mana Masterkey)... Three years ago, you unconsciously summoned me to the peril of the village..."
'Here's your answer. That's Yamato! Yes, "I want to save my birthplace" … that feeling in this daughter's third year unconsciously activated the art of forced summons!
My makeshift was right.
Three years ago the village of Uld was in danger of annihilation. The former lord took away all the adults and food.
And in order to obtain the food of the villagers, Reesha and I met in a dangerous hunt.
I mean, it wasn't a coincidence that I moved to the Woods and met her.
"He who was summoned from another world… that was the identity of the" peculiar species (error) ". Maybe the black-haired songknife" Black Demon "who destroyed the super empire had also been summoned by different worlds..."
There is no black eyed brunette race on this continent. Maybe “Black Demon" is more likely to be one of mine.
"Yamato was also a disaster... living in peace, but being forced to summon me by such a different world. You can resent this girl, right?
The racial administrator (All Master) points to Reesha's footage and distorts her mouth. It was a tone as if all the culprits were in Soul Lord Key (Mana Masterkey) Riesha.
"Mr. Riesha is not responsible.“ Fate or not, genius... my destiny was just laid down. "
It may indeed have been a major accident to have been summoned by peaceful Japan to this other world of war.
But no one knows what will happen, such as a man's fate. Rather, living with Mr. Riesha and the children of the village was fulfilling every day. Yes, I'm even grateful now.
"Are we done with the old story? Then I will defeat you and help Mr. Riesha."
I take a deep breath and declare.
It's not like I found out what the causal link is between the super empire and Risha. Defeat the Race Administrator (All Master) here to reclaim the life of a peaceful village.
"Or your body moves..."
"This feels power from Yamato..."
"Hang on! It's finally getting interesting!
Changes occur to the three knights who were stiff on the “Ruler". Its entire body was as free to move as it was before.
The scary thing about "I knew it..." peculiar species (error) "is this is it. Not only does any technique not work, but so does the" ruler (ruler) "to his people... '
Racial Administrator (All Master) frowns.
The art of this world will be difficult for those who come from different worlds to speculate from that word. And the absolute power, the ruler, is deactivated and synchronized.
"Before, the super empire was destroyed thanks to one of the Black Demons... that's all the" peculiar species (errors) "are dangerous."
It becomes an overwhelmingly passive adversity, and the race administrator (All Master) laughs bitterly.
"Yamato... it won't do any good to you. And no matter what powerful spiritual beast you summon, you won't be able to beat me... because so did the last Black Demon... '
The boy remembers his previous life and hisses that frown.
The power of that “black demon" awakened as a warrior was overwhelming. Quietly tells me that the Demon Class couldn't even fathom the Giant Dragon Class, of course.
"So Yamato... as I said first, I came here to say goodbye to you"
"But it's not gonna be that easy."
Race Administrators (All Masters), indeed, are dangerous.
But now that you've deactivated the Ruler, this close range will allow you to punish the Spiritual Beast before it is summoned.
"Indeed, my technique does not work on you, who are a" peculiar species (error) ". But there's only one thing... the" technique that only works for you. "Soul Key…" Reverse Summoning… "
"Copy that... My Lord..."
Reesha, the soul key (Mana Key) mechanically reacts to the orders of the race administrator (All Master).
"Let it!
I kick the ground and get slashed by the race administrator (All Master). At this distance, you can slash and tear the opponent's steeple first.
But my body wasn't good enough.
No, my feet had disappeared, to be exact.
"What... Yamato's body is disappearing!?"
Knight Lienhardt screams. My body had disappeared from both legs, as the words said.
The disappearing areas gradually come upwards.
"This is the only technique that works for you, the" peculiar species "… I mean, the technique of sending you back to your original world… I'm prepared for danger for this technique, and I'm here."
"Whatever ⁉ hold on, Yamato!
Sildria reaches out and comes to help.
But the area that disappeared was all over my hands.
"Goodbye, Yamato. By the way, it's impossible to come back on your own again. '
The art of summoning requires the power of a soul key (Mana Key), says the race administrator (All Master). And he said he kept the soul key (Mana Key) completely under his control.
I'll take care of this world where you're gone. Using an army of spiritual beasts to slowly play and destroy them... haha... '
The racial administrator (All Master) laughs out loud.
I was convinced of my victory by eliminating me, the dangerous interrupter. Even if there are other knights and knights of skill, they bruise and laugh that what they say is a U.N. crowd.
The extinct part had reached by the face.
I can no longer even hear Sildria running over to herself and crying.
And recklessly, Bales slashed by the race administrator (All Master), he couldn't even utter a word to stop it.
(Yamato... Yamato...)
Perhaps the last time I heard that voice of Reesha.
The next moment I think so, my consciousness disappears completely.
(Can't save anyone... Is it over...)
Thus, I was forcibly returned to the original world, Japan.